Purchasing Department
P. O. Box 13145 • Roanoke, VA 24031
(540) 853-1348 • Fax (540) 853-2836
September 15, 2017
RFQ # 2936
Notice is hereby given of the intention of the School Board of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, to request qualifications for:
Delivery of Statement of Qualifications: It is the responsibility of the vendor to assure that its Statement of Qualifications is delivered to the place designated for receipt of Statements of Qualifications and by the time set for receipt of Statements of Qualifications. No Statements of Qualifications received after the time designated for receipt of Statements of Qualifications will be considered. Statements of Qualifications must be in the hands of the officer or agent of the Owner whose duty it is to receive them by the time specified. The officer or agent of the Owner whose duty it is to receive Statements of Qualifications will decide when the specified time has arrived and will determine if the Statement of Qualifications was in their possession by that time.
For hand delivered Statements of Qualifications, sufficient time must be allowed for the building receptionist to contact the Purchasing Office (Terrace Level). Receptionist will not be responsible for last minute arrivals or late Statements of Qualifications. Due Date and Time: Monday, October 2, 2017,
3:00 P.M.
In the event that School Board offices are closed due to inclement weather and/or emergency situations prior to or at the time set aside for Statements of Qualifications, the published due date will default to the next open business day at the same time.
Eric Thornton
Purchasing Director
******************************************************************************************Electronic Request for Qualifications Retrieval Instructions: Full copies of Requests for Qualifications and Addenda in “pdf” format must be retrieved over the Internet at the following address:
Click on Bids, RFP’s, Awards, and Cancellations
To retrieve the Request for Qualifications you will need to download the Adobe Reader. You will only need to download the Adobe Acrobat Reader program one time. Problems - If you experience problems, call (540) 853-1348 or e-mail for assistance. *************************************************************************************** This Public Body does not discriminate against Faith-Based Organizations.
Construction Manager at Risk
Fallon Park Elementary School Capital Project
I. INTRODUCTION………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………….3
II. BACKGROUND…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….3
III. SCOPE OF SERVICES…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….3
IV. SUBMITTAL DEADLINE………………………………..………………………………………………………………………4
V. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS……………………………………………………………………………………………….4
VI. EVALUATION CRITERIA………………………………………………………………………………………………………..4
VIII. MISCELLANEOUS………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..5
IX. INDEMNIFICATION………………………………………………………………………………………………………………7
XI. ADDITIONAL FORMS………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………8
The purpose of this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) is for Roanoke City Public Schools (RCPS) to procure a Construction Manager at Risk to coordinate and administer contracts for construction services, including the furnishing of construction services, for the Fallon Park Elementary School Capital Project. Services will be renderedin accordance with all terms, conditions, and specifications as set out in this Request for Qualifications. Fallon Park Elementary School is located at 502 Nineteenth Street SE, Roanoke, VA 24013.
Thisisatwo-stepqualifications-basedcompetitivenegotiationprocessasauthorizedbySection2.2-4308oftheCodeofVirginiaandRCPS’ Procedures for the Selection, Evaluation, and Award of Design-Build and Construction Management Contracts (adopted August 13th, 2013). QualifiedOfferorswillbeinvitedtosubmitproposalsforthesecondstepofthisprocess.
All Offerors must be: (1) a Virginia licensed Class “A” contractor, and (2) have a minimum of five years of experience in delivering projects of similar size and complexity.
The project will include the construction of a new 96,000 square foot building and the renovation of approximately 19,000 square feet of the existing facility for Fallon Park Elementary School. Site work will include a 90-space parking lot, two retaining walls, a new bus drop-off and area, new underground utilities and storage management systems. The project will be phased to allow the school to remain in operation during construction.
Phase 1 includes demolition of a portion of the larger side parking area, construction of 75 new parking spaces, installing underground utilities, constructing the retaining walls and the two fire lanes, also included is a two-story, 26-classroom wing. Completion of this phase is December 2018 to allow move-in during RCPS winter break.
Phase 2 includes the continuation of the above site improvements, cafeteria, administrative offices, and a two-story wing with 13 classrooms and support spaces. Completion of this phase is scheduled for December 2019, allowing move-in during RCPS winter break.
Phase 3 includes demolition of the existing school building, construction of the bus loop, completing the remaining 15 parking spaces, renovation of the existing gymnasium, and conversion of the existing cafeteria into an art and music center. Completion of the phase is scheduled for mid-August 2020 to allow occupancy for the 2020-21 school year.
Statements of Qualifications must be received by the Purchasing Department of Roanoke City Public Schools by 3:00 P.M. on October 2, 2017.
SOQs may be mailed or delivered to the address listed below. SOQs may not be faxed or e-mailed. Please direct all inquiries to Eric Thornton, Purchasing Director for Roanoke City Public Schools.
