English project designed by Jezabel Rodríguez • 06/02/2017
1. Preface
T2 Trainspotting, the sequel to a film with the same name released 20 years ago, is the interesting material my students are going to work on. The movie is about a group of friends who went through a lot of things in their youth -those things including theft, violence, alcohol and drugs- and are now reunited after 20 long years. This project will be based on the present and the past (what their lives were and are like). Students will also have the opportunity to review typical nationalities or learn new ones from the different actors that appear in the film (English, Scottish, Dutch, Slovenian).
2. The project
2.1. The context
We will work with a group of 20 students with an A2 level aged 30-45 who are studying an intensive course (4 hours a day 5 days a week) and need to learn in a laid-back way. It will take 2 half sessions approximately (2nd part of the class is usually dedicated to media and songs).
2.2. Objectives, competences, contents and assessment criteria
a. Objectives: Reviewing nationalities, adverbs of frequency, present and past tenses.
b. Competences:
Linguistic and audiovisual competence, cultural competence, IT competence, learning to learn competence, personal initiative competence, and social competence.
c. Contents of the curriculum
Competència pragmàtica Competència Competència lingüística
Funcions i aspectes sociolingüístics / Organització del discurs i tipus de text / Lèxic i aspectes semàntics / Morfosintaxi / Ortografia i aspectes gràfics / Fonètica i fonologiaComprendre els trets principals d’una cultura estrangera (l’escocesa en aquest cas). Identificar expressions col·loquials pròpies de la zona geogràfica a la qual pertany la pel·lícula. / Saber identificar present i passat, formular preguntes correctament depenent del context. / Aprendre expressions
col·loquials i nou vocabulari. / Preguntes en el present i el passat. / Afiançar l’ortografia de vocabulari ja treballat en sessions anteriors, com per exemple dels adverbs of frequency (always, often…) / Word endings
Sil Silent letters
Word stress
2.3. Activities
Timing : 30 minutes
Resources: film segment (it would be better to use the DVD as it quite a new film) and worksheet 1.
Procedure: Students watch the segment of the film where everyone appears as themselves now and in the past. They all were come back to Edinburgh but have had different past experiences (Netherlands, Slovenia, England, Romania). After that, the teacher hands in different role plays with the name of the characters of the film, some information about it and also some prompts to ask their partners. They will ask different questions, such as… Where are you from? How old are you? Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? And then… I think you are… X. If the answer is “No, I’m not” then the student will have to ask… “Then, who are you?”
Dynamics: Even if we have several characters/roleplays, students work in pairs to increase their Speaking Time.
Activity #2: WHERE WERE YOU?
Timing : 30 minutes
Resources: film segment and worksheet 2.
Procedure: Students are handed a second role play where they have information about their past.
They ask each other questions and answer accordingly.
Dynamics: Students work in groups to make the exchange richer.
Timing : 30 minutes
Resources: film segment and worksheet 3.
Procedure: Students will be given a worksheet with several informal expressions or slang and their equivalences in “English”. They will have to match and learn them. Then, they will practice them using sentences and later, through a card game.
Dynamics: Students work in pairs to help each other
Activity #4: OVER TO YOU!
Timing : 45 minutes
Resources: Computer, microphone, podcast recording programme
Procedure: Listen to a podcast in which the teacher introduces herself, tells the students a few things she did in the past, what she’s doing now and ask the students to do likewise. (Compared to the characters in the film)
Dynamics: Students work individually from home or at the Computer Lab.
Podcast: ABOUT ME!
Timing : 20 minutes
Resources: Video from VOA Learning English (Where are you from?), worksheet 5
Procedure: Students watch a video twice and answer the questions provided in the worksheet.
Dynamics: Students work individually first and then compare answers with a partner.
Video: Excuse me, can I ask you a question? (to be shown without subtitles)
Activity #6: CHECK YOUR PAST!
Timing : 20 minutes
Resources: Video (youtube), worksheet.
Procedure: Students are given a worksheet with three columns: the first one has verbs in the present tense, the second column needs to be completed with the past these of those verbs and the last column is entitled “film”.
Students need to complete the second column and then check with the video. At the same time they check, they need to complete the third column, trying to guess which film the segment is taken from. Watch twice if necessary. Then the teacher will give answers as a group.
Dynamics: Students work in pairs.
2.4. Evaluation
For the evaluation of students through the whole process, we will use a rubric which will be shown
to them for them to know what they are expected to do. Students will be given a maximum of 15
For that, I created my own rubric with I Rubric:
Poor1 pts / Fair
2 pts / Good
3 pts / Excellent
4 pts
Exposition / Poor
Confusing and disorganized. / Fair
Visible effort to express ideas. / Good
Clear and organized. / Excellent
Clear, organized and very well structured.
Participation / Poor
Monopolizes conversation/ no interaction. / Fair
Too short interventions, few new ideas. / Good
Takes turns, interacts with partners, supplies ideas. / Excellent
Takes turns and supplies lots of new ideas. Helps other candidates interact with questions. Takes initiative.
Pronunciation / Poor
Hard to follow, too many mispronunciations. / Fair
Some difficulty in following with systematic mispronunciations. / Good
Clear, with some irrelevant mistakes. / Excellent
Correct and clear, easy to follow
Grammar and Vocabulary / Poor
Does not use any of the vocabulary learnt/provided.
Too many basic grammar mistakes. / Fair
Limited range of grammar structures. Uses some of the vocabulary learnt but with mistakes. / Good
Uses vocabulary learnt in class. Good grammar with some occasional mistakes. / Excellent
Varied use of vocabulary learnt in class. Varied grammar structures without systematic mistakes.
2.5. Class management and methodology
Students will be sitting in a U-shape to make the most of communication and interaction. Every activity will be introduced at first just by its title, letting students guess what it will be about and thus creating an atmosphere of excitement.