Course Syllabus Page 4 of 4
Standard 1D - Syllabus
Ronda Bowles, Instructor
859-498-1103, ext 18
School Year: / 2012-2013 / H.S. Credits: / 1School Name: / Montgomery County ATC / Program: / Office Technology
KY Tech Course Name: / Document Formatting and Word Processing
KCTCS Course Number(s) KCTCS Course Name(s) College Credits
OST 110 Document Formatting and Word Processing 3
Prerequisite(s): Keyboarding Applications (C or above) or completion of competency exam
Course Description
This course provides experience in word processing using industry standard software--Microsoft Word 2010 and Adobe InDesign CS6. Students will develop the touch system of keying with added emphasis on the development of proper keyboarding techniques, speed, and accuracy. Nine to 12 weeks will be spent developing the touch system. The student will apply techniques for proofreading, editing, capitalization, and punctuation for production of mailable copies Students will utilize advanced word processing features for composing and editing (letters, memos, agendas, reports, minutes, newsletters, news releases, flyers, etc.). They will learn clipart/drawing and table features as well as various templates and forms specific to the software. Desktop publishing basics will be addressed in this course. Simulated and real projects will be used for problem solving activities and business document preparation.
Materials Used
Personal Computer Station
Software: Microsoft Office 2003, Micro Type Pro 3.0
Textbook: Century 21: Computer Applications & Keyboarding
See Task List at
90—100 = A 80 – 89 = B 70 – 79 = C
60 – 69 = D 59 below= F
First Nine Weeks% of total grade / Remainder of Year
% of total grade
Daily Work / 50% / 75%
Tests/Quizzes / 10% / 10%
Technique / 35 % / 5%
Timed Writings / 5% / 10%
Timed Writing Scale (3 minute timed writings with 3 or fewer errors)
Second Nine Weeks: Third/Fourth Nine Weeks
35+ = A 40+ = A
30 -- 34 = B 35 -- 39 = B
25 -- 29 = C 25 -- 34 = C
18 -- 24 = D 20 -- 24 = D
*Courses with grades of less than a “C” will not count toward a certificate or be eligible for dual credit
Course Outline
Keyboarding Skills
Learning Keyboard, Figures, Symbols first 12 weeks
Word Skills
Lesson 1: Microsoft Office Word 2010 Basics Lesson 7: Creating Documents with the Merge Feature
Lesson 2: Getting Started with Word 2010 Lesson 8: Creating and Editing Long Documents
Lesson 3: Basic Editing Skills Lesson 9: Desktop Publishing and Automation
Lesson 4: Formatting Basics Lesson 10: Graphics
Lesson 5: Word and the World Wide Web Lesson 11: Securing Documents
Lesson 6: Working with Tables Lesson 12: Integration of Programs
Accommodations for Individuals with Disabilities and Equal Employment Opportunities (EEO)
The Education Cabinet, the Department for Workforce Investment and the Office of Career and Technical Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in educational services and/or employment. The Education Cabinet provides, upon request, reasonable accommodations including auxiliary aids and services necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in all services, programs and activities. To request materials in an alternative format, contact the Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator in OCTE or Norb Ryan at . Persons with hearing-and speech- impairments can contact the agency by sing the Kentucky Relay Service, a toll-free telecommunication device for the deaf (TDD). For voice to TDD, call 1-800—648-6057. For TDD to voice, call 1-800-648-6056.
The Office of Career and Technical Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, marital status, or religion in admission to education programs, activities, and employment practices in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (revised 1992), and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and shall provide, upon request by a qualified disabled individual, reasonable accommodations including auxiliary aids and services necessary to afford individuals with a disability an equal opportunity to participate.
For more information, contact Mr. William Denton, Office of Career and Technical Education, 20th Floor CPT, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601, (502) 564-4286. Mr. Denton can also be reached through his e-mail address: .
Student Signature Date Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Equal Education and Employment Opportunities M/F/D
Bowles’ Classroom Management Plan
Attendance Policy/Withdrawal Policy
Because of the hands-on nature of this course, attendance is imperative. In the event you must miss a class, you will have three class periods to make up the work. It is your responsibility to meet with the instructor to obtain and schedule make-up work!
