Becta | Minutes of the December 2009 Board meeting

Minutes of the Becta Board Meetingheld at The Grove -Chandlers Cross, Hertfordshire

17thDecember 2009


Graham Badman (Chair), Rose Luckin (part),John Roberts, Derek Wise, Lopa Patel, Pat Bacon, Tim Pearson, John Newbigin (part), Stephen Kingdom(DCSF), John Landeryou (BIS), Stephen Crowne, Jane Williams, Niel McLean, Tony Richardson, Alan Cowie,Stephen Lucy, Peter Avis, Leigh Fish, Mike Briscoe, Claire Gill, Terry Piggott,Vanessa Pittard (part), Cathy Ellis (part) & Marianne Green (part).


Dugald Sandeman (replaced by Stephen Kingdom), Mark Rogers

Chairman’s Introduction

  1. The Chairman welcomed Pat Bacon, Tim Pearson, and Mark Rogers as new board members and Terry Piggott to his first board meeting.

Declarations of Interest

  1. No new declarations of interest were declared.

Minutes of the last meeting, action & risk log and matters arising

  1. John Newbigin was in attendance at the September 2009 board meeting. Corrected minutes will be issued and signed off.
  2. Risk management processes were discussed and the format and presentation welcomed.Stephen Crownecommented that operational risks associated with the home access programme would be discussed with the Home Access paper. It was agreed to use the Chief Executive’s report to summarise risks and interactions between risks. The Chairmannoted the movement of risk E1 on the risk log.

Action log

  1. Updates to the actions presented on the log were noted.

Audit committee

  1. The October audit committee minutes were tabled and accepted as a true record of the meeting. John Roberts outlined the discussions of the Committee. No further matters were arising.

Paper 1 – Chief Executive’s Report

  1. Stephen Crowne thanked the Chair for his kind words about the continuing hard work of the executive team. Heintroduced the report and summarised the report.
  2. Hediscussed the coverage of Becta in the media and related political comment. Board members were advised that Becta’s conversations with politicians and advisors were limited by the guidance issued to government and board members need to act as individuals not as Becta in this area.Stephen Crowne said that he would share an industry briefing paper and other papersto Board members to support them.
  3. Terry Piggott updated the board on the progress of his work initiating discussions with directors of childrens' services. He would update the Boardon informationmanagement in children’s services at a future meeting.
  4. Stephen Crowne explained that Becta is looking for a very clear statement on our remit and role from DCSF and BIS. There have been many developments in technology providing new opportunities and challenges for Becta. He said that Becta are pursuing further operational efficiencies, particularly in procurement and HR.
  5. The board emphasised the appetite throughout the education system for clear statements of the benefits that Becta brings, and its value for money.Stephen Crowne said that he would provideevidence on Becta’s impact in relation to level of investment.
  6. There was discussion of Becta’s relationship with other organisations and the possibility of mergers. John Roberts recommended that Becta prepare options for a number of scenarios and be ready to implement them. Stephen Crowne said that this was in hand.
  7. Graham Badman thanked Stephen for the paper andcommented that it is important that Becta continues to advocate and do what is right for the learners in the education system no matter what changes occur.


  • Briefings on key issues for Becta to be distributed to board membersgiving information on Becta’s impact and savings in relation to level of investment in Becta.
  • A report on Management Information Systems in Children’s Services to be considered at a future Board.

Paper 2 –Financial Performance

  1. Alan Cowie introduced the paper. He flagged that £6m of funding (5% of budget) has been shifted into Q3/4. Becta is still £1m behind profile, mostly on salaries. In line withNAO recommendations, balance sheets are provided with the financial performance information. A cash position has been provided indicating draw down.
  2. The Board welcomed the format and quality of the financial data provided. The first quarter position is better than it has been in previous years.
  3. Informal work was ongoing to prepare for possible fundingcuts. More severe cuts would compromise Becta’s ability to effect change. At levels between 20% and 50% we would move from reductions across activities, to the removal of areas of activity. This information has been supplied to DCSF.
  4. The Chairman welcomed the report and recommended that the audit committee is kept appraised of the situation.

