
Curriculum Vitae


Business Address: School of Art and Art History,

150 Art Building West

The University of Iowa

Iowa City, Iowa52242-1706

Phone:(319) 335-1744

Fax:(319) 335-1774



1. Higher Education

University of California, Berkeley, Ph.D. in History of Art, 1995.

Dissertation: Life and Still Life: A Cultural Inquiry into

Seventeenth-Century Dutch Still-life Painting

Chair: Professor Svetlana Alpers

Committee: Professor T. J. Clark, Professor Jan de Vries (History)

Examination Field: Art in Europe 1580-1720, specializing in the

Northern Netherlands; Outside Field: Anthropology

University of California, Berkeley, M.A. in History of Art, 1984.

Master's Thesis: An Act of Sight: Renaissance Collections

and the Art of Memory. Chair: Professor Loren Partridge

Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania, B.A. with Distinction in History of Art, 1976.

2. Professional and Academic Positions

Associate Professor, spring 2004-present, The University of Iowa

Assistant Professor, fall 1998-spring 2004, The University of Iowa

Visiting Assistant Professor, spring 1998, MillsCollege, Oakland, California

Lecturer, fall 1996 - spring 1998, Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, CA

Lecturer, spring 1986, College of Marin, Kentfield, California

Teaching Associate, fall 1981 - spring 1983, University of California, Berkeley

Teaching Assistant, spring 1981 - fall 1981, University of California, Berkeley

Intern, fall 1979 - summer 1980, Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco

Extern, spring 1976, Baltimore Museum of Art, Baltimore, Maryland

3. Selected Honors and Awards

Frederick Burkhardt Fellowship, for year in residence at the Center for

Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, 2007-2008

Arts and Humanities Initiative, The University of Iowa, 2006-2007

Faculty Scholar Award, The University of Iowa, 2005-2008

Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellowship, CASVA (Center for Advanced Studies

in the Visual Arts), National Gallery, Washington, D.C., 1991-92

Fulbright Fellowship to The Netherlands, 1990-91

4. Membership in professional societies

American Association for Netherlandic Studies –Executive Board, 2006 - present

Historians of Netherlandish Art - Executive Board, 2004- present

College Art Association

Iowa Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa

Midwest Art History Society

American Association of University Women

5. Professional Development Training

Stichting Restauratie Atelier Limburg (Limburg Conservation Institute), Amsterdam-Maastricht

SummerUniversity, “The Painter’s Palette in the 16th- and 17th-Century: Pigment Preparation and Painting Technology.” Competitive, refereed application process. Graduate and Postgraduate-level seminar; fellow participants were professional conservators, scientists, artists and art historians from many international institutions (including The Hermitage, Tate Gallery London, Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna, Nationalmuseum Stockholm, Prado Madrid, and the Rijksbureau voor Kunsthistorische Dokumentatie in The Netherlands), 2001

Gemeente-Archief, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, completed three-month course on Dutch

Paleography, deciphering 15th- through 18th-century handwritten manuscripts, 1991

Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, “Main Trends in Cultural History,”

invited and funded by the Dutch government to participate in summer conference, 1991

Kasteel Nijenrode, Breukelen, The Netherlands, completed “Zomercursus Nederlandse Taal en

Cultuur,” intensive course on Dutch language and culture, with full scholarship from the Dutch

Ministerie van Onderwijs en Wetenschappen, 1990

6. Pedagogically Related Computer Work

Applied for and was awarded a SITA grant for a Student Instructional Technology Assistant for development of ICON websites, consultation on organization of digital images with Microsoft Expressions, and further training in editing digital video with I-Movie and I-DVD for teaching purposes, spring 2007

Utilized Madison Digital Image Database to create presentations from remote locations and present

resulting lectures at national and international venues, 2006 - present

Working with I-Movie and I-DVD to develop course materials on “The Dutch in the World,”

using equipment obtained through Dean’s Scholar Award, spring 2005 – present

Tested the Beta-version Madison Digital Image Database in Western Art and Culture and

