Maryland Society, Sons of the American Revolution
Organized 20 April 1889
Westminster Chapter
Chartered 9 March 1985
Serving Carroll County Maryland
Quarterly report of the Westminster Chapter
MDSSAR for the period April - June 2015
Over the last three months, the Westminster Chapter has marched in the annual City of Westminster Maryland Memorial Day parade; presented awards and certificates to graduating high school seniors and the McDaniel College ROTC program, implemented a partnership with the Carroll County Maryland Public Schools and have made plans to hold our summer business/social meeting on 06 August 2015 at the Buttersburg Inn in Union Bridge Maryland.
Highlights of the events over the past three months include:
Local Orations Winner Wins at State Level. The winner of our chapter’s orations contest won at the MDSSAR Annual meeting on 18 April 2015. He will representing the state at the National Congress in July.
Essay Contest Winner Wins at State Level. The winner of our chapter’s essay contest won at the MDSSAR level. Her essay has been forwarded to the National Society for judging.
A press release on the Essay Contest winner appeared in the Carroll County Times (“Sons of the American Revolution Chapter turns 30”. 6 April 2015)
MDSSAR Brochure Contest: Westminster Chapter Winner, Ashley A. Vajo of Sykesville, Carroll County, submitted a brochure through her affiliation with Girl Scouts of Central Maryland Cadette Troop 1523. Her brochure subject on the Declaration of Independence also won at the Maryland Society level, and the entry was forwarded to the National Society for judging at the upcoming National Congress.
Memorial Day Parade: On Monday, 25 May 2015 at 10:00 A.M. Westminster SAR Compatriots marched in the 2015 Westminster Maryland Memorial Day Parade. We had ten Compatriots this year, who assembled on Monroe Avenue and passed along Pennsylvania Avenue and Main Street on the way to the Westminster Cemetery. The parade itself was televised on the local cable service. We thank all who marched and special thanks to Bill Hiatt who organized our participations and special thanks to Compatriot Lou Abel and his family, who lent the use of two classic cars again this year. Immediately, following the conclusion of the parade we placed a wreath at the Westminster cemetery as part of the Memorial Day ceremony.
War Service Medal Presentation: Chapter President, Jim Engler presented Compatriot Lou Able with the War Service Medal for his military service in Vietnam. The medal and certificate was presented as part of our Memorial Day activities. A press release for the parade and the medal presentation has been submitted to the Carroll County Times.
ROTC award ceremony: Westminster Chapter Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) immediate past president, Dr. Cecil Massie, presented the chapters SAR Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) award to Cadet Kyle Shaffer. Shaffer is a freshman studying English from New Freedom, Pennsylvania. The Green Terror Battalion ARMY ROTC President’s Review was held on 21 April 2015 at the McDaniel College, Baker Memorial Chapel Westminster, Maryland. A press release on this ceremony appeared in the Carroll County Times (“Student Scenes” 15 May 2015).
High School Seniors Honored: Each year, the Westminster Chapter SAR presents Outstanding Citizenship Awards (pin and certificate) to members of the Senior Class at each county high school (public and private) in Carroll County. Compatriots from our chapter personally present the awards at each of the following schools during the June graduation ceremonies:
Carroll Christian School, 29 May – Alexandria Cummings
Century, 4 June – George Wieber
Francis Scott Key, 4 June – Casey Fair
Liberty, 3 June – Dakota Ryan
Manchester Valley, 4 June – Steven Priester
North Carroll, 4 June – Conner Masteran
South Carroll, 2 June – Taylor Boeckmann
Westminster, 1 June – Molly Devlin
Winters Mill, 2 June – Breighann Kalb
Westminster Chapter Sons of the American Revolution Educational and Youth Outreach Programs: On May 12th at the Best Western in Westminster, Westminster Chapter,Sons of American Revolution wasgiven a Certificate of Appreciation in recognition of and appreciation for the efforts and accomplishments supporting CCPS. (Carroll County Public School's Business Partnership)as a "Partner Who Supports All Schools" through our youth education and recognition programs” In December 2014President Jim Engler signed on behalf of the Chapter a one year partnership with the Carroll County Public Schools. The intent of the partnership is to get information about our youth programs into the public schools through official channels in the hopes of increasing student participation.
Patriot Biographies:27 Patriot Biographies were submitted to NSSAR from chapter Compatriots before the 1 Jun deadline. This meets the goal set by President General Brock's initiative.
Events in progress and planned for the next few months include:
Chapter Summer Business Meeting/Dinner: This will be held 06 August at the Buttersburg Inn. An announcement with be forthcoming with the details on the meeting.
We wish to thank all of the officers and members of the MDSSAR for their support as we continue our activities for 2015-2016.
Respectfully Submitted,
Charles R. Hedges, Secretary