*Cllr K Barnes*Cllr Mrs N Symonds

*Cllr T Coldwell *Cllr R Taylor

*Cllr Mrs J Demonti*Cllr K Warnell (Chairman)

*Cllr L PinnellCllr Miss C Woodman (Vice-Chairman)

*Cllr Mrs M Richmond*Cllr J Wyllie

* denotes present

In attendance: Cllr Mrs Hollebon and Cllr Gilbert


Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Miss Woodman


RESOLVED: that the Minutes of the meeting held on 27 January 2003 be confirmed as a correct record of the proceeding and signed by the Chairman.


Cllr Wyllie Personal3/02/2147/FP/CL

Cllr PinnellPersonal3/03/0038/FP/MR

Cllr Mrs SymondPrejudicial3/03/0096/FP/MR


i.No objections were raised on the following applications:

3/02/2244/FP/MHT / Cycle path/footpath across open green amenity area.
From Stockman Field to Great Hadham Road across open green amenity area
Applicant: Hertfordshire Highways
3/01/2263//FP/MR / Erection of dwelling
Site adjacent Quentins, Galloway Road
Applicant: Mr P Craufurd
3/02/2624/FP/MHT / Two storey side extension, front porch extension, widening of existing drive/pavement crossover
9 Grace Gardens
Applicant: Mr Barker
3/02/2668/FP/PB / Installation of satellite dish on roof
3 Corn Exchange
Applicant: Toni & Guy
Comment: Provided that the dish was not visible from street level
3/02/2669/LB/FB / Installation of satellite dish on roof
3 Corn Exchange
Applicant: Toni & Guy
Comment: Provided that the dish was not visible from street level and that the colour of the feeder cable and dish blended in with the building.
3/02/2684/LB/PB / Extension at first floor level to provide WC facilities
9 Palmers Lane
Applicant: Applicant: VAP (Bishop’s Stortford )Ltd
3/03/0038/FP/MR / Change of use from B1 Office to D1 Educational/Training.
Part ground floor, north wing, Charrington House, The Causeway
Applicant: Hertford Regional College
3/03/0044/FP/MHT / House Extension
48 Waytemore Road
Applicant: Stort Valley Housing Association
3/03/0062/FP/FB / Two storey front extension
1 Portland Road
Applicant: Mr G Bouleau
3/03/0068/FP/FB / Single storey side extension
41 Elm Road
Applicant: Mr T G Smith
3/03/0083/FP/MR / Alterations and extensions to provide 4no flats at first floor and second floor level, replacing existing 2no flats
46 and 52 Hockerill Street
Applicant: Eurolet Ltd
Comment: Providing that car parking was allocated for the additional flats.
3/03/0098/LB/MHT / New french windows to rear, together with internal alterations
The Manor, Windhill
Applicant: Mr & Mrs G Hart
3/03/0102/AD/MHT / 1no internally illuminated wall mounted advertising unit
Sainsburys, 25 South Street
Applicant: C Aishford-Clear Channel UK Ltd
3/03/0107/FP/PB / Change of use from shop to residential
Ground floor lock up shop at 93 South Street
Applicant: Mr B C Stone

(ii) Objections were raised on the following applications:

