Please complete as fully as possible. You are asked to make a provisional but not final choice of subjects.
Please make sure you have studied our brochure carefully and have taken note of the information for external applicants which explains the process. (If you need further guidance please contact us by email)
Name………………………………………………. DOB……………………………………………………
Name of Parent/Guardian ………………………………………………………………………………………...
Home/contact address ……………………………………………………………………………………………
Tel Home………………………………….. Tel student mobile ……………………………………………….
Student email ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Are you a UK CitizenYes / No
If No, are you currently entitled to study in the UK? ………………(Not sure? Please contact us)
Current School Name ……………………………………………………………………………………………
Name of Contact at current school for reference……………………………………………………………
Address of CurrentSchool ………………………………………………………………………………………
Tel/email of current school ……………………………………………………………………………………….
Are you applying to join County Upper School Basketball Academy? ......
If you are hoping to join the academy you must first make contact with coach Darren Johnson before completing this form.
Do you have an Education, Health and Care Plan or Statement of SEN? Yes / No
If yes, please attach a copy together with any other relevant documentation including the latest annual review report.
Were any access arrangements in place for you at GCSE? Yes / No......
If yes please attach supporting documentation including a copy of Form 8
Current Qualifications (if any) (Music, sport, GCSE etc.)
Exam / Subject / GradeEg Grade IV / Trombone / Distinction
Subject Choice
Please make your provisional selection of three or four subjects from the grid in the brochure. Technical Awards are double subjects so count as two choices.
Students are strongly advised to select their subjects with a view to where their programme will lead after A-Level. To this end subjects have been divided into groups that can lead to a specific range of university /college courses examples of which are given on the grid. We reserve the right to remove subjects from those offered if numbers of students opting are low.
Before you make a final choice, the subjects will be placed in timetable columns that might mean some combinations are not possible. At this stage tell us your preferred combination and we will do our best to make it fit.
Subject 1 / Subject 2 / Subject 3 / Subject 4Write one subject in each box
Please tell us below why you wish to join County Upper School. You should tell us about which subjects you are currently studying and what you hope to do in the future.
Please attach a copy of your last school report and if possible GCSE predicted grades together with any other supporting documentation outlined above.
Thank you for your application you will receive an acknowledgement from Mrs Jolly as soon as we have received it. An invitation to an interview will follow in due course.
If you need any further help or information please contact us by email and we will respond as soon as possible.
Mr P Fisher Head of Sixth-Form