City Council Legislative Session

City of Kansas City, Missouri

414 E. 12th Street, 26th Floor Council Chamber

Date: Thursday, April 12st, 2018 Time: 3:00 PM

Members: Sylvester James, Jr.,

Scott Wagner, Heather Hall, Teresa Loar, Dan Fowler,

Quinton Lucas, Jermaine Reed, Katheryn Shields, Jolie Justus,

Lee Barnes Jr., Alissia Canady, Scott Taylor, Kevin McManus

Tentative Docket for Thursday, April 12st, 2018



180216 (Sub) - Amending a Special Character Overlay District called the IndependenceCorridor Overlay (ICO) for the Independence Corridor by modifying the

Signage provisions. (14492-P-2)



180226 -Amending Article VIII of the Administrative Code of Kansas City, Missouri,

relating to the Classification and Compensation Plan, by repealing Sections

2-1075, 2-1076, 2-1077, 2-1078, 2-1079 and 2-1080, and enacting in lieu

thereof sections of like number and subject matter, authorizing our job

classification and pay system for the next fiscal year, increasing the maximum

of the pay ranges by one percent for the majority of the unrepresented job

classifications, enacting the pay scales in accordance with collective

bargaining agreements with AFSCME Local 500, IAFF Local 42 and IAFF

Local 3808 and providing for professional maintenance of the plan to assist

the City in establishing a competitive classification and pay system, and

establishing an effective date.

180228- Authorizing a First Amended Water Purchase Agreement with Northwest CassCounty Water Resource District of Missouri; extending the term; andestablishing an effective date.

180240 -Authorizing the Director of General Services to execute a five-year lease

agreement with two five-year options for renewal with Subway Real Estate, LLC., for the purpose of a restaurant at 327 E. 11th Street Kansas City,Missouri 64106.


180248 - Calling an election on ______, for the purpose of submitting to the

voters of Kansas City a question presented by a committee of petitioners through an initiative petition to establish a residential rental inspectionprogram, including fees for inspections and permits; enacting the residentialrental inspection ordinance contingent upon voter approval; directing the CityClerk to notify the responsible election authorities on or before ______; andrecognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date because itcalls an election.


180247 - Authorizing the City Manager to execute a Memorandum of Understanding

with the Board of Police Commissioners of Kansas City, Missouri for the

Kansas City, Missouri Police Department to provide parking control services in

the downtown area; and authorizing ten additional one year automatic renewal

options with such funds that are appropriated in the City’s annual budget.


180229-Accepting the recommendations of the Tax Increment Financing Commission

as to the First Amendment to the 9th and Main Tax Increment Financing Plan;

and directing the City Clerk to send copies of this ordinance.

180230 - Approving the Midtown Crossing PIEA General Development Plan for an area

of about 1.53 acres generally located at the southwest corner of W.

44th Street and Belleview Avenue; declaring the area blighted and insanitary

and in need of redevelopment and rehabilitation pursuant to the Missouri

Planned Industrial Expansion Authority Law; and authorizing tax abatement.


180236 - Rezoning an 18 acre tract of land generally located at the northwest corner of

N.E. 92nd Street and N. Brighton Avenue from District R-80 to District R-7.5,

and approving a preliminary plat in District R-7.5 to allow for 38 single family

lots and 4 tracts. (11593-P-12 & SD 0924I).

180237 - Approving the preliminary plat of Calvary University in District M1-5 on about

52 acres generally bounded by Fairchild Drive to the north and west, Bong

Street to the south and Kensington Avenue to the east, creating three lots.

(SD 1569)

180242 - Rezoning an area of about 35 acres in an area generally bounded by E.

Armour Boulevard on the north, E. 39th Street on the south, The Paseo on the

west and half a block east of Troost Avenue, from District R-1.5 to District R-6

and from District R-1.5 to District R-2.5. (14885-P)

180243 - Approving a development plan in District M1-5 on an approximately 4.5 acre

tract of land generally located at 11030 Hickman Mills Drive, to allow for two

principal buildings on one lot. (14933-P)

180244 - RESOLUTION - Amending the Truman Plaza Area Plan by changing the

recommended land use on approximately 0.12 acres located at 3709 St. John

Avenue from residential urban low density to commercial. (653-S-2)

180245 - Rezoning an area of approximately 0.12 acres generally located at 3709 St.

John Avenue from District R-2.5 to District B3-2. (14887-P-1)

180249 - Approving the Petition to establish the 12th Street Heritage Community

Improvement District; establishing the 12th Street Heritage Community

Improvement, generally located along East 12th Street between Prospect

Avenue and The Paseo Boulevard in Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri;

determining that certain actions are reasonably anticipated to remediate

blighting conditions and will serve a public purpose; requiring the annual

submission of certain records; and directing the City Clerk to report the

creation of the District to the Missouri Department of Economic Development.


180225 - Estimating revenues in the amount of $849,929.05 in the Street Maintenance

Fund; appropriating that amount to the Street Lighting Special Projects

Maintenance account; authorizing an agreement with Black and McDonald for

streetlight and traffic signal repair and maintenance for $5,925,294.18; and

establishing the effective date of this ordinance.

180246 - Authorizing a $2,200,000.00 increase to the contingency for the Super Hangar

Pod Roof Repairs at the KCI Airport; and recognizing this ordinance as having

an accelerated effective date.



Pursuant to §610.021of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, there may be a closed session to discuss:

• legal matters, litigation or privileged communications with attorneys, pursuant to subsection (1);

• real estate matters, where public knowledge of the transaction may affect the legal consideration, pursuant to subsection (2);

• personnel matters, pursuant to subsections (3) and (13);

• employee labor negotiations, pursuant to subsection (9);

• specifications for competitive bidding, pursuant to subsection (11); and

• sealed bids or proposals, pursuant to subsection (12).

The City Clerk's Office now has equipment for the hearing impaired for use with every meeting. To check out the equipment please see the secretary for

each committee. Be prepared to leave your Driver's License or State issued Identification Card with the secretary and she will give you the equipment.

Upon returning the equipment your license will be returned.