Eric Thornton, Purchasing Director
Roanoke City Public Schools
40 Douglass Avenue, NW
Roanoke, VA 24012
- For each SOQ, one (1) original and five (5) copies, must be appropriately signed by an
authorized representative of the primary Offeror, and must be submitted in a
sealed envelope orpackage. A removable media storage device containing one (1)
digital copy of the SOQ must be included in the SOQ packet. SOQs should be concise, limited to no more than twenty (20) pages (single spaced, single sided), and address each item in the order outlined below.
- Prospective Offerors must complete and return Attachment A (Statement of Qualifications) along with any additional requested information. Each SOQ should include a transmittal letter identifying the prime Proposer and introducing the proposed Construction Manager Team members. Briefly summarize the Team’s background and any distinguishing qualities or capabilities that uniquely qualify the Team for this project.
3. Responses to this RFQ must be in the prescribed format (Attachment A).
Offeror’s SOQs will be evaluated based on the criteria listed in this section. In preparing the SOQ, it is important to clearly demonstrate expertise in the areas described in this document. SOQs must demonstrate expertise and Offeror’s must have available an adequate number of qualified and experienced personnel in all of the areas
described in the appropriate discipline either through in-house staff or with sub-consultants or sub-contractors.
Evaluation of responses to this RFQ will be based only on the information provided in the Offeror’s SOQ packet, and if applicable, interviews and reference responses. RCPS reserves the right to request additional information or documentation from an Offeror regarding its SOQ documents, personnel, or other items in order to complete the selection process.
The following criteria will be utilized to evaluate the qualifications of each firm:
Evaluation Criteria
- Evidence of Offeror’s ability and capacity to perform the
requested services fully and satisfactorily in a prompt and
timely manner.
- Qualifications and expertise of the Offeror’s key personnel
and team members.
3.Past performance and record of successful completion of
similar projects by the Offeror.
1.All responses to this RFQ will be screened for eligibility. A selection panel will rate eligible responses, according to the criteria listed above, and may conduct reference checks as part of the process. If the selection panel needs additional information, RCPS reserves the right to request additional information and to interview firms to discuss their SOQs. Any protest for the selection process shall be resolved in accordance with RCPS’ Procurement Policies.
- This solicitation does not obligate RCPS to award a contract to any respondent. RCPS, at its option,reserves the right to waive as informality any irregularities in the SOQs and/or to reject any or all Submittals.
1.Minority-owned and Women-owned Business Enterprises: RCPS stronglyencourages minority-owned and women-owned businesses, socially and economically disadvantaged business enterprises, and small businesses to respond to this RFQ, to participate as partners, or to participate in other business activity in response to this RFQ.
- Any successful Consultant or Contractor must be licensed to do business in the State of Virginia. Consultantsand Contractors must not be debarred, suspended, or otherwise ineligible to contract with RCPS
- RCPS retains the right of final approval of any sub-consultant and/or sub-contractor of the selected firm. The selected firm must inform all sub-consultants or sub-contractors of this provision.
- Ownership of all data, materials, and documentation originated and prepared for RCPS pursuant to the RFQ shall belong exclusively to RCPS and be subject to public inspection in accordance with the Virginia Freedom of Information Act. Trade secrets or proprietary information submitted by the Offeror shall not be subject to public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act, unless otherwise required by law or a court. However, the Offeror must invoke the protection of Section 2.2- 4342(F) of the Code of Virginia, in writing, either before or at the time the data or other material is submitted. The written notice must SPECIFICALLY identify the data or materials to be protected and state the reason why protection is necessary. The proprietary or trade secret material submitted must be identified by some distinct method such as highlighting or underlining and must indicate only the specific words, figures, or paragraphs that constitute trade secret or proprietary information. The classification of an entire SOQ document, line item prices, and/or total proposal prices as proprietary, or trade secrets, is NOT ACCEPTABLE and may result in REJECTION of the SOQ.
- As this is an RFQ, no information regarding the SOQ records or the contents of responses will be released except in accordance with Section 2.2-4342 of the Code of Virginia. Once an award has been made from the resulting RFP, all SOQ documents will be open to public inspection subject to the provisions set forth above.
- The successful Offeror shall comply with all applicable City, State, and Federal laws, codes, provisions, and regulations. The successful Offeror shall not during the performance of any resultant contract knowingly employ an unauthorized alien as defined in the federal Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986.
- Providers of any outside services shall be subject to the same conditions and requirements as the successful Offeror in regards to law, code, or regulation compliance.
- The successful Offeror must comply with the nondiscrimination provisions of Virginia Code Section 2.2-4311, which are incorporated herein by reference.
