SSSC/ CCPS Liaison Group Overview of 2016

The Liaison Group was established in 2014 at the invitation of Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) and meets quarterly. The group has twenty seven members from the voluntary sector, is chaired by CCPS and has SSSC representatives from Registration and Fitness to Practise at each meeting. There is also a wider communication network of twenty one members providing expertise and comment on developments around Registration and Fitness to Practise.

Much of the work of the group in 2016 was taken up with the SSSC move to Fitness to Practise model, the updated Codes of Practice and the opening of the register for Managers/ Supervisors in Housing Support and Care at Home services.

The format of the group changed in August 2016. The meetings, at the request of the group, were extended to 3.5 hours to include a working lunch allowing an area of interest/ concern to be discussed in greater detail and the sharing of expertise and experience of the members.


Providers value the group as an opportunity for partnership working with SSSC, to discuss outstanding issues and concerns and to work together to resolve these. In most areas consensus is reached however the group also value the opportunity to understand why some of their ‘asks’ cannot be met.

The group also facilitatespeer support; sharing best practice and hearing from other providers how they have resolved particular issues.

The meetings look beyond Registration and Fitness to Practise and enable members to contribute their experience and expertise on developments such as PVG Scheme Review, Proposal to Increase Fees, Safer Recruitment and Induction.

The communication network established is valued by group members. This also provides a point of reference for CCPS WDN on developments in social care that impact the workforce including Duty of Candour legislation and transforming Digital Knowledge services.

The topics discussed at meetings are:

  • Registration- updates, opening of register to housing support/ care at home workers, Registration Toolkit and the registration process.
  • Fitness to Practise- changing to new model, guidance, referral forms, health and investigation thresholds.
  • Codes of Practice- updated Codes and how these are used/ can be used by employers.
  • Induction- development of induction resources and possible Induction Passport.
  • Safer Recruitment- development of updated Safer Recruitment Guidance.
  • Disclosure Scotland- updates from Advisory Board, PVG Scheme review consultation, updated DS website and DS conferences and workshops.

The following is a brief summary of work of the Group:


  1. Consultation on proposal to increase fees

SSSC ran a consultation until 2/11/16 proposing to increase registration fees.

The voluntary sector response was strongly against the proposal as the percentage increase was substantial, the increase as proposed may be a further barrier, alongside the existing challenges, to recruitment and retention, and there was little indication from SSSC as to what benefit registrant would get from the increase. The majority of respondents were not against an increase in fees per se; but against the increases proposed.

The analysis from the consultation and the SSSC response is expected in spring.

  1. Registration Toolkit

SSSC are developing online resources and an App to support employers and workers with the registration process and maintaining registration.

The group, along with the wider voluntary sector, contributed suggestions for content and format. All suggestions were accepted by SSSC and will be incorporated into the resources. Awaiting completion date from SSSC.

  1. Registration Process

Discussions centred on frustration that employers cannot talk directly to registration team. Staff advised that quickest way to resolve this is to ask employee to see written information they have provided to SSSC. Registration team are in ongoing discussion on this issue.

Multiple registrations were also discussed; it is a legislative requirement that individuals come off one part of the register before going on to another when they change roles/ services.

Fitness to Practise

  1. Guidance and Referral Forms

Members spent a great deal of time on this and made valuable contributions to the content and format. SSSC accepted many of the suggestions put forward by the group ensuring that the process for employers was as straightforward as possible. SSSC provided explanations, much appreciated by the group, when it was not possible to incorporate requested changes.

  1. Investigation Thresholds

Major changes to thresholds; low level conduct/ competence issues no longer require referral (unless behaviour displays a pattern). SSSC consider employers to be best placed to make decisions on low level issues on an individual basis.

  1. Health

There was a great deal of discussion on the inclusion of health in the Fitness to Practise model. The main concerns focused on confidentiality and empathy/ support for the individual. SSSC provided explanation and reassurance to the group that health issues would be dealt with in a sympathetic manner.

Examples of health issues are included in the Referral Guidance to support employer decision making. If employers have doubts as to whether to refer or concerns regarding a referral they are advised to contact SSSC to discuss beforehand.

Codes of Practice

  1. Updated Codes of Practice

SSSC sent document to group to highlight the changes made and the new Codes. Disappointment was expressed by some group members that more emphasis not placed on employers need to complete appropriate references for new employer. SSSC explained that legal advice had been sought as to what could/ could not be stated in Codes.

A hard copy of the Codes will be sent to all registered workers and information sent to employers.


  1. SSSC have been engaging with social care staff on the development of induction resources and in particular the development of an Induction Passport. Feedback was gathered from the WDN as well as an engagement session at the Group with SSSC.

The overall consensus is that providers see the value in an Induction Passport however have reservations about the practical implications.

Turning Point Scotland has implemented individual induction programmes for staff and this was shared with the Group.

Feedback from the engagement activity will be discussed at the Induction Steering Group meeting in March and shared with the Liaison group at the April meeting.

Safer Recruitment

  1. Updated Safer Recruitment Guidance went live on the Care Inspectorate website in November 2016. The Group provided input into the development of the updated guidance both at Group meetings and also as members of the working group.

Laura Wylie stated this was a really successful example of partnership working and the updated guidance has received positive feedback since its launch, including from Scottish Government and Social Work Scotland.

Voluntary sector providers were pleased with the emphasis placed on employers’ responsibility to provide adequate references.

Providers contributed good practice examples for the guidance and there is ongoing opportunity to contribute to these. Action for Children agreed to share their Safer Recruitment proforma with the Group.

The Safer Recruitment Guidance is available at:

Disclosure Scotland

  1. PVG Scheme Review

Group members contributed to the CCPS response to the PVG consultation. The outcome being the majority (58%) opted for the status quo rather than have new provisions.

DS are considering moving the PVG scheme online and voluntary sector providers volunteered to test this as it progresses. Initial workshop for this postponed meantime due to IT situation. AC will provide an update after the next DSAB meeting in February.

  1. Disclosure Scotland Advisory Board

Group members provided comment and insight via CCPS to some of the changes needed on the updated DS website and these were used to inform the development of the new site.

Raising of DS fees mentioned at DSAB and concerns from providers shared with the Board; no decision has been reached on this as yet.

DS have run a series of engagement events and workshops and these have been favourably received by the Group.


The Liaison Group continues to be well supported and the sharing of the work and achievements has led to an increase in membership to twenty seven. Much of the work ’went live’ at the end of 2016 bringing a conclusion to the areas of Fitness to Practise, Codes of Practice and Safer Recruitment. The remit of the Group extended to cover PVG, Disclosure Scotland and Induction as these impact on Registration and Fitness to Practise.

Feedback from members is positive and the extension of the meetings has been successful; the time to discuss a topic in greater detail is of value.

Priorities for the Group in 2017 include:

  • Registration of Housing Support and Care at Home support workers;
  • Embedding Fitness to Practise and Codes of Practice;
  • National Care Standards;
  • Care Inspectorate methodology;
  • Induction;
  • PVG scheme

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