The Jr. Woman’s Club of Toccoa presents

The 2ndAnnual 2009Miss Currahee Pageant

Thank you for your interest in the Annual Miss CurraheePageant. This pageant is for young ladies from birth and above. The Miss Currahee pageant is not currently affiliated with any other pageant organization but the pageant criteria comes from the official Miss Georgia/ Miss America Preliminary Pageant. This is a Non-Profit pageant and all proceeds will benefit the Jr. Woman’s Club of Toccoa and all their community projects that are affiliated with the General/Georgia Federation of Woman’s Clubs and emphasis on community service in the areas of Home Life, Conservation, Arts, and Education.

The pageant will be held at theSchaeferCenter for the Performing Artsin Toccoa, GA on October 10, 2009 at 10:00 am.

  • Contestants in all divisions must be single and never married.
  • Judging will be based on Beauty, Poise and Personality on a scale of 1-10. The decision of the judges is final.

Baby Miss Currahee / Birth-18 mo / Short Dress / No
Wee Miss Currahee / 19 mo-35 mo / Short/Long Dress / No
Tiny Miss Currahee / 3-4 / Short/Long Dress / No
Petite Miss Currahee / 5-6 / Short/Long Dress / No
Little Miss Currahee / 7-9 / Short/Long Dress / No
Preteen Miss Currahee / 10-11 (Non-Middle Sch) / Short/Long Dress / No
Teen Miss Currahee / 12-13 / Short/Long Dress / No
Jr. Miss Currahee
Miss Currahee / 14-16
17-up / Long Dress
Long Dress / Yes
  • Contestants in the Jr. Miss and Miss will also compete in casual wear competition and a casual wear winner will be announced in that division.
  • Light, age appropriate make-up only (small amount of eye make-up and lipstick is OK for under 12)
  • No practice the day of the pageant will be allowed. The contestants may use the “T” stage walk during competition. (Walk to front, to each side, then back to front, then out) We will have collective judging before individual judging in each category. All judges will be from out of town and their decisions will be final. Poor sportsmanship behavior will not be tolerated.
  • A workshop will be held on Friday May 1, 2009. The fee for the Workshop is $10.00. It will be offered from 6:30-8:00 pm at the SchaeferCenter in Toccoa. At that time, you may bring your dress and/or shoes and walk the designated stage. You will be given tips and direction on how to walk, present yourself, and your dress! Former Miss Currahee 1986, Dana Skelton-Sanders will be the facilitator.
  • Contestant check-in will start at 9:00 am andcontestants from age 9 and under should check-in no later than 30 min prior to thepageant. We will break from 11:30 -12:30. All older contestants need to be registered by 11:30 am, as we will resume the pageant at 12:30 pm. You may leave and return to the pageant at a later time. No times will be given for the pageant division competitions and may be changed given the number of contestants in the pageant. It will be your responsibility to be ready for your division competition. The pageant will begin promptly at 10:00 am.Variations of time will be noted given the number of contestants we have. We will run each age group, one after the other and willcrown after every third division with the last grouping being the Teen, Jr. Miss, and Miss Divisions. There will be dressing room available under the Auditorium to change prior to each pageant.We ask that you not crowd up the dressing rooms until 4 divisions prior to your division competition. The back door will be open for entrance to the lower level. One female designee may assist the contestant in the dressing rooms.
  • Pictures will be available that day. More information will be emailed you to make plans for the portraits.
  • Entry Fee- $65.00 postmarked on or beforeSeptember 15, $75.00 afterthe deadline. (If you need to submit late registration, please call Dana Skelton-Sanders at 706-244-0988 or email at (r ). There will be a discount if more than one child is entered in the same family. Blood relatives and step children are considered the same family. The second child and any other child in the same family, the entry fee will be $50.00.
  • We will have an optional Prettiest Dress Competition in each division for a fee of $10.00.
  • We will have an optional Photogenic Competition. Photos should be brought to the pageant at registration and picked up at the registration desks after the competition. Entry Fee: $10.00. Photo should be no smaller than 5X7 and no larger than 8X10, they will be returned to the contestant when they leave the pageant. A winner will be announced in each division of participation.
  • Tickets are $5.00 per person for entrance to the pageant. One person will be admitted free with the participant. Only Female individuals can accompany the participant in the dressing rooms
  • The winners will have the opportunity to participate with in the year with the Jr. Woman’s Club at events. It will be the responsibility of the winners/chaperone to notify the Jr. Woman’s Club of Toccoa of their contact information on the registration form and upon winning a division.
  • Awards: The winners in each age category will receive a crown, banner, trophy, and flowers. Depending upon the number of entries in each age category there may be a 1st, 2nd or 3rd runner-up who will receive banner and trophy.All contestants will receive a participation trophy.

1-3 ContestantsWinner Only

4-5 ContestantsWinner and 1st Runner-up

6-10 ContestantsWinner, 1st and 2nd runner-up

10–up ContestantsWinner, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Runner-up

There will also be banners awarded for Photogenic Winners in each division, and casual wear for Teen Miss Winners will receive a Banner.

Fees and application can be mailed to:

Jr. Women’s Club of Toccoa

Pageant entry

P.O. Box 1262

Toccoa, Ga. 30577

Official Contestant Application Form PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE!

Pageant Master of Ceremonies will use the information contained on this application while the contestant is competing on stage.

October 10, 2009 10:00 am

Full Name (First, Middle, Last) ______

Date of Birth ______Age on January 1, 2009______

Parent’s Names: Mother ______Father ______

Street Address ______

City______State ______Zip Code ______

Phone Numbers: Day (_____)______Night (_____)______

Email Address ______

Category Entering (Circle only ONE category listed below and photogenic if you are participating)

BABY MISS – Age birth through 18 months / LITTLE MISS – Age 7 – 9 years
WEE MISS – Age 19 – 35 months / PRE-TEEN MISS – Age 10 – 11 years (non-Middle school)
TINY MISS – Age 3 – 4 years / TEEN MISS – Age 12 – 13 years
PETITE MISS – Age 5 – 6 years / JR MISS – Age 14 – 16 years
Photogenic (in any category) / MISS – Age 17 & up

Chaperone’s Name (REQUIRED for ages 0-18 years) ______

Name of School ______Grade/Class ______

Hair Color ______Eye Color ______Favorite Color ______

Favorite Food ______Favorite TV Show ______

Favorite Person(s) ______

Hobbies or Activities ______

Ambition ______

Sponsored By ______

How did you find out about the Miss Currahee Pageant? ______

The undersigned parties hereby agree to indemnify and hold forever harmless the JWC of Toccoa against any loss from any claims, demands or actions that may, hereafter, at any time, be made or brought against us on behalf of any party, for the purpose of enforcing a claim of any nature, sustained or arising in consequence of any accident or injury, demands, damages or claims of any nature, arising from the event. I also release all rights to photographs taken during the pageant so that they may be used for advertising purposes. I have read and understand the above statements on ______day of ______, 2008.

Signature of contestant for pageant


Signature of Parent or Guardian X______

All Fees are Tax Deductable!!!!!!

Deadline is September 15th for the fee of $65.00 ______

After that date $75.00______

Photogenic fee is $10.00 ______

Prettiest Dress fee is $10.00______

May 1st Workshop fee $10.00______

If you are interested in purchasing tickets (5.00 per seat) for the pageant please enclose that as well. 5.00 X ____=______

Total Amount enclosed______

Please send entry form and fees to:

Jr. Woman’s Club of Toccoa

Pageant entry

P. O. Box 1262

Toccoa, GA.30577