Information & Application Booklet
For informal enquiries contact:
Chris McNairney, Director of Human Resources & Organisational Development
Tel: +353 91 493544
Table of Contents
Page NumberJob Advertisement / 3
Job Description / 5
Statutory Provisions governing the Office / 10
Information on Application and Appointment Procedures / 12
Summary CV Application Form / 14
Profile of the University / 16
Report of the President 2011/12 (click on link) / 26
Strategic Plan 2009-2014 (click on link) / 26
Strategic Plan 2009 – 2014:interim report on the implementation of the Plan (click on link) / 26
Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy 2012 -2014 (click on link) / 26
Towards a Future Higher Education Landscape: NUI Galway 2012 – 2017 (click on link) / 26
Strategy for Research 2007-2011 (this document is in the process of being updated consequent on a recent institutional review of research)[hard copies available on request] / 26
National University of Ireland, Galway
Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh
Applications are invited for the following post:
National University of Ireland, Galway invites applications for the post of Registrar and Deputy- President.
NUI Galway, with a budget of €213m, is one of Ireland’s longest-established educational institutions, with over 17,000 students from over 100 countries and some 2,525 staff, located in the culturally vibrant city of Galway.
In addition to itswell-established reputation for teaching and research excellence, deliveredthrough a College and School structure, the University has a long record of innovativeness in community outreach, regional development and technology transfer.
The University is actively engaged in strategic collaboration with other educational institutions, regionally, nationally and internationally, and has a unique strategic and legislative commitment to University education through Irish.
Recent years have seen a major growth in interdisciplinary research, including industry partnerships in key areas, winning annual funding of €59m in 2012, and in the variety of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, matched by innovations in teaching and learning strategy and the enhancement of student support services. The campus has been dramatically transformed through a €300m Capital Development Plan, which has seen the addition and planning of a range of new buildings to support that increasein research and teaching activity.
The Registrar and Deputy-President occupies the second most senior position within the University and is responsible for the management of the academic business of the University.
The successful candidate will have held a senior academic position with a demonstrable track record of academic leadership, coupled with significant management experience, including leading change or have demonstrable capacity to provide academic leadership, operate in a senior management role and lead change.
Candidates can obtain, in the strictest confidence, further information by contacting Mr Chris McNairney, Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development, by e-mail at or by phone on +353-91-493544 or by post at Human Resources Office, Quadrangle Building, NUI Galway, Galway.
(This appointment will be made on the scale in line with current Government pay policy)
Closing date for receipt of applications is 5.00 p.m. (local time) on Friday, 21 June 2013
and interviews/ presentations will be held in September 2013.
It will not be possible to consider applications received after the closing date.
For more information and Application Form please see website:Applications should be sent to
Please note that appointment to posts advertised will be dependent upon the terms of the employment control framework for the higher education sector.
National University of Ireland, Galway is an equal opportunities employer
Purpose of the Role
The Registrar and Deputy-President will report directly to the President and will be a member of the University Management Team and will be chair of the Academic Management Team. The postholder is responsible for the academic business of the University under the direction of the President. In addition, as the second most senior member of the University after the President, the postholder acts as Deputy to the President.
Major Duties include:
Strategic Management in academic matters
- Leading the development and implementation of the University’s Academic Policy and Plan, establishing the basis for strategic decisions as to where the University will focus resources, and develop centres of excellence in both teaching and research.
- A leading role in the allocation of academic resources across the University.
- Particular responsibility for major strategic initiatives.
Academic Leadership
The Registrar and Deputy-President
- Is responsible for ensuring that teaching and learning across the University are of the highest standard.
- Is responsible, in conjunction with the Vice-President for Research, for the development of research across the University.
- Advises Academic Council and Údarás na hOllscoile (The University Governing Authority) on the human, physical and fiscal resource implications of academic developments.
- Is responsible for the implementation of academic policy in conjunction with the Academic Planning and Resource Committee, the Academic Management Team and the Deans of Colleges.
- Represents the University as required, nationally and internationally, in relation to academic policy issues at sectoral level.