Dutch and Flemish Painting, one of the first two faculty members to employ the new software in classes for both digital image management and projection in class; spring 2005

Working with SteveStrait on digital still-image and video editing of research material gathered

in the Netherlands Antilles and Suriname, spring 2003 –2005

Twist partnerships with Rijn Templeton and Daniel Stout for webcourses for upper-division

Netherlandish Painting, fall 2002, and History of Prints and Inside Baroque, spring 2002 and fall 2003; tried Blackboard.com for Global Issues in Visual Culture, with student postings, spring 2003

Worked with Karla Tonella to present digitized images for upper-division course Inside Baroque,

utilizing Photoshop and Dreamweaver, spring 2002

Directed Research Assistants in computerization of bibliography with Endnote, fall 2001 – spring


Worked with Eric Dean and Betsey Kosier of Office of Visual Materials to digitize images for

student study for Dutch and Flemish painting, fall 2000 & fall 2002, Inside Baroque and History of Prints, spring 2002, and Western Art and Culture After 1400, spring 2003

n-Title training workshop on WebCT, Claris HomePage, Acrobat, Photoshop, and Powerpoint,

spring 1999

On PC: also familiar with Endnote, WORD for Windows; Wordperfect for DOS and Windows;

Procite; D-base III+; XTG, Fastback; Scan Manager, Omnipage Direct and Imagestar

On MAC: also familiar with WORD; put courses on the Web with “Web Course in a Box”

at SonomaStateUniversity and participated in teleconferencing with California State Universities on digitizing images for use in art history teaching, 1996-97

7. Languages

Participated in AllNET program to advance Dutch language study, spring 2005.

Dutch, German, French, Italian: speak, write and read with relative fluency.

Portuguese, Russian: read a little

Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, Bahasa Indonesia: speak a (very!) little

Contract translation work, Dutch to English, for Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, 1996-97

8. Research-Related International Travel

Ghana and South Africa (three weeks) 2007

Japan, Taiwan, Indonesia (Java, Maluku, Sulawesi, Bali),

Malaysia, Sri Lanka, India, The Netherlands (ten weeks altogether) 2006

China (three weeks) 2006

Brazil (three weeks) 2005

Dresden, Gotha, Amsterdam, The Hague (two weeks) 2004

Suriname (one week) 2004

Curaçao and Bonaire, NetherlandsAntilles (one week) 2003

Antwerp, Belgium (one week) 2002

The Netherlands (two weeks) 2001

London (one week) 2000

YucatanPeninsula (one week) 1996 and 2000

Istanbul, Turkey (two weeks) 1999

The Netherlands (two weeks) 1999

The Netherlands (thirteen months in residence) 1990-91

The Netherlands (three weeks) 1988

Paris (three months) and further travel in Western and Eastern Europe (one month) 1981

