Stall Holder Enquiry Form – 2015 Events
Christmas Fayre – Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th Dec 2015 11.00am – 4.00pm
Please find details of Cockington Courts Christmas Fayre. Thisevent will be free for the public to enter and held both indoors and outdoors in a marquee supplied with lights and electricity pointsand there will also be accommodation for Mobile Hot/cold food and drink units .
Please indicate whether you will be exhibiting food or craft (or are a mobile vendor):
CraftVintage Cold Food Mobile
Name:Business Name:
Telephone:Email :
Email: Website:
Twitter: @Facebook:
Exhibitor costs and provisional booking
Indoor space or marquee (to be allocated by event organisers)A single space is 6ft by 4ft of floor space which can accommodate a 6ft table. You are responsible for bringing your own table. We can provide two chairs by request if required
Cold food, Vintage and Craft Stalls cost £40 for a single space per 1 dayof the event (or £60 for a single space taking part on both days ) or for a double space @£70 per day or double space for the two days @£120 / Mobile Units
(For example vans, caravans and gazebos/tents all have a 4m x 4m space allowed and are external to covered marquees. You are responsible for bringing your own power, gazebo tent awnings and furniture.
Mobile units cost £100 each per day or £150 if booking the two days
I would like to book a marquee stall:
Vintage,Craft/cold food Stall
Sat 5.12.15 x1…………. x2 ………………..
Sun 6.12.15 x 1………….. x2 ……………….
Both days x1 …………… x2 ……………….. / I would like to book a mobile unit space for:
Sat 5.12.15@£100 …………………..
Sun 6.12.15 @£100 …………………
Both days @£150 …………………….
I would like to book electric for an interior /marquee craft, cold food vintage stall for lamps/card machines/phone charging for 13 amp supply £20 per each (All items must be PAT tested, including extension leads) Vintage Craft/Cold Food Stall electric @£20 per …………………………………..
I would like to book a table/s@£5 per day and £5 per table …………………………………..
One parking space per stall holder is available for free but must be booked in advance.
I require one free parking space for:
Christmas Fayre 5.12.15 …………………………………..
Christmas Fayre 6 .10.15 …………………………………..
Please note, the space is away from marquee but with access to marquee for loading / unloading. Other parking is available on site, but is on a first come, first served basis (with priority for visitors) and carries a charge.
For Craft Stalls:
Cockington Court gives priority to handmade and upcycled craft items. Pleasegiveadescriptionoftheproductsyousell and include your website and images of your products. *
For Food stalls:
Please provide a description of your produce and vehicle if the mobile unit is a vehicle.*
*We reserve the right to select vendors we believe best support the aims and ethos of Cockington Court.
All enquiries will undergo a selection process. If you are selected, you will be forwarded further paperwork with Terms and Conditions for you to complete. If you are not selected, we will email you to let you know.
Once selected you will be contacted for payment in full payable by credit/debit card, cash in order to make a firm booking.
Please do not send cash through the post. However we can accept payment in person at the Visitor welcome Point which is open 10.30-4.30 7 days per week at the front of the Manor House.
Please complete this booking form and returnby email to both the Centre Director
(who will select stalls) and Centre Co ordinator (who will carry out admin and process payments),
Or by post by hand to : Christmas Fayre Application, Visitor Welcome Point and Gallery, Cockington Court Craft Centre, Cockington, Torquay, TQ2 6XA.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards
Cockington Court Events Team
Cockington Court
Cockington Court Craft Centre, Cockington, Torquay, TQ2 6XA
Tel: 01803 607 230 Email: Web: