CommitteeX / Curt Heuring, VP for Facilities Man., Construction and Campus Safety (), Co-Chair
X / Michael Horst, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering (), Co-Chair
□ / Martin Bierbaum, Director of Municipal Land Use Center ()
□ / Curt Elderkin, Assistant Professor of Biology ()
X / Keith Dewey, Director of Grants and Corporate and Foundation Relations ()
X / Larry Gage, Assistant Director of Counseling Services ()
□ / Andrew Mathe, Student Government Association ()
□ / Mark Mehler, Director of Purchasing, Finance and Business Services ()
□ / Colleen Perry, Assistant Director f Career Services ()
□ / Lynda Rothermel, Director of Campus Planning and Campus Architect ()
□ / Nadine Stern, Vice President of Information Technology ()
X / Meagan Terry, Student Government Associations ()
X / Judy Wingerter, Administrative Assistant, Facilities Man., Const., and Safety ()
□ / Lori Winyard, Director of Energy and Central Utilities ()
□ / Kellie Perkowsky, Reidential Education and Housing, Residence Director ()
X / Winnie Fatton, Municipal Land Use Center, Project Manager ()
Date: 29 July 2008
Time: 3:00 p.m. — 4:30 p.m.
Location: Administrative Services Building, Room 203
Meeting Minutes
n By
I. Minutes were approved as read. / M. Horst
II. The committee was informed of a pilot program at Montclair State University where Professor Nick Smith Sebasto is using a food digester to turn food waste into landscaping mulch. Dr. Smith Sebasto is an alumnus of TCNJ and is interested in giving the College an opportunity to be part of a consortium of state colleges which would utilize such digesters to reduce their food waste. The digester, shredder and scale would be free of charge. The committee agreed to invite Dr. Smith Sebasto to present to the committee and other relevant campus constituents to review the program and have a question and answer session regarding the benefits and pitfalls of such an endeavor. The presentation will be scheduled upon the availability of Dr. Smith Sebasto. / W. Fatton
III. Open Issues
a. RFP for Consultant – The subcommittee received two responses stating they will not be submitting a proposal. The subcommittee has developed an evaluation form to use when reviewing any proposals received by the deadline of August 1st. M. Mehler will confirm the viability of businesses submitting a proposal. / W. Fatton
L. Gage
b. Tutorial/Curriculum - It was reported that the syllabus for the sustainability curriculum has been developed. The topics for the modules for the tutorial will be brought to B. Anderson for discussion. / M. Horst
c. Website - M. Terry reported that she is working on the webpage with Matt Winkel. Links to energy and water conservation and recycling information will be included, as well as a form for suggestions and questions.
A question of putting a disclaimer on the website was brought to the committee’s attention. It was decided that M. Terry would discuss this with M. Winkel regarding liability of not having such a disclaimer since the website will be linked to other sites.
At the next meeting, the committee will view the website. / M. Terry
d. Offsets – The committee was reminded that the language in the commitment states that we are to establish a policy regarding the purchasing of offsets by June 2009. We are not required to actually purchase offsets by that date.
It was suggested that the President be presented a variety of proposals to offset carbon through travel over time. Before meeting with her we need to determine how much each idea would cost (i.e. reforestation, food digester, solar panels, light bulbs, etc.) and how these endeavors would be accomplished. Then we need to know how much she is willing to give this year and the next five years.
The committee would like to keep the offsets local if possible. They felt more people would become involved if the benefits were focused locally and it would be good public relations for the College. / All
e. Shuttle Service – At this time no one from the committee has volunteered to look into the idea of a shuttle service. C. Heuring will be looking into such a service. / C. Heuring
III. Other
a. Anemometer – L. Rothermel was contacted by Dr. Grega to work on the location of 2 anemometers. A variance may be needed for the installation of the devices. It was suggested that a meeting needs to be scheduled at a later date to meet with township zoning agents to gain information regarding anemometers. It was thought that if this was not possible to do here, joining forces with another local non-profit organization may be a viable alternative.
K. Dewey reported Rutgers has said they are willing to give TCNJ equipment regarding the anemometers. K. Dewey will send C. Heuring a copy of the proposal. / K. Dewey
b. New Provost – C. Heuring reported that Dr. C. Bresnahan is a proponent for sustainability and a supporter of the committee’s efforts. / C. Heuring
c. Co-Gen Plant – K. Dewey suggested a tour of the co-gen plant should be planned for after a PCCC meeting. L. Winyard will be asked to schedule such a tour so she is available for questions and information. / K. Dewey
d. Meeting dates – The meeting schedule is to continue as planned (every other Tuesday) from 3:00pm-4:30pm in ASB 203. Any changes will be made if needed, due to unavailability of the majority of committee members once the Fall semester schedule is confirmed.
The next meeting is August 12, 2008 in ASB 203 at 3:00pm. / J. Wingerter
Curt Heuring, Vice President for Facilities Management, Construction and Campus Safety
Administrative Services Building 202, PO Box 7718 – Ewing, NJ 08628-0718
609/771-3230 - Fax: 609/637-5150-