Western and Eastern Europe (nine months traveling extensively) 1974


1. Courses Taught

& Year / Courses Taught
Number and Title / Students
Enrolled / Selected ACE Summary Scores
lectually stimu-
lating / Require-ments/ Goals clear** / Exams require
course synthesis / Related fields/
Recent developmnts discussed / Oral communi-cation competence / Under-grad / Grad
Spring 2007 / 01H:150 17th c. Dutch and Flemish Painting / 28 / 4 / 1
Spring 2007 / 01H:353 Graduate Seminar: Rembrandt / 10
2007 / 01H:300:003
PhD Readings / 1 / * / * / * / * / *
2006 / 01H:300:003
PhD Readings / 1 / * / * / * / * / * / 4 / 1
2005 / 01H:006 Western Art
& Culture After 1400 / 243 / 5.79 / 5.81 / 5.71 / 5.58 / 5.93 / 7 / 7
2005 / 01H:150 17th c. Dutch
and Flemish Painting / 26 / 5.84 / 5.84 / 5.84 / 5.88 / 5.97
Spring 2005 / 187:003:001 Issues in International Studies: Global Issues in Visual Culture / 45 / *** / *** / *** / *** / ***
2005 / 01H:190:003 Honors
Research in Art History / 2 / * / * / * / * / *
2005 / 01H:302:003 MA
Written Thesis / 1 / * / * / * / * / *
2004 / 01H:183
History of Prints / 35 / 5.75 / 5.75 / 5.50 / 5.75 / 5.75 / 5 / 7
2004 / 01H:200
History and Methods / 5 / 5.67 / 6.00 / 4.50 / 5.88 / 6.00
Summer 2004 / 01H:300:003
Directed Reading / 1 / * / * / * / * / * / 0 / 1
2004 / 01H:006 Western Art
& Culture After 1400 / 250 / 5.53 / 5.69 / 5.65 / 5.48 / 5.79 / 4 / 8
2004 / 01H:353 Dutch Images
of Global Exploration / 4 / * / * / * / * / *
2003 / 01H:200
History and Methods / 9 / 5.75 / 5.13 / 5.67 / 5.17 / 5.75 / 6 / 13
2003 / 01H: 151
Inside Baroque / 12 / 5.95 / 5.25 / 5.25 / 5.89 / 5.64
2003 / 01H:247 Global Issues
in Visual Culture / 10 / 6.00 / 5.09** / 5.20 / 5.55 / 5.82 / 6 / 14
Spring 2003 / 01H:006 Western Art
& Culture After1400 / 210 / 5.25 / 5.60 / 5.40 / 5.26 / 5.65
2002 / 01H:150 Netherlandish Painting 1600-1700 / 25 / 5.80 / 5.69 / 5.86 / 5.43 / 5.95 / 5 / 16
2002 / 01H:200 History and Methods / 7 / ** / 5.71 / 5.86 / ** / 5.14
2002 / 01H:180
History of Prints / 25 / 5.81 / 5.73 / 5.78 / 5.78 / 5.94 / 6 / 16
Spring 2002 / 01H:153
Inside Baroque / 15 / 5.88 / 5.50 / 5.40 / 5.10 / 5.94
Spring 2001 / 01H:200 The Culture
of the Object / 2 / * / * / * / * / * / 13 / 14
Spring 2001 / 01H:006 Western Art
& Culture After 1400 / 197 / 5.63 / 5.66 / 5.34 / 5.10 / 5.79
2000 / 01H:154 Dutch
Baroque Painting / 24 / 5.33 / 5.61 / 5.31 / 5.38 / 5.88 / 11 / 12
2000 / 01H:200
History and Methods / 4 / * / * / * / * / *
Spring 2000 / 01H:199 Topics: Rembrandt / 24 / 5.80 / 5.63 / 5.36 / 5.71 / 5.96 / 9 / 9
Spring 2000 / 01H:006 Western Art
& Culture After 1400 / 187 / 5.39 / 5.61 / 5.17 / 5.04 / 5.79
1999 / 01H:200
History and Methods / 9 / 5.70 / 5.50 / 5.40 / 6.00 / 6.00 / 9 / 5
1999 / 01H:180
History of Prints / 26 / 5.79 / 5.85 / 5.27 / 5.47 / 5.73
Spring 1999 / 01H:006 Western Art
& Culture After 1400 / 206 / 5.11 / 5.25 / 4.72 / 4.74 / 5.53 / 6 / 3
Spring 1999 / 01H:053 Introduction
to Baroque / 39 / 5.36 / 5.75 / 5.21 / 5.18 / 5.85
1998 / 01H:154 Dutch
Baroque Painting / 31 / 5.40 / 5.36 / 4.55 / 5.08 / 5.87 / 6 / 2
1998 / 01H:004 Masterpieces:
Art/Cultural Paradigms / 158 / 5.08 / 5.47 / 5.00 / 4.77 / 5.69

* The University did not administer ACE forms for courses with enrollment of fewer than 10 students.

** Not all questions appeared on all forms. For “Requirements/Goals Clear,” number with ** indicates the question “Goals Clear.”

*** This was a 5-week introductory module for International Studies’ interdisciplinary major. No ACE forms were administered.

