A series of wildlife habitat guides have been prepared to serve for both planning and documentation of habitat values of planning units. Specific wildlife species have been selected to represent animals which landowners commonly wish to manage and do habitat improvements for. Also available are Wheg’s for the major MLRA’s found in Arizona. This allows documenting habitat improvements that will generally benefit a majority of species in these Major Land Resource Areas in circumstances where the landowner/manager does not wish to manage for a specific species.

The following WHEG’s are available for planning use:

AZ WHEG 1 - MLRA 35- COLO River Plateau

AZ WHEG 2 - MLRA 41- SE Arizona Basin

AZ WHEG 3 - MLRA 30, 40- Mohave, Sonoran Desert

AZ WHEG 4 - MLRA 36, 39- AZ Mts, Plateaus, Mesa

AZ WHEG 5 - MLRA 38- AZ Chaparral

AZ WHEG 6 - Riparian

AZ WHEG 7 - Wetlands

AZ WHEG 8 - Coldwater Fish Streams

AZ WHEG 9 - Mule Deer

AZ WHEG 10 - Pronghorn Antelope

AZ WHEG 11 - Elk

AZ WHEG 12 - Javelina

AZ WHEG 13 - Bighorn Sheep

AZ WHEG 14 - Beaver

AZ WHEG 15 - Turkey

AZ WHEG 16 - Pheasant

AZ WHEG 17 - Scaled Quail

AZ WHEG 18 - Gambel’s Quail

AZ WHEG 19 - Mourning Dove

AZ WHEG 20 - White-winged Dove

AZ WHEG 21 - Southwest Willow Flycatcher

WHEG’s are based upon determining numeric rating for a series of habitat components, which are essential to wildlife. Ratings are assigned for both planned (weighted score before) and applied (weighted score after) situations. Using the scoring system, lands that are in the highest habitat potential will score close to 1.0. Similarly, a score of 0.5 indicates that the evaluated land is at 50% of habitat potential. Minimum WHEG scores for Quality Criteria for landuses are as follows:

Rangeland = 0.5

Cropland = 0.4

Woodland = 0.5

Wildlife lands = 0.7