Management Responsibilities
The Registrar and Deputy-President has overall responsibility, through the relevant Heads of Service, for a range of functions, including
-Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge, the vehicle for the delivery of the University’s academic programmes through Irish;
-Library services;
-Student Support Services;
-The Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT);
-The Centre for Lifelong Learning.
- The postholder has a particular responsibility for academic staff and works directly with the Director of Human Resources in matters relating to academic staff.
Requirements for the post
The key objective of the role is to ensure the delivery of the academic mission of the University.
The postholder
- will be a distinguished academic capable of providing leadership across the University;
- will have a demonstrable track record of academic leadership;
- will have had significant management experience at an appropriate level and, in particular, experience of leading change.
Moreover, given the University’s strategic and legislative commitment to the Irish language and to the development of an exemplary bilingual campus, candidates must demonstrate an empathy with this objective.
Registrar & Deputy-President (1)
Registrar and Deputy-President (2) – College Structure Expanded
Registrar and Deputy-President
Management Structure
The statutory provisions governing the Office of the Registrar and Deputy-President
Statute CCCXIII (2009)
As amended by Statute CCCX111 (2011), Statute CCCXXVIII (2013) and Statute CCCXXX(2013)
- The Registrar and Deputy-President, acting under the general direction of the President, shall be responsible for the development and implementation of academic policy in relation to the teaching and research programmes of the University in accordance with the Strategic Plan of the University and with due regard to the resources allocated by Údarás na hOllscoile.
- The Registrar and Deputy-President shall rank immediately after the President. The Registrar and Deputy-President shall assist the President and act as deputy to the President in such manner as the President shall direct.
- The Registrar and Deputy-President shall be a member of Údarás na hOllscoile and a member of the University Management Team.
- The Office of Registrar and Deputy-President shall be a fulltime post.
- The Registrar and Deputy-President shall, following consideration of a report from the Academic Council, be appointed by Údarás na hOllscoile in accordance with the report of an Assessment Board appointed for the purpose by Údarás na hOllscoile, following recommendations as to its membership from the Academic Council, which Board shall carry out such interview and other procedures as shall be determined by Údarás na hOllscoile and which, in the opinion of Údarás na hOllscoile, will best ensure participation in the selection process by high-quality candidates from both within and outside of the University.
6.The Registrar and Deputy-President shall, subject to good conduct, a satisfactory two year probationary period, and due fulfilment of duties throughout the period of office, hold said office for a period of ten years in all or until he/she shall have obtained the age of sixty-five years, whichever period shall first expire: PROVIDED that (1) in the case of an appointee who is deemed to be a ‘new entrant’ to the public service in accordance with the provisions of the Public Service Superannuation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2004 and who had pensionable employment in the public service at some point in the twenty six weeks prior to his/herappointment, shall not be entitled to retire before attaining the age of sixty-five years and shall not be obliged to retire on the grounds of having attained the age of sixty-five years, or (2) in the case of an appointee who is deemed to be a ‘new recruit’ from 1 January, 2013 to the public service in accordance with the provisions of the Public Service Pensions (Single Scheme and Other Provisions) Act 2012, shall not be entitled to retire before attaining the age of sixty-six years from 1 January, 2014, rising in line with the statutory state pension age to sixty-seven years from 1 January 2021 and sixty-eight years from 1 January 2028 and shall not be obliged to retire before attaining the age of seventy years.
7.The annual remuneration attached to the Office of Registrar and Deputy-President shall be determined by Údarás na hOllscoile in accordance with the provisions of the Universities Act 1997.
8.The Office of Registrar and Deputy-President shall be pensionable in accordance with the Statutes and Regulations of the University.
9.The Registrar and Deputy-President, acting under the general direction of the President, shall
(a)subject to the overall responsibility of the Academic Council for the academic affairs of the University, be responsible, following due consultation with the Council of Deans, for academic planning and for the formulation of academic policy, together with the continuous review and monitoring of its implementation.
(b)arrange for the implementation of the decisions of the Academic Council and for the transaction of all academic business arising in connection therewith
(c)do all such other acts and perform all such other duties in relation to the academic business of the University as(s)he may be required by the President and by Údarás na hOllscoile to do or perform.
