UNIT 9: Journal Project Guidelines and Journal Assignments

  • All journal entries must be done IN ORDER in a bound spiral notebook or composition book. This must be brought to class EVERY DAY as journal checks may be done at random.
  • Start each assignment at the top of a new page. You may write on the back of a page as long as it is a continuation of the same journal assignment.
  • Keep all entries in order! Put the JOURNAL #, TITLE, and DATE at the top of the page EVERY TIME.
  • All constructed response (essay/discussion) questions require complete sentences – and sometimes a paragraph. Always write the question first, then your answer (unless the questions are given to you to tape into your journal).
  • You must be responsible for your journal – it will count as a project grade when complete! You will have journal checks (classwork grades) and quizzes based on the journal.

Journal #1: Georgia’s Constitution, Citizens, & Government

Define government. Is it correct to say that the government is over the people of the Unites States? Why or why not? (HINT – see Chapter 23) Answer in a paragraph.

Answer the following questions – page numbers are provided to help you:

  1. Explain the basic structure (i.e. the parts; how it’s organized) of the state constitution. (415-16)
  2. Explain separation of powers and checks and balances. (406-408)
  3. What are the rights of citizens? (411)
  4. What are the responsibilities of citizens? (401)
  5. What are the qualifications to vote in Georgia? (420)
  6. What is the role of political parties in government? (424)
  7. How can YOU participate in government now?

Journal #2: Legislative Branch, Part 1

Introduction: Review Journal #1 Questions

Use pages 430-433 to answer each question.

1. Why is the legislative branch called “the first branch of government”?

2. How many members are in the House in the General Assembly? How many in the Senate?

3. What are the qualifications of membership in the General Assembly?

4. How often are General Assembly members elected (i.e. how long are their terms)?

5. How long is each legislative session each year?

6. What are the powers and responsibilities of the General Assembly (explain the following)?

a. “legislative power”

b. define enact and repeal

c. budget/appropriation

d. oversight of the executive branch

Journal #3: Legislative Branch Part 2: Roles Structure of the General Assembly & Federalism Review

  1. What is the purpose of standing committees in the General Assembly? Give some examples of standing committees.
  1. Tape in and complete the “Leaders in the General Assembly” sheet (Chapter 26)


  1. What is federalism?
  2. Federalism is the sharing of power between the federal (national) and state governments.
  1. Draw and complete this chart (make it big):

Branch: / USA / Who? / Georgia / Who?
  1. Tape in and Complete the “Comparing Governments: United States and Georgia”

Journal #4: Legislative Branch Part 3: How a Bill becomes a Law

1. Schoolhouse Rock! (introduction)

2. Take notes on Video: The Green Tree Frog


3. Using pp. 437-438 explain the steps it takes for a bill to become a law. Include all steps from the drafting of a bill to the Governor’s action.

4. You be the legislator! Write a bill that you would like to make into a law. Be very detailed so that your law cannot be misinterpreted or declared unconstitutional! Be sure to also explain how your law is to be enforced (penalties for noncompliance, etc.).

Journal #5: Executive Branch, Part 1

1.What are the nine offices that are directly elected by the voters of Georgia for the Executive Branch?

2. What are the qualifications to be elected as governor and lt. governor? What are the terms of these offices?

3.Why is it said that the governor and lt. governor of Georgia are sometimes political opponents?

4.Explainthe 3 formal powers of the governor.

5. Explain the 2 informal powers of the governor.

6. Tape in and complete “The Governor’s Calendar”

7. What do citizens expect from the governor as the state’s leader?

8.What is the role of the lieutenant governor in state government?

Journal #6: Executive Branch, Part 2

1. What are the seven major policy areas in Georgia’s budget that are administrated by the executive branch?

2. Who proposes the budget for these programs? Who approves it?

3. Why is education the main responsibility of state government?

4. What is the primary source of revenue for state government?

5. How does transportation affect where people live? Why?

6. How has state government helped to promote economic development since the 1960’s?

7. Why is promoting economic development one of the most important things government can do?

8. Tape in the map “Transportation – Helping Georgia Grow” and complete the activity – you need to find as many facts as possible for each category:

  • Interstate Highway System (pp. 332, 358, 409, 450): 6+ facts
  • Hartsfield-JacksonInt’lAirport (pp. 289, 450): 5+ facts
  • Georgia Railroads (pp. 266, 450): 2+ facts
  • Georgia’s Deepwater Ports (pp. 451-453): 3+ facts

***If you were absent you can just make a chart and write facts about how each of the above modes of transportation helped Georgia develop and grow

Journal #7: Judicial Branch, Part 1

1.Define judicial review, plaintiff, defendant, prosecution.

2.What is the difference between a criminal and civil case (define each)?

