Achieve Equity in Education by Inspiring All to End Racism and Poverty
Frequently Asked Questions (as of 6/3/16)
Communication with the Memorial Fund
1) Can we listen to the questions and answers from the June 2nd call/webinar?
Yes. Here’s the link:
2) We are interested in learning more about how our work may align with the grant program's priorities. Might it also be possible for us to connect with someone at the Memorial Fund to discuss?
If you have questions about how your idea or proposal aligns with the two grant opportunities, please review the criteria and the application questions closely and reflect on whether this opportunity may benefit your work. As this is a competitive process, we will not be providing feedback on ideas or potential alignment before our review process.
3) If I would like to talk through a specific question with someone by phone, who should I reach out to?
What we are asking is that you send us the question by email. If there is a way we can answer it for everyone that would be most useful to everyone, we will do that.
Equity in Education
4) Is there a type of equity that the grant needs to address?
Like our new mission, these grants focus on the intersection of racial and economic equity and equity in education. Education is not tied to school systems alone, and recognizes the many factors that go into children reaching their full potential.
5) Those who address education and poverty define Equity differently. How do you define Equity as it relates to this grant?
By equity we mean the just and fair inclusion into a society in which everyone can exercise their individual agency and achieve justice, in order that everyone can reach their full potential. Equity work includes increasing awareness, deepening understanding, and taking actions, particularly at the institutional and structural levels.
6) Is simply providing direct service to or collecting data about people of color or people living in poverty equity work?
No. See definition under question 5 above.
7) I would like to understand more clearly the link between equity in education and ending racism and poverty.
Data clearly show the links between the current inequity in education for children of color and those living in poverty. In our exploratory phase, we want to learn more about how we can achieve equity in education in Connecticut by explicitly acknowledging the roles that racism and poverty play and working to change inherently unfair systems.
Understanding the Two Grants
8) Can you clarify the distinction between the two grant options?
From page 4 of the application: Advocates Inspiring Equity grants will support individual or group projects that lift up the voices of students, families, artists and others…. The Inspiring School Equity grants are intended to promote and build more equitable approaches within classrooms, schools, districts, multi-district regions, communities, and the State…. There are other differences given in the application.
9) Advocate grants appear focused on the creation of a product (as in a publication, video, conference etc), is that your expectation?
No, not necessarily.
10) Are Inspiring School Equity grants geared towards direct service organizations only?
11) Can we apply for both grants? Will it affect the chances for funding? Would the grants be considered separately?
They are two different grants and yes, you can apply for both of them. Applying for both grants will not affect your chances of being funded and they will be considered separately.
12) Are Discovery collaboratives able to apply for these grants?
Yes. Discovery community collaboratives may apply.
13) Does the applicant have to be a current Graustein Grantee?
No. Any 501 (c) 3 or group partnering with a 501 (c) 3 is welcome to apply.
14) Was the June 2 conference call mandatory?
No. It was recommended but not mandatory. A link to the recording of the call is available on the Memorial Fund website:
15) As recipients of a Parent Organizing Project grant from the Memorial Fund are we also eligible to apply for an Inspiring All grant?
Program/ Project Fit
16) I really feel that my idea spans across both of the grant platforms, however, is driven by an arts engine. To be successful I feel the amount of funding needed is in the $40,000 range which exceeds the Advocate Inspiring All track. Can you please give me some guidance on how to approach this?
Projects driven by the arts can fit within either of the two grant opportunities. Since you see the work in both, it would be appropriate to apply for either grant.
17) Would programs that target girls of color qualify for an exploratory grant or must opportunities be coeducational?
There’s no requirement that the proposals address a coeducational environment.
18) We have some experience doing work to raise awareness about implicit bias and facilitating community conversations around the causes and impact of implicit bias. Is this the kind of broad look at structural racism you are looking at, or do you want projects that are focused directly on structural racism's impact on education systems and how children are taught/treated within schools?
Because this is an exploratory year we are open to considering all types of proposals because we are looking to learn from the various approaches people take. We suggest focusing on what it is you feel you can execute most effectively.
19) Are applications to do research in schools acceptable?
Research will be considered, with a focus on how it is grounded, its implementation, and with what impact and potential benefit.
Geographic Focus
20) Is an organization outside of Connecticut eligible to apply as long as the work being proposed is focused on communities in Connecticut?
Yes. As long as the work proposed in an application is grounded in Connecticut, it will be reviewed and considered.
21) Does the work or projects proposed for both grant programs have to be located in Connecticut? Or can the work be conducted outside of CT but with clear application for CT?
We are not a national foundation, and can not fund national work. We are looking to fund work that has direct impact in Connecticut.
