Motorcycle Packing Checklist
The following list was originally complied by the friendly at Run For The Wall. I have made it more generic for any long motorcycle trip. Hopefully you will find useful for riding – Jim Stepanek
q Motorcycle
q T-bags, Sac bags, and/or saddle bags
q Water bottle
q Bungee cords
q Duct tape
q Tool kit
q Regular & allen wrenches
q Screwdrivers (flat & Phillips)
q Spark plugs & wrench
q Wire ties, zip ties
q Shop rags
q WD 40
q Clamps
q Rope
q Jumper cables
q Funnel
q Can of Fix-a-flat
q Tire repair kit
q Replacement light bulbs
q Fuses
q Super glue
q 6’ of ¼” plastic hose or turkey baster (siphon gas)
q Motorcycle oil
q Helmet (DOT legal)
q Helmet (not so legal)
q Bandanna or do-rag
q Warm knit cap
q Ski mask
q Heavy weight jacket
q Light weight jacket
q Chaps
q Warm gloves
q Summer gloves
q Rain gear (jacket, pants, gloves, boots)
q Padlock
q Trash bags (cover bags in rain, laundry, etc.)
q Zip-lock bags (keep stuff dry)
q Extra pair of boots
q Jeans
q T-shirt(s)
q Long sleeve T-shirt(s)
q Warm sweat shirt
q Underwear & socks
q Thermal underwear
q Jammies (or shorts or sweat pants)
q Hankerchief(s)
q Shower shoes
q Bath towel
q Wash cloth (in Zip-lock bag)
q Toilet kit
q Toothbrush
q Toothpaste
q Soap
q Deodorant
q Shampoo
q Comb and/or brush
q Roll of TP in Zip-lock bag
q Sun block
q Chapstick
q Personal first aid kit
q Medications in marked containers
q Prescription sunglasses
q Sunglasses and/or goggles
q Ear plugs (or cotton balls)
q Laundry detergent (in Zip-lock bag)
q Small sewing kit
q Money
q Credit cards and/or travelers checks
q Driver’s license
q Insurance information
q Dog tags for emergency information
q Emergency info: next of kin, home & work phone numbers, doctors’ phone number, list of prescription medications, glasses prescription, bank information
q Cell phone and/or pager
q Road maps
q Business cards (to exchange with new friends)
q Note pad & pencil
q Camera & film
q Flashlight with extra batteries
q Tent with pegs
q Waterproof ground cloth/tarp
q Sleeping bag
q Sleeping mat or cot
q Folding chair or camp stool
Your Own Stuff:
q ______
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