Action: The audit committee to be updated ondiscussions with DCSF concerning funding changes.

Updates from the Departments

  1. Stephen Kingdom said that this is a busy time in the departments. Value for money andsupport for efficiency are key drivers as the non-protected parts of departmental expenditure will be under great pressure. Schools will be retaining teaching personnel and cutting back on other expenditure. Graham Badman said the need forall small primary schools to have a Head teacher was an issue – is there an opportunity to pool, and is Becta in a position to support these kinds of changes?
  2. Tony Richardson said that technology related efficiencies work is ongoing and will be used to feed into the briefing for the board.
  3. John Landeryou discussed ‘New industry new jobs’, which underpins thepoliciescoming from BIS over the last few months. There are moves to simplify FE and skills agency arrangements, with increased emphasis on data sharing, interoperability and transparency. Skills accounts will open up budgets across providers. The efficiencies and savings agenda is very significant. Overall, there is an expectation of a treasury requirement for further savings.
  4. Jane Williams added that the Becta has been working closely with BIS and Becta has not been targeted within this agenda. She asked board members to advocate Becta’s position with leaders across the system. Stephen Crowne stated that he had written to permanent secretaries in both departments asking how Becta might best support the Government in digital enablement of services.
  5. The Chairman summarised the discussions highlighting the efficiencies agenda and noted that the Higher Educationfunding situation looks particularly bleak.

Paper 4 - Home Access Update

  1. Niel McLean distributed a briefing note indicating difficulties with Capita. Becta have taken legal advice and Becta’s position is secure.Becta is currently restricting the number of applications Capita can process until plans are in place to resolveconcerns. This difficulty should not affect programme timescales and David Bell had been alerted. A further update will be provided.Niel Mclean and Stephen Lucey confirmed that the selection processby which Capita obtained the contract was absolutely rigorous. Further informationwould be provided as it becomes available.
  2. Niel Mclean reported on the current progress of the Home Access programme, which is on target to have offers in shops in the New Year. Stephen Crowne as SRO confirmed that the process is running well, but this is biggest thing Becta has ever done, it is high profile, and in the current political climate high risk.
  3. The Board recommended a briefing to Directors of Children’s Servicesto increase understanding of the benefits of Home Access to the local authority poverty agenda. Niel Mclean said he would alsoprepare a briefing for new Board members to familiarise them with the programme.
  4. The Board then discussed some of the risks relating to the programme, and its implications for Becta’s profile or brand association with the programme.
  5. The Chairmanthanked Niel McLean for the paper and update and asked Becta to carefully consider the current branding strategy within home access, and for the board to be updated on Friday on the situation with Capita.


  • Niel Mclean to prepare a briefing for new board members on the home access programme.
  • Niel McLean to keep the board updated on the situation with Capita.

Paper 5 – Digital Britain

  1. Jane Williams introduced the paper and outlined the partnership with UK online centres. The home access delivery mechanism may offer a new route back in to training and work.
  2. The board welcomed the paper and the Chairman thanked Jane for her work.

Paper 6 – Improving the professionalism of the ICT workforce

  1. Steve Lucey introduced the paper and stated Becta’s desire to make FITS sustainable in its own right in the longer term. He said an independent company has been put in place and the FITS IPR has been licensed to this company to take forward the qualification on Becta’s behalf. The first examinations of the practitioner level have already taken place.
  2. The Board discussed the commercial opportunities for Becta arising from this programme, including internationally.The acceptability of commercialisation may be dependent on the Government of the day. It was recommended that the Executive ensure that there are no risks associated with the appointment of a separate company without competition.
  3. Stephen Lucey confirmed that SQA accredit FITS qualifications. John Landeryou recommended aligning with English accreditation frameworks.
  4. The Chairman thanked the board for their comments and congratulated the team. He asked for the Executive to look at progression in the qualification base as a result of FITS qualifications.

