Law Society of Prince Edward Island
[In accordance with Part V of the Legal Profession Act and Part VII of the Regulations thereunder]
Filing Instructions:
è Completed form 17. Form 17 (Lawyers' Report on Trust Monies) must be completed and made available to the auditors of the Law Society upon receipt of notice of a review.
è If space is insufficient, please attach schedules giving the information requested.
è For "we" read "I" throughout where appropriate.
Submit completed Form 17 to the Law Society’s accountant upon their arrival at your firm.
1. This report covers the twelve month period immediately preceding its completion.
2. Name of law firm, member, or law corporation ______
3. Addresses of offices covered by this Form ______
4. Telephone: ______Fax: ______
5. At present:
(a) Names of partners
(b) Names of employed lawyers who are not partners
(c) Names of ALL lawyers associated with the firm other than partners and employees
(d) Names of ALL lawyers who are members of other Law Societies, identifying the other Society/Societies
6. Changes during past 12 months in partners, employed lawyers and associated lawyers (furnish full particulars, indicating the exact date on which any member left or joined your firm during the period covered by this Form).
7. Accounting records are maintained primarily by:
Full-time bookkeeper Accounting Firm
Secretary/bookkeeper Part-time bookkeeper
Law Firm's principal(s)
8. The nature of the accounting system is mainly:
Manual Computer In-house
One-write Computer Service Bureau
Name of software used to maintain computerized trust records:
9. During the period covered by this report, the following are all the accounts in which trust money as defined in Reg. 71(l) are held by this firm. Please indicate if an account was opened or closed during this period.
Financial Institution Account Number Date opened and/or closed during
[Name and Branch] Report Period
10. (a) The following are the current signing officers on the accounts listed in #9:
Financial Institution Name Account Number Signing Officers and Position with Firm
and Branch
(b) Have there been any changes in the signing authority during the past 12 months?
If yes, explain ______
11. (a) During the past 12 months, was any trust money or other valuable property as defined in
sub-regulations 71(l) &(m) held outside the firm’s general or specific trust accounts and records?
(b) If ‘yes’, have all waivers and certificates of independent legal advice been obtained pursuant to sub-regulation 84(1)(b) and maintained on file? Yes______No______
If no, explain ______
12. With respect to general trust accounts operated by the firm, does the firm provide each chartered bank, trust or loan company with an annual report as required by the Canadian Deposit Insurance Corporation's regulations so as to ensure that each client's funds, rather than the account itself, are insured up to the limit of CDIC Insurance?
Yes No ______
13. Are you holding in trust any funds for which the purpose of the trust cannot be fulfilled or the trust funds cannot be distributed?
Yes No ______
If yes, please identify and list amounts
14. During the past 12 months:
(a) Books, records and accounts have been maintained to record all trust money and trust property received and disbursed, which is clearly distinguishable from the records of money received and disbursed on the general account [Reg. 72(1)]
Yes No ______
(b) the following books, records and accounts have been maintained [Reg. 72(1)]:
(i) a book of original entry, or data source, showing the date of receipt and source of trust money for each client and identifying the client on whose behalf the trust money is received,
Yes No ______
(ii) a book of original entry, or data source, showing all disbursements out of trust money for each client and showing each cheque number or Electronic Fund Transfer identifier, the date of each disbursement, the name of each recipient, and identifying the client on whose behalf each disbursement is made out of trust money,
Yes No ______
(iii) a client’s trust ledger, showing separately for each person on whose behalf trust money has been received, all such money received and disbursed and any unexpended balance,
Yes No ______
(iv) a record showing all transfers of money between clients’ trust ledger accounts with explanations for which purpose such transfers are made,
Yes No ______
(v) a book of original entry, or data source, showing the date of receipt and source of all money received other than trust money,
Yes No ______
(vi) a book of original entry, or data source, showing all disbursements of money other than trust money and showing each cheque or voucher number, the date of each disbursement and the name of each recipient,
Yes No ______
(vii) a book, data source or chronological file of copies of billings showing all fees charged and other billings to clients, the dates such charges are made and identifying the clients so charged,
Yes No ______
(viii) a record showing all trust property held in trust from time to time for all clients, and identifying the client on whose behalf the property is held, and
Yes No ______
(ix) bank statements or passbooks, cashed cheques and detailed deposit slips or EFT written confirmation forms for all trust and general accounts.
