2017-2018 Master Working Calendar
2017-2018 Master Working CalendarPrepared by the Office of the President
1008 South Main Street
Danville, VA 24541
(434) 797-8400
April 1-August 18Advising by Appointment/Registration for 2017 Fall Semester
June 1-August 18Payment of Tuition/Drops/Swaps—2017 Fall Semester
August 16-September 30Lay Advisory Committee Meetings
August 1President submits academic calendar for 2017-2018 to Chancellor.
Letter with Fall Start-up information mailed to full-time faculty and staff from the President.
The Dean of Arts, Sciences and Business begins planning activities to commemorate Constitution Day.
Fall Lecturers’ Meeting: Caterer selection finalized and attendee count provided by the Administrative Assistant to the Vice President of Academic and Student Services.
Fall Lecturers’ Meeting:Updated Lecturers’ Handbook posted online by the Dean of Student Services and Academic Advancement.
August 3Vice President of Academic and Student Services sends checklist to
Vice President’s Council requesting volunteers for College committees.
August 4 or 11Catalog: Volunteers are identified to serve on Catalog Review Committee at Expanded Management Team meeting. Standing Committee members: Vice President of Academic and Student Services, Chair; Administrative Assistant to the Vice President of Academic and Student Services; Vice President of Financial and Administrative Services; Assistant Vice President for Workforce Services and Technical Studies; Dean of Student Success and Academic Achievement; Student Services staff; Dean of the Division of Arts, Sciences, and Business; Director of Institutional Planning, Effectiveness, and Research, Director of Public Relations; Robert Derr, and Brad Prillaman.
August 7Catalog:
- By August 18, the Director of Institutional Planning, Effectiveness, and Research will send an electronic survey to DCC students about catalog design and content. The Director of Public Relations will promote it on social media.
- By August 30, the Vice President of Academic and Student Services will email all faculty and staff the new catalog process and timeline, including the schedule for faculty focus groups in September scheduled by the Director of Public Relations, Assistant Vice President of Workforce Services and Technical Studies, and the Dean of the Division of Arts, Sciences, and Business.
August 16Director of Planning, Effectiveness and Research has changes to the DCC Policy Manual placed on the web.
Election of Faculty Steering Committee members according to Faculty
Steering Committee by-laws.
August 16-18Faculty Planning and Preparation Days
August 17Lecturers’ Meeting, 5:30 p.m., Oliver Hall—See Individual Working Calendar for details.
August 18Lecturers’ Meeting: Maintenance removes tables and restores Oliver Hall to original setup by 8:00 a.m.
Last Day for New Student Registrations for 2017 Fall Semester.
August 21Lecturers’ Meeting: The administrative assistant to the Vice President of Academic and Student Services provides list of adjunct faculty to the Director of Learning Resources and Distance Learning and Maintenance.
2017 Fall Semester classes begin.
August 21-25Swaps/Drops Only for Fall Semester classes.
August 25Lecturers’ Meeting: The Vice President of Academic and Student Services sends memo notifying the appropriate supervisors of absentees for the Fall Lecturers’ meeting.
August 31Agenda materials for September College Board meeting due to President.
President and Vice President for Academic and Student Services finalize committee assignments.
Lecturers’ Meeting: The Deans and the Assistant Vice President of Workforce Services and Technical Studies contact all lecturers not attending the Fall Lecturers’ meeting.
September-FebruaryAdministrators gather input from faculty regarding budget needs.
September 1Lecturers’ Meeting: Vice President’s Council evaluates the Fall Lecturers’ meeting.
- By September 1, the Director of Public Relations uploads to Google Docs word documents of the 2017-2018 catalog. Link and permissions are shared with Vice Presidents, Assistant Vice President of Workforce Services and Technical Studies, deans, and the Director of Learning Resources and Distance Learning.