- ThesuccessfulOfferormustcomplywiththedrug-freeworkplaceprovisionsofVirginiaCodeSection2.2-4312,which are incorporatedhereinbyreference.
- Successful Offeror, and any of its subcontractors, shall, at its sole expense, obtain and maintain during the life of the resulting Contract the insurance policies and/or bonds required. Any required insurance policies and/or bonds shall be effective prior to the beginning of any work or other performance by successful Offeror, or any of its subcontractors, under any resultant Contract. All such insurance shall be primary and noncontributory to any insurance or self-insurance RCPS may have.
The contractor agrees to be responsible for, indemnify, defend and hold harmless RCPS, its officers, agents and employees from the payment of all sums of money by reason of any claim against them arising out of any and all occurrences resulting in bodily or mental injury or property damage that may happen to occur in connection with and during the performance of the contract, including but not limited to claims under the Workers' Compensation Act. The contractor agrees that it will, at all times, after the completion of the work, be responsible for, indemnify, defend and hold harmless RCPS, its officers, agents and employees from all liabilities resulting from bodily or mental injury or property damage directly or indirectly arising out of the performance or nonperformance of the contractor.
The attention of each Offeror is directed to Virginia Code Section 2.2-4311.2 (effective July 1, 2010) which requires a Offeror organized or authorized to transact business in the Commonwealth of Virginia pursuant to Title 13.1 or Title 50 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, or as otherwise required by law, shall include in its bid or proposal the Identification Number issued to such Offeror by the Virginia State Corporation Commission (SCC). Furthermore, any bidder or Offeror that is not required to be authorized to transact business in the Commonwealth of Virginia as a domestic or foreign business entity under Title 13.1 or Title 50 or as otherwise required by law shall include in its RFO a statement describing why the Offeror is not required to be so authorized. Please complete the following by checking the appropriate line that applies and providing the requested information:
- Offeror is a Virginia business entity organized and authorized to transact business in Virginia by the SCC and such bidder’s/Offeror’s Identification Number issued to it by the SCC is ______.
- Offeror is an out-of-state (foreign) business entity that is authorized to transact business in Virginia by the SCC and such bidder’s/Offeror’s Identification Number issued to it by the SCC is ______.
- Offeror does not have an Identification Number issued to it by the SCC and such bidder/Offeror is not required to be authorized to transact business in Virginia by the SCC for the following reason(s):______
Form W-9(City of Roanoke Substitute W-9 Form)
Rev. July 2005 / Request for Taxpayer
Identification Number and Certification
/ Completed form should be returned toPurchasing Department
PO Box 13145
Roanoke VA 24031
City Vendor Number if previously assigned:
Name( List legal name, if joint names, list first & circle the name of the person whose TIN you enter in Part I-See Specific Instruction on page 2)
Business name,if different from above. (See Specific Instruction on page 2)
Check appropriate box: □Individual □Sole proprietor □ Corporation □Partnership □Other ______
Legal Address: number, street, and apt. or suite no. / Remittance Address: if different from legal address.
City,state and ZIP code /
RemittanceCity, state and ZIP code
Phone # /Remittance Phone #
Fax # / Remittance Fax #Email Address / Remittance Email Address
Procurement Contact Person / Remittance Contact Person
Part I Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)
Enter your TIN in the appropriate box. For individuals, this is your social security number (SSN). However, for a resident alien, sole proprietor, or disregarded entity, see the Part Iinstruction on page 2. For other entities, it is your employer identification number (EIN). If you do not have a number, see How to get a TIN on page 3.
Note: If the account is in more than one name, see the chart on page 3 for guidelines on whose number to enter.
Social security number / OR / Employer identification number
Part II Certification
Under penalties of perjury, I certify that:
1.The number shown on this form is my correct taxpayer identification number (or I am waiting for a number to be issued to me), and
2.I am not subject to backup withholding because: (a) I am exempt from backup withholding, or (b) I have not been notified by the Internal Revenue Services (IRS) that I am subject to backup withholding as a result of a failure to report all interest or dividends, or (c) the IRS has notified me that I am no longer subject to backup withholding, and
3.I am an U.S. person (including an U.S. resident alien).
Certification instructions. You must cross out item 2 above if you have been notified by the IRS that you are currently subject to backup withholding because you have failed to report all interest and dividends on your tax return. For real estate transactions, item 2 does not apply.
SignHere / Authorized Signature ► Date ►
Detach Here------
Company NameCompany Mailing Address
Company City, State, Zip
Roanoke City Public Schools
Attn: Eric Thornton, Purchasing Director
Department of Purchasing
40 Douglass Avenue NW
Roanoke, VA 24012
Roanoke City Public Schools RFQ No. 2936
Closing Time and Date of Proposal October 2, 2017 3:00 PM
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