Performance and Development Plan
- Work Priorities
- Performance Objectives
- Performance Indicators
Which goals will I focus on in my work for the next 12 months? Consider professional standards and site, team or organisational goals. / Identify specific strategies / objectives / learning activities that will help me to achieve my goals. / How will I measure improvement / achievement of my performance objectives? ( eg identify timeframes, targets, quantity, quality, possible sources of feedback)
Improve my teaching and assessment of comprehension strategies.
- AITSL Standard 1.5
- AITSL Standard 2.5
- Multi-level tasks, allowing for success and extension
- Meaningful conversations
- Regular feedback from teachers and peers, including explicit references to areas for development and strategies to promote development
- Completion of the Fountas and Pinnelltraining and development.
- Explicit goals for each child based on F & P data.
- Integration of Sheena Cameron activities.
- Guided reading groups which include explicit teaching of comprehension skills in the areas of predicting, making connections, synthesising, inferring, analysing and critiquing.
- Reading Assessments of each child using Fountas and Pinnell in Terms 1 and 3 demonstrating equal or more than chronological development (aim for Level H by end Term 3).
- Students with a lower achievement level maintain/show progress in reading levels.
- Formal and informal assessments demonstrate mastery of individualised goals.
- Feedback from Band Leader/ Mentor about programming.
Implement an ICT Safe Practices unit aimed at the Early Years.
•AITSL Standard 4.5
Incorporate strategies to promote the safe, responsible and ethical use of ICT in learning and teaching.
- Multi-modal learning, including virtual settings
- Review ICT Program and ensure safe practices are explicitly taught.
- Review safe practices of ICT use for Early Years in staff meeting.
- Improved use of safe practices in student group.
- Review of Safe Practices teaching program following unit.
- Areas for Development
- Professional Learning Activities
- Responsibility for Action
Skills, knowledge, behaviours or specific competencies to
be developed to assist achievement of my work priorities
and goals. / What learning programs or collaborative processes can I initiate or undertake to support my goals? How can I use work shadowing or observation as professional learning? / Who, where and when?
Improve my teaching and assessment of comprehension strategies.
Implement an ICT Safe Practices unit aimed at the Early Years. / Feedback from Band Leader/ Mentor about literacy group programming.
Completion of the Fountas and Pinnell training and development.
Review of Safe Practices teaching program following unit.
Discussion of Safe Practices in staff meeting / Teacher to organise meeting with Band Leader/ mentor prior to implementation of reading groups, meeting end of Term 1 and following data collection in Term 3.
Teacher to organise meeting to review program with peer.
Teacher to suggest of Safe Practices to staff meeting agenda.
Career Pathway Planning
My short and long-term career goals have been identified and discussed.
- Reflecting on my Achievements
- Evaluating my Work
- What have I achieved since my last professional conversation?
- Which performance objectives am I particularly proud of achieving?
- How did I overcome any difficulties in meeting my performance objectives?
- What feedback have I sought and received in relation to my work?
- What areas of strength have been identified through observation of my practice?
- What relevant data is available?
- Reflecting on Areas for Further Development
- My Overall Reflection (attach further information if needed)
- What performance objectives were not achieved? Why?
- What could I have done better or differently?
- What further professional learning /feedback/skills development do I need?
- Reflecting on my performance has enabled me to…
- In evaluating my performance against the agreed Standards for my work, I found…
- My next steps…
Manager/Leader’s Feedback
May be provided on a separate document.
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Manager/Leader Signature...... DateClick here to enter a date.