3.What is the difference between a felony and a misdemeanor (define each)?

4. What is a capital felony? What is your opinion on this type of punishment?

5.Use the chart on page 462, “Georgia Court System”

a. What are the 6 different kinds of trial courts?

b. What are the 3 appellate courts?

c. Which court is for both trials and appeals?

6.Which court is called the “center” of Georgia’s court system? Why?

7. What is the highest court in Georgia? What kinds of cases does it hear?

8.Tape and complete “Which Court?”; Use the chart on p. 462

9. Tape in “The Georgia Court System” chart (just for reference)

Journal #8: Judicial Branch, Part 2

1. Define: original jurisdiction, appellate jurisdiction, jury, superior court, district attorney, grand jury, trial jury, voir dire, and indictment

2. Why do you think our court system was structured so that the highest courts have appellate and not original jurisdiction?

3. Why is it appropriate to call Georgia’s superior courts the main trial courts in the state?

4.What is due process? List the rights and procedures guaranteed by due process.

5. What are the jobs of the clerk, sheriff, probation officer, bailiff, and the court reporter?

6. What function does the grand jury serve in the criminal justice process?

7.List the steps of Judicial Procedures in a felony case. Include ALL of the steps involving Pretrial Proceedings, Trial, and Appeal.

Journal #9: Juvenile Justice Part 1

  1. What is a juvenile?
  2. Historically what has been the aim of the juvenile justice system?
  3. What is the difference between delinquent juveniles, unruly juveniles, and deprived juveniles (define each)?
  4. Contrast status offense and delinquent act.
  5. What laws do juveniles have to follow that do NOT apply to adults (6)?
  6. What rights do juveniles have when taken into custody (6)?
  7. What is the purpose of having separate juvenile courts (3)?
  8. Who comes under the jurisdiction of juvenile courts (3)?
  9. Explain the following steps in the juvenile justice system:
  10. Taking into Custody
  11. Intake Decision
  12. Formal Hearing
  13. Adjudication
  14. Disposition (what are the 3 options a court has if the juvenile is found guilty)

Journal #10: Juvenile Justice Part 2

  1. Take notes on Georgia Stories Video Clip: Criminal Justice and the Juvenile
  2. Juveniles convicted of non-violent offenses can be sent to these camps for up to 90 days. What is your opinion of this form of rehabilitation? Whatever your opinion, do you think this consequence is effective? Why or why not?
  3. What are some of the delinquent behaviors that can subject juvenile offenders to the adult criminal justice process?
  4. What is peer mediation?
  5. What are some steps that may happen during peer mediation?
  6. Why is conflict resolution important?

Journal #11 – Local Governments (part 1)

  1. Define: county, county seat, county commission, resolution, incorporate, municipality, annexation, city council, mayor, city manager
  2. What are the three types of local government found in Georgia?
  3. What powers does the county commission have?
  4. Give two examples to show how the county is an “arm” of the state government.
  5. In addition to serving as an agent of the state, what other purposes does a county serve?
  6. Tape in Task 29-1 “Reading Organizational Charts” in your journal and complete.
  7. How is a city officially established in Georgia?
  8. Compare & contrast the “strong” mayor and the “weak” mayor forms of the mayor-council governments.(page 483)

Journal #12 – Local Governments (part 2)

Chapters 29 & 30

  1. Define: authority, special district, consolidation
  2. What are three ways a special-purpose government can be created?
  3. Give examples of special-purpose governments.
  4. Why are special-purpose governments and authorities called “hidden governments”?
  5. Give two examples of how counties work together.
  6. Give two examples of how a city and a county can cooperate.
  7. What are 3 advantages for establishing a special district or authority?
  8. What are the disadvantages of special-purpose governments?
  9. What are the main reasons given for consolidating city and county governments?
  10. Tape in and complete “Review of the Big Eight in Local Government Services” (Chapter 30)

Journal #13 Local Services & Tax Revenue

Chapter 30

  1. Take notes on Video Clip: Taxes and Government
  2. Define: infrastructure, zoning, ordinance, property tax, ad valorem tax, millage rate,market value, local option tax, user fees, expenditure, revenue
  3. Why are zoning and land use regulation important?
  4. Give examples of real property and personal property that can be taxed by the local government.
  5. Other than property tax, name 3 other sources of revenue for local governments.
  6. How do local governments use federal grant money (p. 496)?
  7. What are the top 3 ways a county receives revenue? What are the top 3 ways a city receives revenue? (put them in order; use chart on p. 495)
  8. What are the top 2 expenditures for both county and city gov’ts (p. 497)?
  9. What are the top 2 ways STATE government collects revenue (p.456)? Define each.
  10. How is revenue from the Georgia Lottery spent (p. 454)?