2. Students Supervised

a. Ph.D. Students: Committee Member (all Art History unless otherwise indicated)

Degree Objective: / Student Name: / Years: / Outcome:
Ph.D. candidate / Catherine Adams
(Baroque Minor Field) / 2000-2007 / ABD –teaching at
University of Northern Iowa
Ph.D. candidate / Elizabeth van Arragon / 2002-2006 / Completed – teaching at CalvinCollege
Ph.D. candidate / Nancy Bishop
(Baroque Minor Field) / 2000-2004 / Completed – Seashore Ballard
Fellowship 2003; secured position at ArkansasTechUniversity
Ph.D. candidate / Cynthia Bland / 2000-2002 / Completed – subsequently
taught at University of Iowa
Ph.D. candidate / Doyle Buhler
(Baroque Minor Field) / 2002-present / Comped Spring 2005 – ABD; presenting dissertation proposal spring 2007
Ph.D. candidate / Shane Campbell
(Baroque Minor Field) / 1999-present / Comped Fall 2004 – ABD
Ph.D. candidate / Kimberly Cleveland
(Baroque Minor Field) / 2000-2004 / Comped Fall 2004 –
Fulbright Fellow, Brazil
Ph.D. candidate / Sarah Clunis / 2001-2002 / Completed – secured position at TulaneUniversity
Ph.D. candidate / Susan Cooksey / 2003-2004 / Completed – curator at
University of Florida
Museum of Art
Ph.D. candidate
(English) / Elizabeth Dietz / 1999-2000 / Completed – secured position
at RiceUniversity
Ph.D. candidate / Michael Dooley / 2001-present / ABD – Henry Luce Fellow
Ph.D. candidate / Valerie Kidrick / 2000 / Completed – secured position
at SacramentoCityCollege
Ph.D. candidate / Andrea Kann
(Baroque Minor Field) / 1999-2003 / Completed – Seashore Ballard
Fellowship 2002, Completed—subsequently taught at University of Iowa
Ph.D. candidate / Barbaranne Liakos / 2005 / Stand-in for absent professor
for dissertation proposal
meeting only
Ph.D. candidate / Ann Paulk / 2003 / Completed – secured position
at DennisonUniversity
Ph.D. candidate / Gitti Salami / 2004 – 2005 / Completed – secured position at University of Kansas
Ph.D. candidate
(Co-Chair)* / Beata Sloan / 2001-2003 / Completed – secured position at Maine College of Art
*The Reception and Impact of Flemish Art in Poland in the Late Middle Ages
PhD candidate Kimball Smith
(Medieval and Renaissance literature) / 2001 / Completed – subsequently taught at The University of Iowa
Ph.D. candidate / Danielle Snoddy / 2004-2006 / Completed spring 2006
Ph.D. candidate / Jennifer Vigil / 2001-2004 / Completed fall 2004 – secured
position at U. of Arizona

b. Ph.D. Students: Primary Advisor

Degree Objective: / Student Name: / Years: / Outcome:
Ph.D.candidate / Ellen O’Neil Rife / 2003-2004 / Presidential Scholar;
transferred to University of Kansas
Ph.D.candidate / Elizabeth Sutton / 2005-present / Taking Comprehensive Examinations Spring 2007

c. Masters Students: Degree Committees (students listed alphabetically)

Degree Objective: / Student Name: / Years: / Outcome:
MFA (Painting) / Arbe Bareis / 2003-2005 / Completed—subsequently teaching at University of Iowa
MA (Art History) / Erica Barkost / 1998-2001 / Completed
MA (Art History) / Jennifer Baum / 2007-present / In progress
MA (Art History) / Lyndsay Bennion / 2004-2005 / Transferred to Bowling GreenUniversity
MA (Art History) / Shanshan Chen / 2003-
2005 / Completed; went on to PrincetonUniversity for PhD
MFA (Printmaking) / Allan Coburn / 2000 / Completed
MFA (Photography) / Christine Flavin / 2004-2005 / Completed; subsequently teaching at University of Iowa
MA (Printmaking) / Nathan Haenlein / 2001 / Completed—went on for MFA
MFA (Printmaking) / Nathan Haenlein / 2002 / Completed—secured position
at MaryWashingtonCollege
MA (Art History) / Peter Holtgrave / 1999-2002 / Completed—went on to serve
in Peace Corps in Mauritius
MA (Art History) / Shannon Karol / 2004-2005 / Completed—secured museum position
MA (Art History) / Soo-min Kim / 2002-2003 / Completed—advanced to PhD
MA (Art History) / Justin Quinn / 1998-2001 / Completed—went on for MFA
MFA (Printmaking) / Justin Quinn / 2000 / Completed—secured position
at University of North Texas
MA (Art History) / Danielle Snoddy / 2002-2003 / Completed—advanced to PhD

