First Grade Syllabus

C. T. Walker Magnet School

First Grade Expectations:

·  Follow directions and school rules.

·  Complete assignments in a timely manner.

·  Work cooperatively with others.

·  Read 35 books for the year.

·  Recall 10 basic math facts in 1 minute with at least 80% accuracy.

·  Read on or above grade level (60+ words per minute).

·  Count to 120 in 1 minute.

·  Communicate ideas clearly and with appropriate capitalization and end marks when writing.


Students begin with 20 points each day. The first infraction is a warning. Each infraction after results in a move (5 pts. deducted). See student’s agenda for daily progress and comments. A weekly conduct grade is given at the end of the week.

Instructional Resources:

Envision Math Benchmark Literacy HSP Science

Georgia Social Studies Frameworks

*See class page for additional resources.

Grading Categories:

Math-Class work

Language Arts-Reading (50%), Homework ((10), Grammar (20%), Spelling (20%)

Science- Class work

Health- Class work

Social Studies- Class work

Homework starts off as 100 points. 5 points are deducted for missed assignments. The homework grade is calculated in Language Arts under Reading and in Math under test.