Ascension Announcments – 10/30/16
Remember in your prayers: Carol Grabaum; True Durish; Judy Killmer; Norm Pretzer; Mackale McGuire; Jeff Leppert; Del Yeschick; Ronald Martin; Art Paquette; Marv and Barb Yancer; Elise Lentner; Dennis and Sharon Lytle; Bruce McVannell; Bill Gottlieb; Mikey Falkenberg; JW Wilson; Ray Sundeck; Scotty Kolevar; Briella Grund; Cathy Watz; Barb Van Marter; Sandy Esparza; Jim Hayes
Ascension Families:Danielle, Emerson and Adalynn Lovelace; Karen Luplow; Linda Luplow
Ascension Staff: Pastor Julie, Don, Bob, Sara, Dawn, Jeannie, Ashley and Cheryl
Immanuel Lutheran, Allegan: Pastor Paul Kehnle
Prayer Chain Requests should be called to Barb Van Marter at 781-7803.
A Staffed Nursery is availabletoday from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. The nursery is for children ages five and under.
Today is the last day we will be taking orders for the new Ascension t-shirts!!! The sizes range from Youth Small to Adult 4X and cost $12 each. The order must be paid for at the time the order is placed. We accept cash or checks (if you have the correct change that would be helpful). We have sample shirts in each size, so feel free to stop by the table and try one on to see if it fits.
A Joint Reformation Service with other Saginaw Metro Ministry congregations will take place at Resurrection today at 4:00 p.m. Joint choirs and bells will add to a jazz musical emphasis to reflect on how Martin Luther affects the world wide church today to emphasize God’s grace.
All Saints’ Sunday:The Altar Guild is offering you the opportunity to remember your deceased loved ones with white carnations. The carnations will be placed in the Sanctuary for worship on November 6th, and can be taken home after the 10:30 a.m. worship service. The cost is $1.50 per memorial. Please see the sign-up sheet on the Kiosk in the Gathering Area. Sign-up deadline is today!!! Please place payment in the basket located in the Church Office. Flowers must be paid for before they will be ordered.
Join us for ourNinth Annual “Trunk or Treat” tomorrow night from 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. in the Church Parking Lot. Just pull into an outside parking spot and open your trunk. When your candy is gone, pack up and go! This is a wonderful, safe opportunity for those who love to see the little ones, but live in remote areas. Donuts, cookies and cider will be provided for everyone.
Ascension’s Sewing Group will meet in the Fellowship Hall on Wednesday, November 2nd and Wednesday, November 16th from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Bring your sewing machine, and join us for fun and fellowship. We will be working on an easy community service project. Contact Sandy Graham at 781-1619 with any questions.
Prayer Cross: There is a Prayer Cross located near the back of the Sanctuary. It is a cross to weave prayers, concerns and burdens. A basket of fabric is next to the cross. You may add your prayers and burdens at any time.
The Saginaw Metro Ministries Food Pantry is in need of financial assistance. A fundraising committee is being formed to begin to tackle grant writing and fundraising in the future, but we are asking for your help to keep running. If each family could please consider donating $5 it would help to feed our neighbors. Your help, prayers, ideas and good thoughts are appreciated. Donations can be mailed to: P.O. Box 6472, Saginaw, MI 48608 or dropped off in the Church Office.Please contact Karen Luplow to assist with fundraising at or (517)712-8294.
Please sign up if you’re willing to bring in a snack for our coffee hour on Sunday mornings. The sign-up sheet is located on the Kiosk in the Gathering Area. Thanks!
Youth Pop Can Fund Raiser: You can either drop your cans off in the vestibule near the Fellowship Hall or you can contact a member of the Christian Education Board and we will arrange to pick them up. Thank you for your support!!
The SCRIP Programis a way to increase the giving to Ascension by our members taking a few extra minutes in lieu of giving a few extra dollars. When gift cards are purchased through Ascension, a percentage of those cards’ value will come back to the church without reducing the value of the card. Copies of the order forms are available on the table in the Gathering Area or online at If you have any questions, please contact Dan Durow.