d. Masters Degree Students: Primary Advisor

MA (Art History) / Elizabeth Sutton / 2003-2005 / Completed—won Jakobsen Forum award; advanced
to PhD
“Order, Instruction, and the Dignity of Man: Humanism, Empiricism, and Morality in Jan Huygen van Linschoten’s Itinerario and Vesalius’ De Humani Corporis Fabrica

e. Undergraduate students(student projects listed chronologically)

Degree Objective: / Student Name: / Years: / Outcome:
Independent Study-
Art Appraisal (BA Art History) / Natalie Allen / Spring 2001 / Completed
Independent Study-
Baroque Light (BFA Painting) / Ida Delrieu-Schulz / 2000-2002 / Completed
US-IA Research Assistantship-
Endnote bibliography database
development (BA Education) / Emily Hoogestraat / Fall 2002 / Completed
Volunteer: Baroque slide collection
improvement (BA Art History) / Amber Erickson / Fall 2002 / Completed
US-IA Research Assistantship-
collection of photographs for
publication (BA Art) / Katherine Couch / Spring 2003 / Completed
USA Research Assistantship-
collection of color transparencies
for book publication (BA History) / Josiah Fricton / Fall 2003-Fall 2004 / Completed
USA Research Assistantship-
Digitizing Lecture Images on Madison Digital Image Database / Kristin Bonk / Spring 2005 / Completed
IREU – Iowa Research Experiences for Undergraduates: Windmills on the Plains: Pella and OrangeCity, Two Dutch Communities in Iowa / Anne Rosenberg / Spring-Summer 2005 / Completed

f. Honors Projects (students listed alphabetically)

Degree Objective: / Student Name: / Years: / Outcome:
Honors Thesis on Etchings
of James Whistler / Kristin Bonk / 2004-2005 / Completed—went on to graduate school in Art History at the University of Denver
Honors Research Practicum—manage publication permissions / Melinda Brocka / 2007 / Completed
Honors Research Practicum—collection of photographs and permissions (BA Art) / Katherine Couch / 2002-2003 / Completed—went on to
study abroad in
France and then complete BFA, University of Iowa
Honors Thesis on Dutch Genre Painting / Allison Cronin / 2004-2005 / Completed—went on to work for “Arttrain USA”
Honors Research Practicums—collection of photographs and permissions
(BA Cinema and Comparative Literature) / Nana Diederichs / 2000, 2002 / Completed—awarded
Rhodes-Dunlap Scholar 2002, studied abroad in Paris, worked in La Reunion, went on to
graduate school in
comparative literature
Honors Research Practicum—digital image management / Kristin Epping / 2007 / Completed
Honors Thesis—Conservation and Art History
(BA Art and Art History) / Cori Howard / 2002 / Completed—went on to
intern in conservation at the National Gallery,
Honors Designation for
Western Art and Culture
(BA Art History) / Mackenzie Horras / Spring 2003 / Completed—under
TA Deanna Bell
Honors Thesis on Four Engravings by William Blake in UI Art Museum / Jessica Lansing / Fall 2004 / Completed
Honors Designation in Dutch and Flemish Course: extended paper on Queen Christina of Sweden / Nathan Popp / 2007 / Completed—now accepted into graduate program in History of Art at the University of Iowa
Honors Designation for 17th-Century Dutch and Flemish Painting / Leslie Smith / 2007 / Completed