Yes No ______
(x) a record of the receipt and disbursement of money received by the firm but not paid into a trust account as permitted by Reg. 73(6) &(7);
N/A ______Yes No ______
(c) the books, records and accounts have been entered and posted currently at all times as required by Regulation 72(2)
Yes No ______
15. During the past 12 months, we have maintained a record showing a comparison made monthly of the total of balances held in all accounts containing trust monies and the total of all unexpended balances of trust money as they appear from the books and records, together with the reason for any differences between the totals
Yes No ______
and supported by:
(i) a detailed listing made monthly showing the amount of trust money held for each client and identifying each client for whom trust money is held and
(ii) a detailed reconciliation made monthly of each account containing trust monies
[Reg. 72(1)(h)].
Yes No ______
16. The reconciliations required of the trust accounts referred to in #15 above have been made monthly within 30 days from the end of the period in respect of which the reconciliation is made
[Reg. 72(2)].
Yes No ______
17. During the past 12 months:
(a) was all trust money required to be deposited in a trust account deposited no later than the first banking day following the day of receipt? [Reg.73(1)]
Yes No ______
(b) has any trust account been used for office or personal use? [Reg. 73(7)]
Yes No ______
(c) has any account containing trust moneys been overdrawn as a whole, or with respect to the funds held on account of any person? [Reg. 74(2)]
Yes No ______
(d) has any money been withdrawn from an account containing trust monies except: [Reg. 74(2)]
(i) money properly required for payment on behalf of a client,
(ii) money required to reimburse the member for money properly expended, or for expenses properly incurred, on behalf of a client
(iii) money properly required for or toward payment of the member’s fees for which a billing or other written notification has been delivered to the client
(iv) money that is directly transferred into another trust account and held on behalf of a client
(v) money that has been deposited inadvertently into a trust account in contravention of these Regulations.
Yes No ______
(e) were there funds withdrawn from the trust account greater than the client has to its credit? [Reg. 74(2)]
Yes No ______
(f) was money on deposit in a trust account to which the member or firm became entitled reasonably promptly withdrawn from the trust account? [Reg. 74(1)]
Yes No ______
(g) at all times was a balance on deposit maintained in each trust account, which together with undeposited trust money, was sufficient to meet all obligations with respect to monies held in trust for each client? [Reg. 74(11)]
Yes No ______
(h) was trust money held outside the Province of Prince Edward Island done so in accordance with Regulation 73(8)?
N/A ______Yes No ______
18. If records and trust accounts are maintained by a computerized system, answer (a) and (b) below.
(a) If the client's trust ledger is printed annually rather than monthly, are records maintained on back-up storage during that year?
N/A _____ Yes No ______
(b) Are the books, records and accounts maintained so that an audit trail is created for all amendments to accounting transactions?
Yes No ______
19. Please provide an explanation for any exceptions to the Regulations reported above:
(attach schedule if necessary)
To be signed by a sole practitioner or a partner designated in writing by the other members of the firm to
complete Form 17.
I hereby certify to the Law Society of Prince Edward Island:
(a) THAT to the best of my knowledge and belief the books, records and accounts maintained in connection with the practice fully disclose the trust obligations to clients;
(b) That to the best of my knowledge and belief, I have complied with section 44 of the Legal Profession Act and Regulations made thereunder.
I hereby:
(a) authorize the Law Society of Prince Edward Island to make available to the Law Foundation of Prince Edward Island the account numbers of all general trust accounts listed in Form 17 together with the names and address of the institutions in which the accounts are maintained;
(b) consent to all financial institutions with accounts of the firm containing trust monies to disclose to the Law Society of Prince Edward Island occasions on which any of the trust accounts have been subject to a deficiency, shortfall or overdraft;
(c) agree to make available to a public accountant designated by the Law Society all books, records, computer files and other materials relating to the keeping of trust monies on behalf of clients of this firm. Confidentiality is to be maintained by the Secretary of The Law Society of Prince Edward Island.
DATED this _____ day of ______, 20_____.
Authorized Member