The Minutes of meeting held 6th March 2018 in the Rear meeting room, Farcet Village Hall
Cllrs C Deards, L Hodgkins, M Hagger, D Hudson, B Hyland, L Granger, B Swingler and the ClerkMrs. E Tajer
0 members of the public were present
County Cllr McGuire and District Cllr Butler
2181/17-18Receive and approve apologies
A Simons Y Nickson
2182/17-18Receive Disclosable Pecuniary Interest declarations
2183/17/18Approve the minutes of the meeting held on6th February 2018
It was proposed by Cllr Hagger seconded by Cllr Hodgkins and unanimously agreed that the minutes of the 6th February 2018were a true and accurate record
2184/17-18Matters Arising from the minutes of the meeting of 6th February 2018
- The Parish Council have registered their details with CAPALC regarding the changes to data protection. The Clerk is on a course regarding this matter on the 16th March 2018
- Cambs CC advised they would consider two benches on the footpath but need to make inquiries regarding the budget to install two benches.
2185/17-18Public Participation
2186/17-18Matters for information and reports
- Police Report- 3 incidents reported.
- Representatives on outside bodies
District Cllr Butler wanted to highlight he believed the correct process was followed by the planning department on the planning application concerning the poultry farm.
As Hunts DC and the Parish Council opposed the application the decision can be made by a delegated officer. However, if Hunts DC and the Parish Council had disagreed the application would have been sent to the planning committee.
2187/17-18Village matters
- Church Walk and Haddon Way – feedback from working groups
Cllr Hagger met with one company who suggested either removing the see-saw or extending the play area by 4m towards the housing. There would then be enough space for a baby swing.
There was a suggestion from Facebook that a roundabout would be good for the area. The Clerk suggested this would be a good idea, as it could be DDA compliant.
Unfortunately, there has not been a lot of response from the questionnaire. Cllr Deards advised she will promote the questionnaire on the community Facebook page with a deadline of one month for responses.
Cllr Hagger advised the cross-trainer at Haddon Way needs removing as one of the pieces has been removed. Cllr Granger will arrange for the removal.
2188/17-18Cemetery and allotments
- Use of chapel as a micro-museum- no further update. Awaiting the opening date.
2189/17-18Playing fields
- Approvals/Refusals/Appeals- none
- New Applications- none
- Approve accounts for payment
1087 / 6/3/18 / s/o / Clerk / Wages / £925.67
1088 / 6/3/18 / s/o / Superannuation / Contribution employee and employer / £398.94
1089 / 6/3/18 / s/o / Mark Kinder / Village Warden / £289.30
1090 / 6/3/18 / Bacs / Clerk / Expenses / £36.50
1091 / 6/3/18 / Bacs / Bacs / Sloan Ranger / £240.00
1092 / 6/3/18 / Bacs / BT / VH wifi / £23.88
1093 / 6/3/18 / Bacs / M Hagger / Expenses for the village hall (2 months) / £100.00
1094 / 6/3/18 / Bacs / HMRC / PAYE / £263.00
1095 / 6/3/18 / Bacs / Plumbcall / New water heater / £386.40
1096 / 6/3/18 / Bacs / Newflame / Fire alarm installation / £2828.78
1097 / 6/3/18 / Bacs / R Harding / Allotment clearance / £300.00
1098 / 6/3/18 / DD / Anglian Water / VH water / £80.21
1099 / 6/3/18 / DD / Anglian Water / Cemetery water / £55.20
1100 / 6/3/18 / DD / Viking / Stationary / £123.93
1101 / 6/3/18 / Bacs / Cambs ACRE / Payroll / £41.40
Payments made outside of the meeting:
1083 / 19/2/18 / Bacs / Sloan Ranger / VH cleaning (Jan invoice) / £220.001084 / 19/2/18 / Bacs / GP Print / Newsletter printing / £119.00
1085 / 19/2/18 / Bacs / Alex Rogers / VH deposit refund / £100.00
1086 / 26/2/18 / Bacs / C Deards / Refund for projector / £69.99
It was proposed by Cllr Granger and seconded by Cllr Hagger and agreed to approve the accounts for payment.
- Bank reconciliation was noted and approved
- Appoint new internal auditor- The previous internal auditor has decided to retire and it is now necessary to appoint a new internal auditor. A quotation was supplied by Canalbs Ltd, who provide independent Internal audit and training service for Parish and Town Councils.
A discussion took place regarding the quotation and scope of work. It was proposed by Cllr Hyland and second by Cllr Hodgkins and agreed to appoint Canalbs Ltd as the internal auditor for 2018/ 2019.
2192/17-18Village Hall
2193/17-18Parish Council
- The following meeting meeting dates for 2018/2019 were agreed:
3rdApril 2018,1st May 2018, 5thJune 2018, 3rd July 2018, 11thSeptember 2018,
2nd October 2018, 6th November 2018, 4thDecember 2018, 5thFebruary 2019,
5thMarch 2019
2195/17-18Matters as agenda items for future consideration
- Cemetery fee review
2197/17-18The meeting closed at 9:27pm. The date of next meeting3rdApril 2018.