3. Other Contributions to Instructional Programs

a. Faculty Mentor for Crossing Borders Graduate Fellows in Art History:

Identify and secure approval of qualified students (eligible for two per year) in consultation with colleagues in the Department of Art History. Complete student registration in the program in conjunction with departmental staff and Rex Honey, newly appointed director of the Crossing Borders program. Attend regular meetings of Crossing Borders Executive Committee to remain informed on changes in program funding and administration. Report to Art History faculty to keep them apprised of current program status and upcoming opportunities. Meet with departmental graduate fellows regularly (though we have none currently) to advise them on funding opportunities and ensure appropriate fulfillment of Crossing Borders requirements.

Art History Graduate Student Crossing Borders Fellows:

Brett van Hoesen, 2000-2002 (completed)

Prita Meier, 2000-2001 (transferred)

Sarah Clunis, 2001-2002 (completed)

Bridget Sandhoff, 2001-2003 (completed)

Peter Holtgrave, 2001-2002 (joined Peace Corps)

Kimberly Cleveland, 2002-2004 (completed)

Danielle Snoddy, 2002-2005 (completed)

Shanshan Chen, 2002-2004 (completed)


1. Publications

a. Refereed

  • books
Still Life and Trade in the Dutch Golden Age

London: YaleUniversity Press, 2007

  • in books

“Remapping Dutch Art in Global Perspective: Other Points of View,” in Cultural

Contact and the Making of European Art 1500-1930, ed. Mary Sheriff. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, forthcoming*

“Eye to Eye with the Dutch in America: Vermeer and the Visual Turn,” in From

De Halve Maen to KLM: 400 Years of Dutch-American Exchange, ed. Margriet Lacy. Studies in Dutch Language and Culture, vol. 2. Munster, Germany: Nodus, forthcoming*

“Human Nature: Observing Dutch Brazil, 1637-1644,” in Engaging with Nature: Essays

on the Natural World in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, ed. Lisa J. Kiser.

University of Notre Dame Press, forthcoming*

“Windmills on the Plains: Vision and Social Memory in Two Dutch Communities in

Iowa,” in Going Dutch: The Dutch Presence in America, 1609-2009. Joyce Goodfriend, Benjamin Schmidt, Annette Stott, eds. Brill, forthcoming*

“Portrait of an Ecclesiastic, by Otto van Veen,” in Corpus of Drawings in Midwestern Collections, Volume II: The Sixteenth Century, Part II: Northern European Drawings, 1500-1600. Burton L. Dunbar and Edward J. Olszewski, eds. Midwest Art History Society (Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers)— in press***

“The Conquest of Spice and the Dutch Colonial Imaginary: Seen and Unseen in the

Visual Culture of Trade,” in Colonial Botany: Science, Commerce, and Politics in the Early Modern World, Londa Schiebinger and Claudia Swan, eds. (Philadelphia: The PennsylvaniaUniversity Press, 2005), pp. 169-186*

“Wisselwerkingen Redux: Ceramics, Asia and the Netherlands,” in Points of Contact:

Crossing Cultural Boundaries, ed. Amy Golahny, The Bucknell Review (Lewisburg, Pennsylvania: BucknellUniversity Press, 2004), pp. 50-79*

“Goede Dingen Willen Tijd Hebben (Good Things Take Time): Time as a Meditation on

Painting in Dutch Still Life of the Seventeenth Century,” in Symbols of Time in the History of Art (Papers presented at the Thirtieth International Congress of the History of Art (CIHA), London 2000), ed. Christian Heck and Kristin Lippincott. (Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2002), pp. 117-135*

“Imag(in)ing Prosperity: Still Life and Material Culture in the Seventeenth-century

Dutch Household” in Wooncultuur in de Nederlanden / The Art of Home in the Netherlands, 1500-1800, ed. Jan de Jong, Bart Ramakers, Herman Roodenburg, Frits Scholten, Mariët Westermann. Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek 2000, Deel 51 /Netherlands Yearbook for History of Art 2000, vol. 51 (Zwolle, The Netherlands: Waanders Uitgevers, 2001), pp. 194-235*