Scott B. Mosier
CTE Department, Blackman High School (Room E-02)
CS Foundations Syllabus
615.904.3850 extension 22966
My job is to help you succeed. Your job is to try to succeed.
I. Rules:
- Students will be on time to class. In order for learning to occur, students must be in the classroom and prepared for class. Constantly being late is an extremely bad habit for a child to develop, as they will be expected to arrive at a job on time in the future.
- Students will bring all materials to class. Students who come to class with all materials have an easier time learning and succeeding in life.
- Students will refrain from eating and drinking in class. Closed bottles may be brought into class, but drinks and/or food will be disposed of if the student is eating or drinking them in class (this includes opening the bottle).
- Students will show respect to themselves and everyone else at all times. Students learn well by helping themselves and others. Inconsiderate or rude behavior toward the teacher or another student will NOT be tolerated.
- Students will be on-task at all times. Students who are on-task have less work to do at home, and also turn in higher caliber work.
II. Expectations:
- Students will enter the room quietly to show respect for those who may already be working.
- Students will work on the activity given to them at the beginning of class each day.
- Students will not leave my room during class.
- Students will be dismissed by the teacher and not by the bell or the announcements.
- Students are expected to keep up with their own work and notes during the school year.
- Students are expected to be on task while in class. Off task behavior will not be tolerated.
- All nonacademic notes written in class will be taken up and not given back to the student.
- Students are expected to walk silently when walking to any other location in the school to show respect for other classes who are working.
- Students are expected to turn in all assignments on time.
- Students will only log into the school's network using their own id and password.
- Students will not touch any of the computers in the classroom without permission and supervision.
III. Grading Policies
1. Make up work
- Students are expected to ask the teacher when returning from an absence what work he or she has missed. Tests and quizzes may be made up before school or after school within a maximum of five (5) school days. Also, any work due during the student's absence is to be turned in when he or she returns to school (not five days later).
2. Late Work
- Per school policy, all BHS students will complete all assignments.
3. Cheating
- Any student who cheats on a test will receive a zero on that test. If two students copy one another's work, they split the grade unless one confesses to copying outright (he or she gets a zero on the assignment, while the innocent student receives the grade for his or her work).
- Any student plagiarizing a work will receive a zero for that assignment. Repeated plagiarizing will result in failure for the course.
4. Dress for Success
- Students will be required to dress in interview dress once a month on the first Wednesday of the month. This will begin in September, and the following is the expectation of interview dress:
- Male: button down shirt with collar, tie, dress pants, dress shoes, and sport coat/blazer
- Female: button down shirt with collar, dress pants or dress skirt, and dress shoes
- We will go over further details in class as we discuss professionalism and career readiness. Any changes to dates will be given in advance.
5. Redo’s/Retakes
- Any student who did not score well on a summative assessment (70% or lower) may request a redo/retake. If granted by the teacher, the student will have to develop a learning plan with the teacher in order to agree what evidence will be presented in order to prove the student has made adequate effort to learn the skill(s) assessed. Then, once the student has completed the evidence and presented this to the teacher, the teacher will assess the student over that material (NOTE: the redo/retake may not be in the same format as the original assessment).
- Redo’s/retakes are granted at the sole discretion of the teacher. As such, they may be denied.
IV. Consequences
- Failure to follow all rules and policies within this syllabus may result in at least one of the following consequences (which one will be determined by the teacher):
Verbal warning
Removal from the classroom
Call to parents/guardians
Revocation of computer privileges
Office referral
V. Supplies
- Notebook
Each student should keep a separate notebook for this class. This notebook (preferably a three ring binder) will include sections for notes. This notebook is the student's responsibility, and it should come to class with the student each day. This notebook will be taken up and graded periodically as a formative assessment.
- Other Supplies
Student will also need pencils, pens, paper, and white-out (if you choose to write in pen) each day in class. NOTE: it is encouraged (but NOT mandatory) to buy your own copy of the Sybex books we will use in class for the purposes of self-study; these text(s) are very detailed, and some of the examples we cannot get to in class may be beneficial to you as you work toward a better understanding of computers and networking.
VI. Major Areas of Study
1st Quarter
Safety Testing
Environmental and Safety Concerns
IT Careers– History
Core Hardware Components
2nd Quarter
Peripherals and Connectors
Operating Systems
Software Applications
Basic Programming
3rd Quarter
Network Technologies and Wireless Routers
Network Sharing and Storage
Mobile Devices
4th Quarter
Security Threats
Security Best Practices
Buying and Configuring a Workstation
Computer Support and Backups