C V7, Kings Business Park

Prescot, L34 1PJ

Telephone: 0151 473 2740

Fax: 0151 473 2863


3 October 2016



REF: MCT/FOI/2016/2688/eh

Further to your Freedom of Information request in respect of a Social Work Structure, specifically relating to Community Mental Health including Older People’s Mental Health, please find a reply below.

Social workers working within the trust’s community mental health teams remain directly employed by each local authority but are seconded into the trust.

These partnership arrangements are overseen by a formal partnership agreement and partnership board. The trust is represented on the partnership board by: Denis Cullen, Head of Social Care – Trust Headquarters 0151 473 2803.

The trust provides professional social work leadership and practice oversight via: Marcella Camara, Lead Social Worker, Local Division - 0151 527 3411.

The trust provides professional social work practice development oversight via: Emad Lilo, Professional Lead –07966672885.

Social work management for each Local Authority re those social workers seconded into the trust is led by:

Liverpool City Council:-

Martin Lawton Locality Manager, City Wide/Mental Health
Liverpool City Council I 4th Floor, Cunard Building I Pier Head I Water Street I Liverpool I L3 1DS
T: 0151 233 0783 M: 07709398557 E:

Adult Mental Health Community Teams in Liverpool

North Liverpool CMHT

Community Hub

Norris Green

Falklands Approach

Norris Green, Liverpool L11 5BS

Tel: 0151 479 3810

Park Lodge CMHT

Orphan Drive, Liverpool L6 7UN

Tel: 0151 330 8900 / 8920

Arundel House CMHT now at:

Baird House

Liverpool Innovation Park Edge Lane, Liverpool, L7 9NJ

Tel:0151 330 8001

Moss House CMHT

Moss Street, Garston, Liverpool L19 2NA

Tel: 0151 330 8158

Windsor House CMHT now at:

Baird House

Liverpool Innovation Park Edge Lane, Liverpool, L7 9NJ

Tel:0151 250 5352

Sefton Council:

Nick Roberts - Service Manager

Adult Social Care, Sefton MBC| 8th floor, Merton House | Stanley Road | L20 3UU


Tel: 0151 934 2554

07976876745 ( mobile)

Adult Mental Health Community Teams in Sefton and Knowsley

North Sefton CMHT

Hesketh Centre, 51 – 55 Albert Road,

Southport PR9 0LT

Tel: 01704 383110

South Sefton Neighbourhood Centre

Park Road, Waterloo,

Liverpool L22 3XR

Tel: 0151 330 8500

Kirkby CMHT

Northwood House,

Briery Hey Road,

Kirkby L33 0YE

Tel: 0151 443 4465

Denis Cullen

Head of Social Care – Strategic Lead

Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust

Building V7,

Kings Business Park


Merseyside L34 1PJ

Tel: 0151 473 2803

Mob. 07974 577661

If you are unhappy with the way your request for information has been handled, you can request a review by writing to:

Linda Yell,

Information Governance Manager,

Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust,

V7, Kings Business Park


L34 1PJ


If you remain dissatisfied with the handling of your request or complaint, you have a right to appeal to the Information Commissioner at:

The Information Commissioner's Office,

Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow,

Cheshire, SK9 5AF.

Telephone: 0303 123 1113 Website:

There is no charge for making an appeal.

Thank you for your interest in Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust.

Yours sincerely


Chairman: Beatrice Fraenkel Chief Executive: Joe Rafferty