10.The Registrar and Deputy-President shall be an ex officio member of the Academic Council and of every College of the University and shall, in the absence of the President, be entitled to preside at meetings of the Academic Council and of each College.
It is VITAL that you ONLY USE THE POST REFERENCE ’007476’ in the subject line of your application email. This will ensure that your application reaches the correct mailbox.
- Applications should be made by sending the following information to
Please submit as one document in MS Word Format: The following documents must be collated and submitted as one document (NOT three separate attachments):
- A completed Summary CV Application Form (see pages 14 & 15)
- A cover letter/personal statementoutlining why you wish to be considered for the post and where you believe your skills and experience meet the requirements for the post of ‘Registrar and Deputy-President’
- A comprehensive CV clearly showing your relevant achievements and experience in your career to date.
The completed application document must be forwarded by email as one attachment to reach the Human Resources Office no later than 5.00 p.m. (GMT) on Friday, 21 June 2013. Please note that an application will ONLY be considered if documents a to c above are fully completed and received by the closing date.
B.All applicants will receive an acknowledgement of application within 5 working days. If you do not receive an acknowledgement of receipt of your application within this timeframe or if you have any other queries regarding the application process please contact or telephone +353-91-492151.
C. Pension Entitlements:
This is a pensionable position. Details of the applicable Pension Scheme will be provided to the successful candidate. The Pension element of this appointment is subject to the terms and conditions of the Pension scheme currently in force within the University. This Scheme may be amended or revised by the Irish Government or its agents at any time.
The Public Service Superannuation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2004 set a minimum retirement age of 65 and removed the upper compulsory retirement age for certain New Entrants to the Public Sector on or after 1 April 2004. In the December 2009 Budget, the Government indicated its intention to (i) increase the minimum retirement age for all new Public Servants to equal the qualifying age for the Irish State Pension that is anticipated to be 67 for the foreseeable future; and (ii) to again introduce an upper compulsory retirement age of 70 initially. Legislation is pending and this appointment will be subject at all times to the provisions of such legislation.
- Assessment Procedure
(a)Assessment Board
Applications will be considered by an Assessment Board, which will shortlist and interview candidates.
Candidates who are invited to attend for interview will have their reasonable return travel and subsistence expenses paid.
The Board’s report will be provided to the Academic Council, in the first instance, and to Údarás na hOllscoile (The University Governing Authority), which will make the appointment in accordance with that report.
(b)Interview Dates
Interviews and presentations will be held in September. Candidates will be advised of arrangements in due course.
Only candidates invited to the Assessors’ Interview (see (a) above) will have their reasonable return travel and subsistence expenses paid.
(d) The successful candidate will be required to submit evidence of age, original qualifications and undergo a medical examination.
All candidates will in due course be notified of the outcome of their application.
Human Resources OfficeMay 2013
Summary of Curriculum Vitae Application Form
Achoimre den Curriculum Vitae
.This summary will be copied for circulation; accordingly, it should be typed in black ink.
Beifer ag cóipeáil na hachoimre seo lena scaipeadh; ba chóir, mar sin, í a chlóscríobh nó a líonadh isteach go soiléir de láimh i ndúch dubh
Post -An Post— / Registrar andDeputy-President , Ref : 007476
Title / Surname -Sloinne / Forename(s) - Réamhainm(neacha)
Address (for correspondence) - Seoladh (do chomhfhreagras)—
E-mail - Ríomhphost— / Tel.Teil
Are you an EU national? / If not, do you require a work permit?
An náisiúnach den AE thú? / Sa chás nach náisiúnach den AE thú, an bhfuil ceadúnas oibre de dhíth ort?