Attendance Cards: Please fill out an attendance card and place in the offering plate.
Lunch and Games: November 9th from 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Come and join us as we share in lunch and then in games, including Euchre, Dominoes, Apples to Apples and many others. You are invited to bring a dish to share and then spend a couple hours in fellowship. Friends are always welcome.
Conversation and Cocktails will be held on Thursday, November 10th from 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. at Gabby’s. This is an intentional gathering of people who wish to discuss issues that bring church and real life issues together. Please come and join us!
As part of your Thanksgiving offering, you are invited to share the fruits of the harvest. To help prepare the Communion service throughout the year, please consider donating a bottle of wine (Mogan David Concord). Your contribution will be a way you can become a part of preparation for each service and help defray the supply costs. You may drop wine donations off at the Church Office or bring it to the Sunday, November 20th service to put on the Altar.
Joint Thanksgiving Service: Thanks Living Service will be held on Tuesday, November 22nd. Join us as we give thanks to God for all we have, and begin to live in thanks always. If you are interested, join in the joint choir. If you wish to help by reading, ushering, prayers—let Pastor Julie know. The joint handbell choirs of Resurrection Lutheran Church and St. John Lutheran Church will be joining us. We will be hosting snacks following the worship service. A sign-up sheet to bring cookies, brownies, finger-type foods will be posted. The offering for this service is designated to the SMM Food Pantry.
The Gathering will be held December 27th - December 30th at the Radisson in Lansing. Registration forms will be available on the Kiosk, Facebook, and the website for you to complete and return to Pastor Julie by Thursday, November 17th. Registration is $155 if registered by this date and you will receive a T-shirt. Registration following will be available as space is available—cost is $180 and does NOT include a t-shirt.
This Week at Ascension:
Today:8:00 - Worship/Communion 9:15 - Sunday School/Adult Study 10:30 - Worship/Communion
Monday: 9:00 - Retiree’s Breakfast 5:30 -Trunk or Treat/Parking Lot
Tuesday: 10:30 - Adult Bible Study 5:30 - Technology Mtg. 6:30 - Board Mtgs. 7:00 - Altar Guild
Wednesday: 9:00 - Sewing Group 7:00 - Worship/Communion
Thursday: 6:30 -Choir Practice
Friday: Office Closed
Next Sunday: (November 6th) 8:00 - Worship/Communion 9:15 - Sunday School/Adult Study
10:30 - Worship/Communion 11:30 - Youth Board Mtg. 5:00 - Handbell Practice 6:00 - ABI
Faith in Action:
Head Ushers:Tim Wilson/J. Whelton & D. HustonReaders:Charleen Boland/Linda Lentner
Acolytes: No Acolyte/J. Whelton & A. RichardsonPrayers: Charleen Boland/Crump Family
Sound Board:Marty Debozy/Brian BergProjection:Melissa Czubaj/Bob Aldrich
Camera Operator: Joel Richardson
Friendly Caller: Bonnie CavendishHospital Caller: Roger Koppenhofer
Flowers on the Altar: Given in Honor of their 20th Wedding Anniversary by Brian and Cheryl Huebner
Thank you!!!
Sincerest thanks to all who donated to the Noisy Offering for Honduras. Our congregation has always been so generous in support of the companion synod Health for Life ministry there. For 11 years now, programs for water filters providing clean water for families, daily meals for kindergarteners in La Canada and spiritual and health education for the health assistants have made a difference. In the last year, a children’s dental project and women’s health program have begun. Many of you brought gifts of coins, paper money and checks—a total $829.15 was given. Thanks so very much. Most of us cannot go to Honduras. However, God calls us to share His gifts and His love with others. “My children, our love should not be just words and talk; it must be true love, which shows itself in action.” I John 3:18 Your gifts are such a blessing. Thank you. Bill and Sara Gregor, Honduras Planning Team
Contact Info for Pastor Julie Bailey
Facebook:Pastor Julie Bailey