The Missing Dimension to Weight Loss™
Copyright © 2003-2007. All rights reserved. David McDonagh
SECTION 1: General Information on System 10
- WelcomeP.4
- Our GuaranteeP.4
- Quick FixesP.4
- Burning Pure FatP.4
- Why Lose WeightP.5
- The Real Secret to Weight LossP.5
- Huge Health DimensionP.5
- The 6 Incredible Keys to Weight LossP.6
- Magical resultsP.6
- TestimonialsP.6
- Outstanding Health Benefits P.7
SECTION 2: Operation Instructions for System 10
- ExerciseP.8
- TreatsP.8
- Trouble-Shooting ChecklistsP.8
- Fasting InstructionsP.9
- Further Stages of System 10P.10
- Maintaining Your WeightP.10
- Our Back Up P.10
SECTION 3: Motivation for System 10
- Techniques to stay MotivatedP.11
SECTION 4: Profile David McDonagh
- Profile of the Creator of System 10 P.13
- Regardless of your age, condition or health you should have yourself checked outby your doctor before starting this exercise, food and supplement plan.This is YOUR responsibility. We strongly recommend that you dothis.This is especially important if you have a health condition or are taking prescription medications.
- DIABETICS who undertake this programme must be 100% committed to monitoring blood sugar levels, at least 3 times daily throughout the programme.
- FASTING & FRUIT days are NOT suitable for DIABETICS, EPILEPTICS, those with HEART PROBLEMS and those on large amounts of MEDICATION. Please read more safety instructions in the System 10 Master book.
- Supplements should NOT be taken if you are pregnant, currently trying to get pregnant or are breastfeeding.
- Supplements are not suitable for children i.e. under 15 years of age.
- If you are already taking supplements please make sure you are not duplicating intake of vitamins and minerals.
- If you are COELIAC, please check our food plans and supplements and replace with GLUTEN FREE versions where required, from your local health store.
- Please check all food plans to make sure that you are not allergic to any foods in them. If you are then you must leave them out.
- Please make sure you are not allergic to any ingredients in the supplements. If you are then make sure to leave them out.
- Always read labels and follow instructions carefully. If in doubt – then ‘leave it out’.
- System 10 is a highly individualised plan. This plan may not be suitable for the healthor safety of someone else because of its powerful effect. We strongly advise any friend or relations who are interested in using this system to get their own score and own personalised program.
- If for any reason you feel unwell while on the programme, food plan or supplements, stop immediately and consult for advice.
- System 10 is a weight loss programme with enormous health benefits but is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical conditions.
Section 1 - General Information on System10
Welcome to System 10
I want these few pages to change your thoughts and beliefs about weight loss. I want them to have a massive impact on your life. I want you to understand that this is a real revolution in weight loss. There is nothing out there like this. This System is one of a kind. If there was something better out there, I would tell you about it and tell you where to get it.
Hopefully you will see why most weight loss plans may give results for 2 to 3 weeks, but after that little or nothing happens. You should understand why there is an 85% failure at weight loss. You should also understand that trying to lose weight need not be the dreadful chore and miserable experience that it generally is. Weight loss can be and should be an enjoyable challenge where you understand exactly what you are trying to do and where you can easily adjust your strategy for ongoing success.
Our Guarantee
The most unique thing about System 10 is that we are prepared to stand over our results. If you do what we ask you to do and for any reason you do not achieve the results level you desire, we will leave no stone unturned to solve the problem and get you on the road to success.
Quick Fixes
With the exception of maybe the first one or two weeks when results might be quite big, any plan that promises 5, 6 or 7 lbs per week or 20 lbs in 10 days or 2 stone in 2 weeks etc is a gimmick and will lead to disaster. You will not be losing pure FAT, mainly just water and toxins and worse still maybe some muscle and bone which can have terrible consequences for your health. Generally on those you only lose a small bit of fat and you end up with a terrible shape, feel unwell and destroy your metabolism. The minute you stop the plan your weight will pile back on with speed and even more weight on top due to a now slower metabolism. Worse still the next time you try to lose weight will be even harder due to this poor metabolism. I can tell you now to lose 3 or 4 lbs of PURE FAT per week on a continuous basis requires a very good and scientific plan and some one who knows what they are doing.