- By October 2, the Vice President of Academic and Student Services will schedule an administrator work session to review the front section of the catalog and make changes directly to the Google Doc. Session to include the Director of Institutional Planning, Effectiveness, & Research, Vice President of Financial and Administrative Services, Assistant Vice President of Workforce Services and Technical Studies, Dean of the Division of Student Success and Academic Advancement, Dean of the Division of Arts, Sciences, and Business, Director of Learning Resources and Distance Learning, Coordinator of Counseling, Financial Aid Services, and Student Activities, Coordinator of Admissions, Enrollment Management and Student Outreach, Financial Aid Officer, and Director or Public Relations.
- By October 2, academic divisions designate faculty to review and make revisions to their appropriate program areas and submit to division dean or Assistant Vice President for Workforce Services and Technical Studies for approval. Process and timeline determined and communicated to their respective faculty by the Assistant Vice President of Workforce Services and Technical Studies, and the Dean of the Division of Arts, Sciences, and Business.
September 4Labor Day Holiday—College Closed
September 5:Catalog: By September 18, faculty and staff catalog feedback is gathered via (1) email survey sent by the Director of Institutional Planning, Effectiveness, and Research, and (2) focus groups. Faculty also receive additional instructions on the review process. Individual faculty whose programs contain errors will be contacted directly by the Director of Public Relations.
September 6Divisions exchange scheduling information/requests for Spring
Semester 2018.
College committee appointments are distributed to faculty and staff by the Executive Assistant to the President.
Last Day to Withdraw with Full Tuition Refund for 2017 Fall Semester.
September 7Dean of Student Success and Academic Advancement distributes
copies of admissions policy modifications approved by Student Services
Council to Vice President’s Council for review.
September 8Adjunct faculty payroll submitted by Deans to the Vice President of Academic and Student Services and by the Assistant Vice President of Workforce Services and Technical Studies to the President with copy to Dale Branch. (PT1)
All lecturers’ contracts finalized by Deans and the Assistant Vice President of Workforce Services and Technical Studies and placed in adjunct faculty member’s personnel folder.
Division Deans and the Assistant Vice President of Workforce Services and Technical Studies will have metwith Halifax/South Boston personnel regarding Spring Semester course offerings.
September 12Faculty Steering Committee selects representatives to serve on College
Calendar Committee. (Discuss with Calendar Committee incorporating Reading Days intocalendar which could be used as make-up days if necessary and PlanningDays to be used specifically for planning.)
September 13Secretaries begin entering schedules into PeopleSoft.
Calendar Committee is appointed and the Vice President of Academic
and Student Services schedules a meeting to prepare calendar proposal.
September 18College Board Meeting:
- New faculty and staff introduced
- Enrollment Report
- Foundation Golf Tournament
- Curriculum Requests
- Approval of Lay Advisory Committees
Deans and the Assistant Vice President of Workforce Services and Technical Studies send to Vice President of Academic and Student Services a list of potential faculty overloads.
September 27Secretaries complete keying of 2018 Spring Semester Class Schedule.
2018 Spring Semester Class Schedule pulled from PeopleSoft at 5:00 p.m.
by Information Technology Specialist II.
October – NovemberPersonnel folders of faculty are reviewed by supervisors to determinepromotion eligibility.
October 2Director of Planning, Effectiveness and Research distributes current Vision Statement, Mission Statement, College Goals, and General Education Objectives to faculty and staff and Student Government Association for review and input.
Director of Planning, Effectiveness and Research starts planning procedures for core competency testing.
- By October 2, the Vice President of Academic and Student Services will schedule an administrator work session to review the front section of the catalog and make changes directly to the Google Doc. Session to include the Director of Institutional Planning, Effectiveness, & Research, Vice President of Financial and Administrative Services, Assistant Vice President of Workforce Services and Technical Studies, Dean of the Division of Student Success and Academic Advancement, Dean of the Division of Arts, Sciences, and Business, Director of Learning Resources and Distance Learning, Coordinator of Counseling, Financial Aid Services, and Student Activities, Coordinator of Admissions, Enrollment Management and Student Outreach, Financial Aid Officer, and Director or Public Relations.
- By October 2, academic divisions designate faculty to review and make revisions to their appropriate program areas and submit to division dean or Assistant Vice President for Workforce Services and Technical Studies for approval. Process and timeline determined and communicated to their respective faculty by the Assistant Vice President of Workforce Services and Technical Studies, and the Dean of the Division of Arts, Sciences, and Business.