22) Several communities would like to focus on improving specific benchmarks (K readiness, early literacy, etc.) in our communities across the board (equity being an integral component and measure). We were thinking of submitting a joint proposal.
The Inspiring School Equity grants may be used to support multi-district or regional efforts. For more about our definition of equity please see questions 5 and 6 above.
23) Can an organization applying for the grant(s) also be named as a partner with other organizations?
Application Process & Letter of Intent
24) Where can we find the application/RFP?
Go to the Memorial Fund website. On the homepage there is an update about the Inspiring All grants with a link to a page with downloadable applications and the budget form.
25) Do you prefer that the application be submitted in a question/answer format, following the application?
Yes. Please follow the format of the application itself.
26) Can we submit one application as an individual organization and another application as part of a group of possible grantees?
27) Is the July 15th at 5pm deadline for the "two print copies" to be submitted a postmark deadline or would the print copies need to be in hand by that deadline?
We need the print copies in hand by 5pm on July 15.
28) I am planning to talk with my team next week. Can I put in the LOI after that, when I know better?
Yes. Although the Letter of Interest is not mandatory, we ask that you submit one, by email, and as soon as possible, in order to help us plan for the review process.
29) Is an email indicating our intention to apply sufficient for the LOI?
Yes, and please indicate which grant you are intending to apply for.
Criteria/ Scoring
30) Will an application with more partners or collaborations be rated higher?
We are not looking for numbers of partners, but rather strategic or purposeful partnerships that broaden or deepen the work.
31) Will the ratio of diversity in our community affect attaining the grant?
32) How will you evaluate the grants? (Will there be a weighted score for certain elements? If so, what are the components?)
If you look at the application you will see the criteria. In designing the review process, which we have not done yet, there may be weight given to different parts of the criteria; the review process is being designed.
33) While direct impact clearly is a priority, will the potential for sustainability be factored?
As a one-year grant, sustainability will not be factored into the grant decision. We also acknowledge that these grants are opportunities for learning not just for the Memorial Fund but also for the grantees, and therefore want to encourage experimenting and pushing boundaries rather than sustainability.
Grant Period
34) Is there a timeline over which the grants must be used?
Grants are made for one year. The timeline recommended to the board will extend through to December 31, 2017.
35) Regarding timeline for funding, the work we are doing is multi-year, is the financial and learning partnership with the Foundation likely to be multi-year too, or should we plan on a scope for this work to be accomplished in one year?
Yes, this is funding for one year.
36) Considering grantees would not be notified until November 2016, is it likely that the grant period would begin in December 2016 or January 2017?
We anticipate the grant period will be from December 2016 to December 2017. However, this may change based on the number of applications received and our Board’s process. We will update you with more information as this becomes clear.
37) What date will we be notified of awards?
At this time, we plan to announce our Board’s decisions in November. As we get closer to that date, we will be able to provide more exact information about when that decision will be made and the grant term will begin.
38) How will funds be released?
Grant dollars will be released in two payments.
39) How many grants will be awarded?
That has not been determined by our trustees.
40) Is the amount of the grant per community or per application? For example, if the application includes multiple communities would the amount of the grant change?
The amount will be awarded per proposal not per community.
41) Will grant proposals be partially granted, if not accepted for the full original grant amount requested?
It is possible, but has not been determine. That is a decision that will be made by the Board.
Fiscal Management
41) What is a fiscal sponsor?
A fiscal sponsor is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that provides fiduciary oversight, financial management, and may offer other administrative services to support an individual or organization that does not qualify as tax-exempt.
42) We are a school, not a 501 (c) 3. Is it acceptable to submit with partners through a fiscal sponsor such as United Way?
Yes. A school, a group that is not a 501(c)3, or an individual (including teachers) must partner with a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization as your fiscal sponsor.
43) When you say partnering, do you mean a partnership beyond fiscal sponsorship?
The application requires fiscal sponsors for applicants who are not themselves a 501(c)3. In selecting a fiscal sponsor, consider that the best fiscal sponsors are those who have some mission overlap with you. A nonprofit in a completely different field may not be as equipped to support you.
44) Can an organization applying for the grant serve as a fiscal agent for multiple organizations?
Yes. We have managed that kind of complexity in the past.
45) I work at a university that requires an indirect rate to be charged on grants unless otherwise directed by the funder. Is there a maximum indirect rate that can be included in budget proposals for this grant?
It is the Memorial Fund’s policy not to fund indirect costs for grants made to universities or colleges.
Grantee Requirements
46) How do we engage with the learning conversations and convenings?
We will engage with our grantees to co-design both the learning agenda, for the Memorial Fund and for each grantee, as well as the best way to learn together. We do intend to convene the grantees about three times throughout the year - at beginning, middle, and end - to provide co-learning and networking opportunities.