Details of Third Level Education - Sonraí faoi Oideachas Tríú Leibhéal
University and/or otherOllscoil agus/nó eile / From
Ó / To
/ CoursesCúrsaí, / Qualifications
Scholarships & Distinctions (give year of award & awarding body)
Scoláireachtaí & Gradaim (tabhair an bhliain & ainm an údaráis dámhachtana)
Membership/Fellowship of Professional Bodies/Institutions -Ballraíocht/Comhaltacht de Chomhlachtaí/d’Fhorais Phroifisiúnta
Employment Record - Cuntas ar Fhostaíocht—
Employer- Fostóir / From
Ó / To
Go / Title of Post- Teideal an Phoist – / Principal Duties - Príomhdhualgais an Phoist
Specialised professional experience and/or particular professional interests; no. of publications, no. of refereed publications, no. of books, no. of conference papers, if any - Gnéithe ar leith de do chleachtadh proifisiúnta agus/nó ábhair spéise phroifisiúnta atá agat; líon na bhfoilseachán, líon na bhfoilseachán measúnaithe, líon na bpáipéar comhdhála, más ann dóibh.
Knowledge of Language (e.g., fluent, reading knowledge only, etc.) - Teangacha agus cumas iontu (, líofa, an léamh amháin, agus srl.)
Referees (names, addresses including email and telephone details of 3 referees) – Please note that references will be sought prior to interviews-Moltóirí (ainm, seoladh, seoladhríomhphoistagus uimhir ghutháin 3 moltóirí)- Tabhair faoi deara, le do thoil, go rachfar i dteagmháil le moltóirí roimh an agallaimh.
RefereeMoltóirí / Name - Ainm / Postal Address –Seoladh / e-mail
Ríomhphost / Telephone Number
Uimhir theileafóin
Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh
National University of Ireland, Galway
National University of Ireland, Galway was established in 1845 as Queen’s College, Galway, by Charter under the Queen’s Colleges (Ireland) Act. Under the Irish Universities Act 1908, it became a Constituent College of the National University of Ireland established under that Act, and a new Charter was issued, changing its name to University College, Galway.
Under the Universities Act, 1997, the College (together with the other Constituent Colleges) was reconstituted as a University and its title was changed to National University of Ireland, Galway/Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh. It is at the same time a Constituent University of the National University of Ireland, almost all of whose functions were transferred under the Act to the Constituent Universities.
The legal standing of the University derives from the Irish Universities Act 1908, its Charter issued under that Act, the University College Galway Acts, 1929 and 2006, and the Universities Act 1997. The provisions of these instruments are further developed in Statutes and Regulations, made in accordance with those Acts and Charter.
The University’s general relationships with the State are mainly conducted through the Higher Education Authority.
The Charter and relevant legislation provide for two authorities, Údarás na hOllscoile (The University Governing Authority) and the Academic Council.
Subject to the provisions of the relevant Acts and Charter, Údarás nahOllscoile is empowered to manage and control all the affairs of the University. Its membership (40) for the three-year period 1 February 2013 – 31 January 2016 is as follows: an external Cathaoirleach (Chairman), the President, the Registrar and Deputy-President, 5 Professors/Personal Professors, 5 other academic staff, 3 other employees, 2 elected officers of the Students’ Union, 1 postgraduate student, 4 graduates, 7 elected by the local authorities of the region, 2 nominees of the NUI, 3 nominees from selected external organisations (including business and industry), the President of St. Angela’s College, Sligo, a member drawn from artistic and cultural interests, and 3 nominees of the Minister for Education and Skills.
Under the Universities Act 1997, the question as to whether the President, or another person (not an employee of the University or a member of Údarás na hOllscoile), is to be Cathaoirleach of Údarás na hOllscoile is a matter for decision by Údarás na hOllscoile at its first meeting and from time to time thereafter.
The Academic Council is the chief academic authority and, subject to review by Údarás na hOllscoile, controls the academic affairs of the University, including the curriculum, instruction and education provided by the University. Its members are the President, the Registrar and Deputy-President, the Deans of Colleges, Heads of Schools, the Professors (including Personal Professors), the other Heads of discipline and other members drawn from the other academic staff grades and the student body, the Librarian, Director of Information Solutions and Services, Director of Lifelong Learning, the Príomhfheidhmeannach of Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge, the Director of the Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching; its present total membership is about 150. The President is entitled to preside at all meetings of the Council.