- October 20—Deadline for revisions from academic divisions and all other departments to be made to the Google Doc by division administrative assistants.
- October 24—First Curriculum Committee meeting. Information on new programs is shared electronically in Word format with Public Relations Director for inclusion in catalog.
- November 1—Director of Public Relations and Procurement Officer begin bidding process for catalog printing.
October 3Spring Semester textbook orders deadline.
Vice President of Academic and Student Services verifies in writing the acceptance of potential overloads for faculty.
- The Vice President of Financial and Administrative Services make arrangements for the location of graduation.
- Graduation Committee makes arrangements to secure speaker.
- The Director of Planning, Effectiveness, and Research starts planning procedures for core competency testing.
October 5Institutional Effectiveness Day
Adjunct faculty payroll submitted by Deans to the Vice President of Academic and Student Services and by the Assistant Vice President of Workforce Services and Technical Studies to the President with copy to Dale Branch. (PT2)
October 10College Calendar Committee recommends proposed calendar to Faculty
Steering Committee and presents recommendations to faculty.
Office of Vice President of Academic and Student Services prepares information regarding mid-term grades for distribution to full and part- time faculty.
October 13Lecturers’ Meeting: Deans and the Assistant Vice President of Workforce Services and Technical Studies begin planning theJanuary 2018 lecturers’meeting.
Lecturers’ Meeting: The administrative assistant to the Vice President of Academic and Student Services:
- reserves Oliver Hall for lecturers’ meeting and buffet.
- contacts Procurement Office I re eVA entry for caterer.
- obtains bids for caterer for buffet.
October 16-22Mid-term grades posted.
October 17No Classes—Faculty Planning and Preparation Day
October 20-Nov 30Catalog: The Catalog Review Committee reviews the catalog file in Google Docs for accuracy of course numbers, course titles, number of credits, course sequences, program descriptions, program outcomes, prerequisites, special admission requirements, etc. The Committee will also determine how to organize programs by metamajor.
October 20Catalog: Deadline for revisions from academic divisions and all other departments to be made to the Google Doc by division administrative assistants.
October 21Dean of Student Success and Academic Advancement submits revised
admission policy as approved by Student Services Council and Vice
President’s Council.
October 24Curriculum Committee
- reviews Mission Statement, Vision Statement, College Goals and reaffirms General EducationObjectives.
- Completes all actions necessary for CollegeCatalog.
Catalog: First Curriculum Committee meeting. Information on new programs is shared electronically in Word format with Public Relations Director for inclusion in catalog.
October 30Last Day to Withdraw without Mitigating Circumstances (“W” Grade issued).
Lecturers’ Meeting: Vice President’s Council reviews and approves agenda for Spring 2018 meeting.
November-DecemberFunctional managers confer with faculty and staff to develop priorities for the next fiscal year and submit requests to the respective Vice President/Assistant Vice President of Workforce Services and Technical Studies.
November-January 30Catalog: Under the direction of the Director of Public Relations, P-14 employee makes catalog updates and formats the document for printing; create mini-catalog.
November 1Agenda materials for College Board meeting due to President.
Vice President of Financial and Administrative Services prepares Local Funds Budget.
President prepares goals and objectives for presentation to the College Board at the November meeting.
2018 Spring Semester Class Schedule available on web site.
Catalog: Director of Public Relations and Procurement Officer begin bidding process for catalog printing.
November 1-December 8Advising by Appointment/Registrationfor 2018Spring Semester
and January 2-5
November 1-January 5Payment of Tuition for 2018 Spring Semester
November 2Adjunct faculty payroll submitted by Deans to the Vice President of Academic and Student Services and by the Assistant Vice President of Workforce Services and Technical Studies to the President with copy to Dale Branch. (PT3)
November 3College Management Team reviews Mission Statement, Vision Statement, and College Goals.
November 7Faculty Steering Committee recommends a proposed College calendar
to the Faculty Forum.
