Lesson Plan Template (Stages adapted from the UBD model by McTighe and Wiggins)

Kindergarten Lesson Plan Template for 2 Hour Reading Block

Richmond Public Schools

Teachers: / Week of:
Unit/Week :

Stage 1 Desired Results- What will students be learning?

SOL Objectives
Specify the behaviors, conditions, and criteria. Indicate the verbs used in the Curriculum Framework.
6 Create
5 Evaluate
4 Analyze
3 Apply
2 Understand
1 Remember / **Oral Language ongoing
K.5 d, e (Concept of word) *I can statements with criteria in COW section.
K.7 (Alphabet)
 I can name all of my letters and give all of their sounds on an alphabet chart in order and out of order, upper case, and lower case with 100% accuracy.
All comprehension objectives written in chart below as I can statements
Essential Understanding/Big Ideas
Key Vocabulary / 

Stage 2 Assessment- What is the evidence of mastery?

Assessment Part I
Start with the end in mind! Consider here a sample question or performance task students will need to do as evidence of mastery of this objective. / At the close of the week, students will be asked to individually read the entire weekly poem and accurately track (finger-pointing) their text.
Possible Misconceptions / Students may struggle with words versus complete phrases; teacher to model accurate finger-pointing daily.

Stage 3 Learning Plan- What are the strategies and activities you plan to use?

Letter/Letter Sound Practice: Whole group alphabet chants (Whole Group) (5 minutes) Use student data.

Sight Word overview: Suggestion - Sight Word videos on Youtube Jack Hartman

Concept of Word (based on data) (15 minutes)

5 Day Cow Instruction
Day / SOL / Learning Target (I can) / Verb / Text / Activity
M / K.5e
K.6 / I can memorize and recite the poem 3 out of 5 times. / Recite / Title of Poem: (Use pictures) / Whole: NO TEXT, use pictures
  1. Memorize poem, song, etc.- by: teacher saying it aloud, students saying it aloud with teacher (choral reading), students repeating each line of it after teacher says it (echo reading)
  2. Individual students recite poem without text (memory).
  3. Point out rhyming words.
  4. Clap out syllables of one and two syllable words.

T / K.5e
K.6 / I can match voice to print while accurately finger-pointing to each line with no more than 2 mistakes. / Match / Title of Poem: / Whole: Text
  1. Introduce text on paper one sentence per line.
  2. Teacher reads text and finger-points to each word.
  3. All students and teacher read in unison (chorally) as teacher points to each word.
  4. Teacher reads one line at a time, students repeat same line in unison (echo reading) as teacher points to each word one at a time.
  5. Individual students read and point.
  6. Point out rhyming words.
  7. Clap out syllables of one and two syllable words.

W / K.5e
K.6 / I can identify individual sentences in the text with no mistakes. / Rebuild / Title of Poem: / Parts Sentences:
  1. Teacher reads text and finger-points to each word.
  2. All students and teacher read in unison (chorally) as teacher points to each word.
  3. Teacher reads one line at a time, students repeat same line in unison (echo reading) as teacher points to each word one at a time.
  4. Individual students read and point.
  5. Sentence strips –Pass out text on sentence strips and have students match sentence strips to text. Attach sentence strips over original text displayed for students.
  6. Point out rhyming words.
  7. Clap out syllables of one and two syllable words.

Th / K.5e
K7b / I can identify words in the text with no mistakes / Match / Title of Poem: / Parts (Words):
  1. Teacher reads text and finger-points to each word.
  2. All students and teacher read in unison (chorally) as teacher points to each word.
  3. Teacher reads one line at a time, students repeat same line in unison (echo reading) as teacher points to each word one at a time.
  4. Individual students read and point.
  5. Individual word cards- Pass out words from the text and have students match words to text. Words are underlined. Attach words over original text. Be careful not to run over other words.
  6. Point out rhyming words.
  7. Clap out syllables of one and two syllable words.

F / K.5e
K.6 / I can identify 7 out of 10 individual words that were in the text. / Match, Identify / Title of Poem: / Review & Assess:
  1. Reread the poem.
  2. Assess students’ ability to accurately finger point to text one at a time; keep a record of who is doing it and who is finger-pointing to each word correctly
  3. Individual word cards- Pass out words from the text and have students match words to text. Words are underlined. Attach words over original text. Be careful not to run over other words.
  4. Review words from cards by displaying the word cards (underlined words) away from text and having individual students point to each word while saying it
Pointing: One point per line (all or nothing)
Word ID: Teacher points to each word in the text that is underlined and asks the student to say it.
Word List: Student points to each word (laid out of context in a list) and says word
Point out rhyming words and clap syllables.

Interactive Read Aloud (10 minutes)

Description: Teacher reads aloud, pausing to ask students questions that were pre-developed. Teacher teaches vocabulary words before reading and reinforces those words as she reads. Teacher does not finger point to words as the text is likely too small and the focus is not concept of word.

Day / Title / Guiding Questions with Page #’s / Vocabulary to Pre-teach (NOT Sight Words

Benchmark Mini-Lessons: Whole Group (Smart Boards or large print posters can be used.) (15-20 minutes)

Day / Instructional Focus
Monday / Story:
 Poster:

Tuesday / Story:

Wednesday / Story:

Thursday / Story:

Friday / Story:

Teacher’s Station: Small Group (45 minutes)

Reading Strategy:

Metacognitive Strategy:

Day / Text / Student Learning Objective/SOL / Differentiation
M /  /  / 
T /  /  / 
W /  /  / 
Th /  /  / 
F /  /  / 

Literacy Work Stations: Small Group Practice and Application* (Based on data from PALS, etc.) (45 minutes)

Stations / Materials / I Can Statements / Differentiation
Comprehension, Fluency /  /  / 
Writing or Written Response to Reading /  /  / 
COW /  /  / 
Phonics & Word Study /  /  / 

*Allow time to explain Literacy Work Stations.

Writing Mini-Lesson (whole group and independent writing) (15-20 minutes)

SLO: I can

Day / Teacher Modeling and Writing (whole group) / Students Writing/ Conferring with: (Names)
(independent writing) / Sharing: Individual, Partners, Small Groups

Reading Workshop (5 minutes): Independent Reading/Student reading conferences. Teachers confer with individual students about what they are reading independently. The teacher may use the Benchmark Literacy Question Flip Chart to guide the discussion.

Stage 4 Closure- What did the students master and what are they missing?

Review, Reflection, and Assessment (5-10 minutes)

Lesson Closure / Formative Assessment
Assessment Part II
Revisit Assessment Part 1. Plan a formative assessment which shows concretely what students mastered today. This might be: / Questions to Ask:
Assessment to Give:

Personal Reflections:

Suggestion: Attach poem, pictures to recite poem, and SLO statements to this plan.


Modified by Corey Crawford & Jan Stilwell