Harnessing Technology Review

  1. Vanessa Pittard presented data from the harnessing technology review to the board.
  2. The Board discussed the findings, including the differences between primary and secondary schools.It was felt that the level of technology use in core subjects was disappointing. Ways of addressing this were discussed. The transition between primary and secondary schools was identified as a particular issue, both for technology and in general. Changing practice required leadership involvement in schools and continuing professional development for teaching staff.There are fundamental cultural issues in the education sector that need to be overcome.
  3. The board agreed that the evidence base is a hugely valuable asset and we need to explore what the data tells us to inform future strategy, and Becta’s role.
  4. Tim Pearson suggested that Becta’s prioritiesshould be discussed at a future meeting. This was agreed. John Roberts said that this should cover both technology and peopleissues.
  5. The Chairman thanked the board for their contributions and asked that the board remain patient if new board meetings are required.

Action: Becta’s remit and overall priorities to be discussed at a future meeting.

Paper 8 – Priorities, Business Planning, Budget for 2010/11

  1. Alan Cowie introduced the paper and outlined the proposed business planning process.
  2. The board agreed that this is likely to be the most difficult economic time in living memory for both Becta and the wider education system. It was suggested that Becta could focus more tightly on supporting efficiencies and value for money. Full realisation of money-saving plans in all education sectors would require the use of technology, providing an opportunity for Becta.
  3. Stephen Kingdom confirmed that the efficiency agenda is vital to the DCSF. The Board recommended that Becta offer money-saving transformative solutions. Tony Richardson pointed out that efficiency and money-saving activity requires systems to be in place, and leadership informed and supported.
  4. Graham Badman asked the executive to take a view on this prioritisation and reflect this to the board. They should also consider a ‘plan b’ based on tighter prioritisation if budgets are cut significantly.

Action as above:Becta business priorities to be reviewed and discussed with the board.

Briefings on Sector Plans

  1. Steve Lucey presented strategic technologies’ sector plans to the Board.Tim Pearson welcomed a further conversation off-line.
  2. Stephen Kingdom said that achieving cost savings in the sector is an area where DCSF see real value in the work Becta does:cross sector insight and influence is very useful. Stephen Crowne asked whether the board wished for this work to be accelerated. The answer is contingent on what else would be changed to enable this acceleration.
  3. Steve Lucey said that more effort would be made to promote the use of technology to reduce carbon footprint. Effective broadband connectivity is required to enable server rooms to be sited outside of the school gates.
  4. Graham Badman said that green issues are likely to be important campaigning areas for politicians and that this is a mandate to continue this course of action. The Board considered the different sector plans in workshops.

Paper 9 – The Engagement Plan

  1. Tony Richardson introduced the engagement plan. He said that the campaign was now running at 20% prompted awareness. Campaign will close at the end of March 2010, and future marketing activity embedded as business as usual.
  2. During the workshops Becta staff presented the activities underway with various engagement plan audiences including leaders within the schools and FE sector, and industry partners. Stephen Crowne said that we are working to identify those who are potential advocates and policy makers. There is a systematic approach with DCSF to ensure that people in the department understand the role Becta plays.
  3. The Chairmanthanked the team for theworkshops. It would be useful to have more time to explore the presentations further. John Roberts recommended development sessions after the formal board. There was a need to keep the Board informed about engagement activity.

Paper 10 – World Forum – the role of the Board

  1. Claire Gill introduced the Learning Technology World Forum paper. Board members are to contact Claire Gill or Leigh Fish to make arrangements to attend.Tony Richardson confirmed that Becta would provide a briefing on the world forum for board members.
  2. The Chairman welcomedthe update and recommended all three new board members to attend the world forum.

Developing the Board and Audit Committee

  1. Pat Bacon offered to join the audit committee. The chair thanked the board and executive for their contributions and expressed thanks to Pat Bacon for joining the audit committee. He welcomed ongoing discussion on future and present priorities in the workshop sessions.
  2. Graham Badman asked for a further board meeting to be scheduled in February to review progress.


  • A further board meeting is to be scheduled for February 2010.

………………………………………………………….Signed as a true record



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