November 8Lecturers’ Meeting: The Vice President of Academic and Student Services finalizes agenda.
November 13Lecturers’ Meeting: The names, emails and mailing addresses of the lecturers for Spring Semester are submitted to the Vice President of Academic and Student Services by the Deans and the Assistant Vice President of Workforce Services and Technical Studies [not to dual enrollment (DE) instructors asof January 2017 per Vice President, as all DE meetings will be held at thehigh schools].
November 14Recommendations for all promotions with VCCS-10s attached are due
to the Vice President of Academic and Student Services from supervisors.
Deans survey faculty to see who is available for Summer Session.
November 15Vice President’s Council reviews proposed College calendar and
recommends to the President and College Management Team.
November 16Lecturers’ Meeting: The Administrative Assistant to the Vice President of Academic and Student Services:
- Arranges for catering services.
- Generates and submits work order to Maintenance for event set up, including table arrangements and to have campus lights in parking lots and buildings turned on the evening of event sent to Building and Grounds Supervisor.
November 20College Board meeting:
- Appointment of Presidential Evaluation Committee
- Enrollment Report
- Recommendations for Honorary Degrees (due to Chancellor in February)
- Approval of Local Funds budget
- Approval of Mission Statement, Vision Statement, and College Goals.
- Approval of curricula requests.
Office of the President mails the Holiday Luncheon Invitation to the College Board, faculty and staff, and retirees.
Lecturers’ Meeting: The Administrative Assistant to the Vice President of Academic and Student Services emails lecturers with cover email with survey monkey link, including RSVP [not to dual enrollment (DE) instructors as of January 2017 per Vice President, as all DE meetings will be held at the high schools].
November 21Lecturers’ Meeting: Vice President’s Council submits list of full-time faculty and staff planning to attend the January Lecturers’ meeting to the Vice President of Academic and Student Services.
November 22No Classes—Faculty Research Day—College closes at 12 Noon.
November 23-24Holidays—College Closed
December-JanuaryBudget managers confer with appropriate faculty/staff to develop priorities for the coming year and submit budget requests to the appropriate dean/Assistant Vice President of Workforce Services and Technical Studies. Program needs and corresponding cost estimates must be included in budget requests.
December-January 30Catalog: Public Relations and Marketing Specialist III creates new cover design.
December 1Annual Performance and Professional Development Objectives
are established by continuing faculty and supervisor.
Adjunct faculty payroll submitted by Deans to the Vice President of Academic and Student Services and by the Assistant Vice President of Workforce Services and Technical Studies to the President with copy to Dale Branch. (PT4)
College Management Team finalizes College academic calendar.
Fall Semester released time and overload report due to Information
Technology Specialist II from office of the Vice President of Academic and Student Services.
Deans and the Assistant Vice President of Workforce Services and Technical Studies submit updatedSpring textbook orders to Bookstore.
President’s office makes arrangements for Annual Awards Luncheon; Business Office orders gifts selected by those receiving Service Awards.
December 5The President announces the number of administrators on the Ad Hoc
Multi-Year Appointment Committee.
Recommendations for all promotions are due from the Vice President of
Academic and Student Services and the Assistant Vice President of Workforce Services and Technical Studies to the President.
December 7Lecturers’ Meeting: Deadline for lecturers to RSVP to the January lecturers’ meeting.
December 8The Vice President of Academic and Student Services distributes the list
of faculty eligible for multi-year appointments to the Deans, Directors, and the Assistant Vice President for Workforce Service and Technical Studies.
Fall Semester classes end.
Lecturers’ Meeting: The Administrative Assistant to the Vice President of Academic and Student Services finalizes caterer selection and provides attendee count.
December 11-15Exams
December 15Evaluation conferences are completed with all faculty in the last year of a multi-year appointment or with faculty newly hired in that fall semester or the previous spring semester.
Deadline for faculty to notify their respective division dean in writing if they are unable to accept an instructional assignment within the employment criteria for the following Summer Session.
December 19The President completes actions on faculty promotions.
December 18-21Faculty Planning and Preparation Days(Noon dismissal December 21)