SUMMERHILL, PA Solemnity of Mary, The Holy Mother of God NEW GERMANY, PA
Fr. Leon Hont, O.S.B. Pastor Office Hours 9 AM – 3:30 PM M-F Rectory Address: P.O. Box 248
Rectory Phone: 495-5241 - Fax 495-9522 538 Main St., Summerhill, PA 15958
Mon. January 2nd Basil the Great& Gregory Nazianzen
Tues. January 3rd Holy Name of Jesus
SJ 7:45 AM Ray & Gertrude LeMay
Wed. January 4th St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
SJ 7:45 AM Rita & Urban Wolfe
Thurs. January 5th St. John Neumann
IC 7:45 AM Caroline Dombrosky
SJ 6:00 PM Confessions
SJ 6:30 PM Exposition & Rosary
SJ 7:00 PM Mass of Reparation
First Friday, January 6th St. Andre’ Bessette
IC 7:45 AM Stephanie Flynn
First Saturday, January 7th Christmas Octave
IC 8:00 AM Deceased Benedictines
IC 4:00 PM Gary Schrift
SJ 5:00 PM Don Bopp
Sunday, January 8th – EPIPHANY OF THE LORD
SJ 8:00 AM Larry McCormick
SJ 10:00 AM For the Parish
IC 7:00 AM Alicia Richardson
IC 9:00 AM For the Parish
For the weekend of January 7th & 8th:
SJ – 5 PM Kayla Units
8 AM TJ and Nathaniel Beyer
10 AM Anna W., Anna B. & Anna K.
IC - 4 PM Evan, Emma & Tobey Becquet
7 AM Bob and Monica Krug
9 AM Byron, Claire & Nadia Daubert
SJ & IC : 1/2 hour before Saturday evening Masses;
1/2 hour before all weekend masses, during the first weekend of each month; or anytime by appointment.
GIFT BEARERS - SJ & IC next week.
SJ Sat 5 PM Anna Mae Bopp Family
SJ Sun 8 AM Shawn Ray Family
SJ Sun 10 AM Volunteer Needed
IC Sat 4 PM Allan Long Family
IC Sun 7 AM Volunteer Needed
IC Sun 9 AM Mark Wirfel Family
IC FINANCE COUNCIL meeting will be on Monday, January 9th at 7 PM in Marian Hall.
IC MAINTENANCE COMMITTEE meeting will be on Thursday, January 12th at 7 PM in Marian Hall.
THE PARISH OFFICE will be closed on Monday, January 2nd. Happy New Year!!
SJ FINANCE COUNCIL meeting will be on Tuesday, January 10th at 7 PM in the rectory.
NO CCD CLASSES today, Sunday, January 1st in either parish. Classes will resume on January 8, 2017 in both parishes.
SJ & IC: Thursday, January 5th at SJ Church – 6 PM Confessions; 6:30 PM Exposition & Rosary & 7 PM Mass of Reparation. All are welcome to come and pray for the grace of repentance and reconciliation.
MARRIAGE CELEBRATION at IC Church will be on Saturday, February 11, 2017. Keep the date in mind!
SJ: Will be taking down all Christmas decorations next Sunday, January 8th at 11 AM. Help is needed. Thanks.
PRO-LIFE NEWS: The March for Life will be held on Friday, January 27, (notice date change). More information in January. Square Dance dates are January 7 & 14, Feb. 4 & 18, March 4 & 18. Please pray for all issues concerning life.
SJ & IC 11TH GRADE CONFIRMATION CLASS: Time is running out for the candidate interviews with Father Leon. Please call the rectory at 495-5241 to schedule your interview. Father Leon has a lot of evening appointments already, so please don’t wait until the last minute to call and schedule. Must be done by Feb. 1st.
SQUARE DANCE will be held at New Germany Grove Hall on Saturday, January 7th from 7-10 PM. Refreshments served. Proceeds benefit IC Pro-Life Organization. Everyone’s Welcome.
IC & SJ WEDDING ANNIVERSARY COUPLES: Celebrating in January: Greg and Lisa Wirfel; Ken and Suzie Thomas and Steve and Debbie Brown. Congratulations to all! The Anniversary Book is in the back of both churches. If you would like to have your name in the bulletin - place your name under the correct month. Thank you.
A THANK YOU FROM BIRTHRIGHT... Your incredible generosity has brightened the Christmas Season and made this New Year more hopeful for many moms and their precious little ones. Thank you for supporting Birthright's pro life mission to help pregnant women choose life and avoid abortion. God Bless you all in the New Year. Mary Kay Clark
FPU CLASS: We will begin a new Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University class on Sundays from January 8 through March 5. Please join us for this life changing class! Register at Questions call Kristy 241-7749.
A GUIDED PAINTING PARTY will be held at St. John’s Church social hall on Saturday, January 28, 2017 at 6:15 PM. Tickets are $35. Please RSVP to Kathy Bodenschatz by January 18, 2017 by calling her at 495-4107 or email her: . All are welcome. Proceeds benefit Greater Johnstown Youth Swim Team.
IC: Our Jewelry Raffle is Saturday, January 21, 2017 at New Germany Grove Hall. The tickets are available NOW, please call Becky or Dave at 495-9594 or the rectory. All proceeds benefit repairs for the Grove Hall. Tickets are $25. Only 500 tickets will be sold. Doors open at 5 PM. Ticket includes admission, meal, dessert and drinks. Over $7,500.00 in jewelry & accessories (retail value) and cash prizes. Grand prize $1,000.00 jewelry shopping spree at Gold Rush Jewelers. Jewelry, accessories, instant bingo, & 50/50's will be chanced during the bash. Many volunteers are needed to make this event successful. If anyone is willing to help, please call Dave or Becky or Pam at the rectory 495-5241.
NGAA SIGN-UPS for all age groups in T-Ball, Baseball and Softball will be held Sunday, January 8th, from
11:30 AM to 12:15 PM in Marian Hall.
GOB SALE – sponsored by the SJ Rosary Altar Society will be held on Saturday, February 4th. We will make chocolate gobs - $12 a dozen and pumpkin gobs - $12 for 10 gobs. Pre-orders only. Deadline to order is January 22nd. Pre-order forms (orange) in the gathering space of SJ Church. Please complete and return them by dropping them in the collection basket or bring to rectory. Gobs will have to be picked up at SJ Church social hall after 10 AM on Feb. 4th.