Class Expectations/Rules
- Try to do ALL assignments; you will receive at least partial credit.
- Be on Time.
- Be Prepared.
- Be Respectful!
- Be Honest!
- Classroom vending times are rewarded throughout the week when the class has earned this privilege; if abused the breaks will be denied.
- Do not interrupt the teacher or another student during discussions. This includes talking to one another.
- Everyone (students, teacher and guests) will be given the same amount of respect in this classroom. Profanity and name-calling will not be tolerated.
- Pay attention when there is instruction and student interaction happening.
Some ‘Possible’ Consequences for Breaking the Rules
Your behavior in class is your choice; and, with your choices are consequences (both good and bad). The consequences to your violation of the rules will be dependent upon the undesired action.
· Loss of daily points
· Loss of snack break
· Detention/Saturday School
· Conference with you, the ATC Principal, your parent/guardian, and myself.
Standard Classroom Procedures
· Be in class by the time the tardy bell rings. Habitual tardiness will not be tolerated.
· Begin your work that is posted on the board or projector.
· Once you have selected your seat, keep your seat unless otherwise instructed. Use your name tents daily until I have otherwise stated not to use them. Each day we have a substitute teacher, use your name tents.
· Class ends when the bell rings. Remain seated until the bell rings.
· If you need to leave the room (called out by administration or to use the restroom), obtain the hall pass located on the filing cabinets in the front of the classroom. Only one person is allowed out of the room at any time.
· Place your assignments in the designated box in the classroom..
· Check the class out box frequently. All graded work is placed in this box.
· See me for makeup assignments the day of your return. You will be required to makeup all work even if your absence is unexcused. When your absence is recorded as excused in Infinite Campus, then your grade will be entered correctly. You will have three days in which to make up your work. If you know you’re going to be absent ahead of time, let me know as soon as possible.
· Late work will be accepted but with point deductions. It is extremely important that you understand each concept as we go; therefore you will not be able to skip work.
· Any student caught cheating will receive a grade of ZERO for that assignment. No exceptions and may have other consequences as well.
· You are provided a designated area on the school server to keep all of your material. Keep this folder organized using proper file folders and labeled files.
· Bring materials you need to work with to class each day.
· Carefully place all beverages and snacks away from your keyboards. Empty any unused drinks into the sinks and then place them in the recycle container.
· Keep your workspace clean and orderly. When you leave, assure your books are placed in the appropriate areas, push your chair in and pick up any garbage lying around your workstation. Continuous inattention to this matter will result in the loss of daily points.
Safety Procedures
· Use caution when sitting in chairs with rollers—sitting on the edge or leaning back too far will cause them to overturn.
· If you are to visit the school nurse to take medication, please let me know in order to work out a personalized time for you to leave class to visit the school nurse.
· All visitors must report to the front office and receive a visitor’s badge.
· This class will always be a ‘safe place’ for you if you need a place to collect your thoughts or need to avoid a confrontation with another student.
· Tornado, fire and earthquake drills are listed on the attention board.
· Keep feet and hands away from electrical cords and plugs. If you notice that something needs repair, please let me know immediately.
· Filing cabinets can be dangerous. Assure that you only open one drawer at a time and each time you leave the cabinet, close the drawer.
· Use caution when leaning over equipment (printers, paper shredder, paper cutter, laminators, etc.) and assure that dangling objects are secured before operating equipment. Some examples include: jewelry, scarves, loose sleeves, neckties or long hair. As they could get caught in the machinery.
· Do not use any machine until you have received instruction on the operation of that machine.
· Do not unplug equipment by pulling on the electrical cord. Instead, grasp the plug at the outlet and remove it.
· Do not stretch an electrical cord across the aisle where someone might trip over it.
· Do not attempt to repair equipment. Let me know if there is an issue with equipment in need of repair
· Do not insert anything into disk drives or backs of the computers.
· Do not throw objects such as pencils, books, etc. Hand them to others carefully.
· Do not roll or adjust chairs unnecessarily.