Generally quick fixes, which make up most of the diets and weight loss plans currently available, especially the meal replacement programmes, the low calorie plans, any plan that suggests pills and potions alone will solve your problem or any plan that does not include exercise, will only have short term results. This means you will gain back all of your weight very soon again. Now is there anything worse than that? You will have wasted all your time and effort and energy and end up having to face the task all over again but now have even bigger disadvantages.
Burning Pure Fat
I talk about PURE FAT, because this is your real target. Losing weight really means losing fat tissue. This is what causes the big stomach, the flabby thighs, the flapping arms and the big hips. Get rid of the fat and you will get to your best SHAPE ever. You will slim your hips and thighs and arms. You will get rid of your cellulite. You will see SHOCKING results and be happier than ever with your shape. You see if you lost even 7 lbs of PURE FAT, you would dramatically change your shape. You would be amazed at the change. Most people who try to lose weight still end up with big hips and thighs, their fat stomachs and their heavy arms, all because they are actually not really losing hardly any fat. 7 lbs of PURE FAT will change your shape way better than losing 14 lbs of mainly fluid and toxins.
Why Lose Weight
Why should you lose your weight? You might not be conscious about being over weight and this might be a positive thing but excess weight can have huge implications for your life. It saps your energy and your health. Overweight people suffer a lot more from poor health and die from the more serious health illnesses and diseases like heart disease and cancer. Socially, overweight people are generally more inhibited and also career wise. Then there are the basic things like not being able to buy clothes straight off the peg.
The Real Secret to Weight Loss
Generally people think about calories and exercise when it comes to losing weight. Fair enough, they are very important. However there is a whole lot more to weight loss than this. There are some more critical dimensions that you must include to succeed. In fact there are 6 key dimensions to REAL weight loss.
If we rely solely on the calories and exercise only, the margin for error is very very small. It is very easy to be good all week long and then undo your good work in 1 or 2 ‘off’ days. Worse still many times we can end up losing little or no fat and just water and other vital things like muscle and bone. This will leave you in a state of very poor health. This happens to people all of the time.
However if we work on all 6 dimensions, not only will the results be way better, but the margin for error is bigger and it is easier to motivate ourselves to stay on track. System 10 covers all 6 dimensions in one neat package lay out step by step for you.
Huge Health Dimension
Just before we go there lets us talk about another huge aspect to System 10 – the HEALTH dimension. System 10 is about detecting the subtle changes in your metabolism before they become too serious. This is pioneering work. These changes not only affect your weight control but can have a major impact on your future health. I cannot think of anything better you can do to reduce your risk of serious illness and disease or as a form of a tonic and rejuvenation of your body. This science is based on the 4 stages of body break down:
Stage 1: Build up of toxins – from food, smoking, medicines and drinking etc.
Stage 2: Inflammation – once toxins get to high level, parts of your body get inflamed, joints, skin irritations, and aching muscles etc.
Stage 3: Ulceration – if nothing is done thing get worse. You can develop ulcers. It could be your stomach, skin ulcers, bladder ulcers etc.
Stage 4: Serious illness and disease – things have been bad inside for a long time now and the natural progression is a breakdown of immunity and the development of something sinister like heart disease, cancer, M.E or Parkinson’s etc.
Now take a minute to consider which stage of progress you might be already at. Don’t panic, be glad you have System 10 to help you turn the clock back.
Our goal through System 10 is prevention and to catch the early changes and correct them before you progress further through the above stages.
The 6 Incredible Keys to Weight Loss
Key 1: Specific Calories
Not only can you under-eat as well as over-eat but your calorie level must also be tailor made to your body weight, activity level and speed of your metabolism. Two people of different weights should have a different calorie level. Two people of different activity levels should have a different calorie level. What is good for one can be bad for another. This is a major weakness of most diets and weight loss plans.
Key 2: Exercise
Not just any old exercise will do. There is a fine line between success and failure. Initially your exercise level may change your metabolism but it can stop improving this if your exercise is not adjusted. System 10 is about getting the right exercise for you. Unfortunately there are an awful lot of people doing the wrong type of exercise for losing weight. They will be a long time waiting to see any change.
Key 3: Food Balance
The amount of carbohydrates, fats and proteins is a very important factor for everyone. First of all you need a good balance of all 3 but you also need to adjust this balance for different metabolisms. System 10 selects the balance for you based on your own metabolism and lays it out for you in an easy to use format.
Key 4: Food Type
Nearly everyone is better off with reduced wheat and dairy products, however some people are hugely affected by this dimension. But there is more the same applies to other foods, some disagree with others in a huge way. System 10 is about identifying what is best for you.