3/02/2659/FP/MHT / Revision of consent 3/01/1197/FP to convert barn to dwelling and construct detached garage
Rumballs Barn, Rumballs Farm, Thorley Lane, Thorley
Applicant: Mr N Buckler and Mr C Gough
i) / The proposed extension would result in over development of the site and overlooking of adjacent properties
ii) / A development of this nature and intensity would result in the loss of the rural character of the area. Concern was also expressed at the loss of two apple trees
Comment: Members drew attention to the presence of crested newts on the site.
3/02/2660/LB/MHT / Revision of consent 3/01/1197/FP to convert barn to dwelling and construct detached garage
Rumballs Barn, Rumballs Farm, Thorley Lane, Thorley
Applicant: Applicant: Mr N Buckler and Mr C Gough
i) / The proposed extension would result in over development of the site and overlooking of adjacent properties
ii) / A development of this nature and intensity would result in the loss of the rural character of the area. Concern was also expressed at the loss of two apple trees
Comment: The site was of historical importance and members believed the barn to be the oldest in the area
3/03/0076/FP/MHT / 1st floor extension over garages and conversion of garages to habitable room
6 Lavender Close
Applicant: Mr and Mrs A Grant
i) / Objection to first floor extension of grounds of overintensification
ii) /
Conversion of existing garage would be contrary to the Town
Council’s policy BS002 …. The majority of Bishop’s Stortford
streets were not designed for on street parking. The loss of
garage space to living accommodation, office or business spaces tends to cause extra on-street parking and be detrimental to the street scene …
3/03/0096/FP/MR / Establishment of Pre-Prep School including erection of new School buildings, associated hardstanding and landscaping and alterations to existing access
Land at Bishop’s Stortford College, Maze Green Road
Applicant: Bishop’s Stortford College
i) / The proposed application lies within the Metropolitan Green Belt where there is a presumption against development except in very special circumstances. There are no such circumstances in this case
ii) / The proposed development was capable of being accommodated within the existing college campus
iii) / The proposal would generate a disproportionate amount of traffic onto the Great Hadham Road
iv) The access to the site was totally inadequate
Note: Cllr Mrs Symonds declared a prejudicial interest and vacated the chamber
3/03/0122/AD/PB / New internally and overhead lit corporate signage
Halifax, BS Corn Exchange, Market Square
Applicant: Halifax PLC
Internally illuminated signage, contrary to Bishop’s Stortford Town Council’s Policy 001 – The provision of internally illuminated signs would be deemed to be detrimental to the street scene and detracts from the overall ambience
Note: Members also wished to see a listed building application.
3/03/0145/PT/MR / Erection of a 12m slimline monopole housing, 3 no sector antennae behind a glass reinforced plastic shroud with associated ground based cabinets
Highway Land, Whittington Way
Applicant: Hutchinson 3G UK Ltd
i) / The proposal would be of unsightly appearance in a residential area, detrimental to visual amenity.
ii) / Any perceived health risk could cause an increase in stress levels to residents, leading to possible ill health
iii) / The siting of the box close to the Highway would cause a danger to pedestrians
/ The proposed siting was too close to residential properties
v) / The Stewart Report identifies a number of indirect adverse effects primarily relating to impacts on local amenity.
Note: Members wished to suggest St James Way as an alternative site.
3/03/0163/PTMR / Erection of a 12m slimline monopole housing, 3 no sector antennae behind a glass reinforced plastic shroud with associated ground based cabinets
Great Hadham Road
Applicant: Hutchinson 3G UK Ltd
i) / The proposal would be of unsightly appearance in a residential area, detrimental to visual amenity
ii) / Any perceived health risk could cause an increase in stress levels to residents, leading to possible ill health
iii) / The siting of the box close to the Highway would cause a danger to pedestrians
iv) / The proposed siting was too close to residential properties
v) / The Stewart Report identifies a number of indirect adverse effects primarily relating to impacts on local amenity.
vi) Too close to the Play Area at St Michael’s Mead
Note: Members wished to suggest the Hadham side of the roundabout by St James Way/Bishop’s Park Way as an alternative site.

(iii) The following applications were deferred:

3/02/2147/FP/CL / Construction of Medical Centre and Chemist
Neighbourhood Centre, St Michael’s Mead
Applicant: FPI (Bishop’s Stortford )Ltd
Reason: The application was deferred to allow members to view the original plans and to see details of the permission already granted.
3/03/0116/FP/MR / Rear conservatory
11 Blenheim Court, Bishop’s Park
Applicant: Mrs K R Evans
Reason: The plans appeared to be inconsistent with the description. Plans appeared to include a garage conversion into a utility room. Confirmation was sought.


RESOLVED:that the attached list of planning decisions be noted.


None to date.


None to date.


None to date.


i) / Various Planning/Highways Matters
Members had been circulated with a copy of the attached letter from Simon Spencer (Hertfordshire Highways).
Members were pleased at the quick response to their original letter and the contents were noted. With regard to the paragraph concerning HGV’s using Villiers Sur Marne Avenue in contravention of the restriction, members wished to point out to Mr Spencer that the problem was not a daily occurrence, but nevertheless a serious one when it did happen. Members suggested that Mr Spencer liaise with Sainsburys to overcome the problem.
ii) / Tanning Shop – Station Road
Nothing to report
iii) / Temperance Stone
Quotation awaited.
v) /

Flooding in the area of Stane Close

Members had been circulated with a copy of the attached letter from The Environment Agency. Members were disappointed with the reply and wished to know the exact timescale of the Agency plans.
vi) /

Thorley Underpass

Members had been circulated with a copy of the attached response from Shirley Clark (EHDC), the contents of which were noted.

Note: Members wished, when an item was included under updated reports, the date when the matter was first raised be included on all future agenda.


Lack of Street Lighting Great Hadham Road/Thorley Park Area

Members noted with concern and regret that the Street lighting had still not been repaired. Whilst it was acknowledged that the problem was a cabling fault and the responsibility of the Electricity Company members were of the opinion that it was the responsibility of Hertfordshire Highways to ensure that the repairs were carried out urgently. In this respect it was requested that a letter be forwarded to the Leader of Hertfordshire County Council, along with a copy to Mark Prisk MP.


Enforcement of Planning Matters (Cllr Coldwell)