Ede Wortham

Pre-K Lesson Plans

2014 2015

Swift School


______Things that Grow______

Week of_May 4-8 2015______

Friday PE @ 9:10 9:40

Mothers Day Surprise

7:30-7:45 Sign-In

Fine motor/writing

7:45-8:00 Morning Meeting

Message board/calendar/special friend/ yes no question/ recognizing letters/words

*letter/sound focus

math:rote counting: recognizing letters/words
*secret letter of the day:
Special Friend Chooses the “secret letter” / math:estimation
reading:concepts about print, l/r progression
*secret letter of the day: / math:more/less
*secret letter of the day: / math:number identification reading:initial sounds
*secret letter of the day: / math:1-1 correspondence
reading: higher order question
*secret letter of the day:



Making and expressing choices, recognizing objects, solving problems, talking with others/building relationships, participating in routines, taking care of needs, practicing good manners

8:30- 9:40 Free Choice Centers/ Math/Reading/Intervention

Work on Sharing/Social Skills/Using Classroom Materials Correctly
Finger paints at the easel” / Work on Sharing/Social Skills/Using Classroom Materials Correctly / Work on Sharing/Social Skills/Using Classroom Materials Correctly / Work on Sharing/Social Skills/Using Classroom Materials Correctly / Work on Sharing/Social Skills/Using Classroom Materials Correctly

P.E. 9:40-10:10

Gross motor/hopping/skipping/stopping starting/following rules/catching throwing

Small Group/Specials 10:10-10:40

Mrs. Eilert / Small Group
Children will “pick two” and pattern using small sorting items.
Sorting tray
Small items / Library
Mrs. Smith / Small Group
Matching and Identifying the beginning sounds in words
Using consonant sound items, students will match like sounding items or identify the beginning sound of an item
Consonant sound sorting items
Target sounds
/b//kc/ /p/
/m/ r/ / Small Group
Using team work the independent small group will work together to put together a floor puzzle
Large Fire truck floor puzzle

10:45-11:15 Lunch

11:15-11:25 Restroom

11:30-12:00 Outside Play/Trikes and Outdoor Centers

*Fridays at 11:30 Tech Time with Mrs. Smith

12:00 12:10 Story-listening, answering questions, vocabulary development, concepts about print

Kindergarten Here
I Come / Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten / Make Way For Ducklings(part one)
Bank, bursting with pride enormous waddled island traffic waddled molt proud / Pig Kauna / Make way for
Ducklings Part 2
Bank, bursting with pride enormous waddled island traffic waddled molt proud

12:10 1:10 Quiet Time

1:10 1:20 Free Choice Books/Lap Reading

1:25 1:55 Journals/Whole Group

Beginning Sounds:
Packing a suitcase with target beginning sounds / Journal Writing/Fine Motor / Quantifying:
Using a blanket and a “magic wand” the children will practice quantifying up to 5 items
Items to quantify blanket and magic wand / On The Road to Reading and Writing: / Concepts about Print
Write On:
“Food and fun”
Make a list of activities to do and food to eat when out for summer break

2:00 2:10 Snack

2:15 2:45 Outside

2:40 2:50 Reflection/ Story/ Finger Plays

ASCC Baya, Shelby, Korey,Kaidah (March 25)