Key 5: Metabolism Factors
Everybody’s insides are changing from the day we are born. Some change more than others due to lifestyle factors, health history and genetics. It is important to identify these changes and how they are affecting you weight. This is where System 10 really takes weight loss into the future. It looks at the key metabolism changes that affect your ability to burn fat.
Key 6: A Step by Step Motivational Plan
Today’s lifestyle is very busy and there are literally thousands of distractions that can easily take you away from your weight loss plans. To succeed at Weight Loss it is vital to break your plan down into simple manageable steps. You need to know not only what you are doing week to week but also what you are doing day today. This is particularly important when it comes to food changes, you need to know exactly what you should take at each meal and each snack. System 10 provides you with an exact schedule of exercise and food to make it easy to motivate yourself to stick with the plan.
Magical Results
System 10 is designed to deliver between 2 and 3.5 lbs of fat loss week after week after week.
Lose up to 21 lbs (1.5 stone) in 6 weeks permanently
Lose up to 45 lbs (3.25 stone in 12 weeks permanently
We invite you to read about the great results that people have achieved on System 10. Hearing it from others is even better than hearing it from us.There is a wealth of great testimonials to be read on our web-site and that are available to read at our centres.We include some very special ones here for your inspiration:
- My name is Emma. I am 16. I joined here in September, since then I’ve lost 60 pounds and 10% body fat. I would highly recommend this gym to anybody.Emma, System 10 Client.
- I am 16. I’ve lost 58lbs and 16% body fat in total. I would highly recommend this gym to anyone who’s looking for a fun way to get fit and loose weight.Naomi Cuneen, System 10 Client.
- My name is Pauline aged 38 years. I joined motivation 12 weeks ago. In those 12 weeks I lost 30 lbs. and 7% body fat. Thanks to all the staff of Motivation I feel great and look great!Pauline, System 10 Client.
- I am a 48 year old married man with four children. I joined weighing in at 20st 2lbs. By the 21st of July I reduced to 17st losing a total of 44.5lbs. This was achieved by a diet, gym plan, other exercise and a lot of will power. My blood pressure has reduced to normal.My thanks for the new healthy me goes to the help, advice and motivation and staff who kept me going when times were tough. I feel a new man, fit and healthy and looking forward to reaching my goal.Jerry Scanlon, System 10 Client.
- I’m 24 years old. I joined 6 weeks ago and have lost 28 lbs. I now feel confident that I can reach my target.Margaret, System 10 Client
- I am 26 years of age. To date I have lost 2 stone and 10% body fat in 12 weeks. I always found it difficult to lose weight and I am delighted that I am well on my way to reaching my target.Orlagh, System 10 Client
Outstanding Health Benefits
Indeed these changes in your health are the first signs of a rapidly improving metabolism and tell you that you are on the way to very successful weight loss.
One of the first crucial changes you will experience in an improving metabolism is lots of energy. This is vital so that you feel good while on the programme and keeps you motivated.
Blood pressure
Due to the range of metabolism factors that we work on you will find that your blood pressure also improves and pretty fast too. I have experienced big changes in blood pressure within 2 weeks.
Another great improvement is in cholesterol. No surprise seeing as we work at better food balance, better detoxing and better hormone balance plus a range of other influencing factors.
Sex Life
You may be shy about talking about it, but nobody is happy when physical function starts to go down. There is a high correlation between factors causing a faulty metabolism and lower sexual function. No surprise then that people experience a big positive change in this area after a few weeks.
There is a lot of research showing how hormone changes, physical fitness, food balance and nutritional levels affect fertility. This system works on them all together in a super powerful and fast way. Ladies, you should definitely try this for 12 weeks if you have trouble getting pregnant.
Section 2–Operation Instructions
System 10 is based on exercising at least 4 times per week. Certain programmes may require a little bit more than this but generally speaking that is enough.
If you like exercising more than this you certainly can, but remember you do not have to. More exercise is normally ok provided that you have good nutrition. Please consult your trainer if you would like to exercise more.
It is important to keep this in mind. If you are exercising 4 times per week and not getting enough results, then that generally means you should look to other areas of your lifestyle for problems. Remember exercise is only 1 dimension to weight loss and more and more exercise will not provide all the answers. Like I said, if you are not getting enough results on 4 sessions, then it is time you took an honest examination of other areas in your lifestyle like food, nutritional supplements, alcohol, sleep and other daily habits.