

Fall 2017

TR from 9:25am-10:40 AM in BIOS 246

Instructor:Iris Yang

Office: BIOS 155

Office hours:

Monday 9:15am-9:55am at BIOS 155/ ST F213

Tuesday 11:40am-12:45pm at BIOS 155

Wednesday 9:15am-9:55am at BIOS 155/ ST F213

Tutorial center hours at SH C357:

Monday 10:50am-11:50am

Wednesday 10:50am-11:55am

Friday 9:20am-9:40am

Tutorial center phone: 323-343-5374


Class Website:

Math 2131- Section 07Workshop

TR from 10:45am-11:35 am in BIOS 246

Instructor for Math 2131 section 07: Iris Yang

Final Exam: Thursday, Dec7th from 9:10am to 11:10am in BIOS 246

General course description: Prerequisites: MATH 2120 with a minimum C grade; students with a grade of less than B- in MATH 2120 must enroll concurrently in MATH 2131. Partial differentiation, multiple integration, vector calculus, line integrals.

Textbook: “Effective in Winter 2017” Calculus: Early Transcendental 2nd ed. Briggs, Cochran, Gillett.

1. Ebook and MyMathLab: ISBN 978-0-321-19991-1 available at

Other Options:

2. Hard copy ISBN 978-0-321-96516-5 with MyMathLabISBN 978-0-321-19991-1

3. Hard copy only ISBN 978-0-321-96516-5

Topical outline: Derivatives of Functions of Several Variables; Multiple Integrals; Vector Functions such as arc length and curvature; Vector Calculus such as line integrals and Green’s theorem.

Student Learning Outcomes: Students who successfully complete Math 2130 will be able to:

1. Sketch cylinders and quadratic surfaces in the three-dimensional coordinate system.

2. Use the vector and scalar equation of a plane to solve problems with lines and planes.

3. Compute the limit of a function of two variables, or show that the limit does not exist.

4. Compute the partial derivatives of a function using the definition or the rules.

5. Compute derivatives using the various chain rules.

6. Compute the directional derivative and the gradient vector of a function; apply these computations to find rates of change of the function.

7. Use the derivative tests of a function of two variables to find local maxima and minima; be able to maximize or minimize a function of two variables on a closed and bounded set in the plane.

8. Use the method of Lagrange multipliers to maximize and minimize functions subject to constraints.

9. Compute double integrals, using polar coordinates if necessary, and triple integrals, using cylindrical coordinates or spherical coordinates if necessary.

10. Use a double or triple integral to find the volume of a region in three-dimensional space.

11. Use multiple integrals to solve physics problems, such as finding the mass of a lamina or a solid.

12. Compute line integrals.

13. Understand and apply Green’s theorem.


1.Participation:Daily attendance is required.

2.Homework:Homework is suggested but will not be collected.

3.Tests. There will be 4 tests during this semester. You must show all work to test questions. An answer withoutany work shown will receive no credit.Cheating will not be tolerated in this class. Cheating includes letting someone copy your work.One of your lowest test score will be dropped. If you miss a test, that test is the one dropped.
4.Final Exam. The comprehensive final exam is onThursday, Dec 7th from 9:10am to 11:10am in BIOS 246

Grading system:

Tests = 700 pts
Final = 300 pts.
Total= 1000 pts. / A: 900pts or above
B: 800pts to 899pts
C: 700pts to 799pts
D: 600 pts or 699pts
F: Below 599 pts
Cutoffs for +/- grades will be determined after the course scores are calculated. Regular attendance, class participation, and improved class performance over time, are factors in deciding borderline grade cases.

ADA statement: Reasonable accommodation will be provided to any student who is registered with the Office of Students with Disabilities and requests needed accommodation.

Academic honesty statement: Students are expected to do their own work. Copying the work of others, cheating on exams, and similar violations will be reported to the University Discipline Officer, who has the authority to take disciplinary actions against students who violate the standards of academic honesty.

Student responsibilities: Students are responsible for being aware of all announcements that are made in class, such as changes in exam dates, due dates of homework and papers, and cancellation of class due to instructor’s absence. Students are responsible for announcements made on days that they are absent.

Students must check their CSULA email account regularly for information from the instructor and the Department. Failure to do so may result in missed deadlines or other consequences that might adversely affect students. Note that you can forward this email account to any other account of your choosing.

Important Dates

August 21 (M) Fall classes begin
September 4 (M) Labor Day; University closed

September 5 (Tu) Last day to Add/ No record drop deadline(use GET to drop)_
November 10 (F) Veterans Day; University closed

November 15 (W) “W” withdrawal period ends for Fall 2017
November 22 (W)Finals Study Day, no classes
November 23-26(Th-Sun) Thanksgiving Holiday; University closed

December 4 (M) Fall 2017 Emergency Withdrawal period ends
December 5-9 (Tu-Sa) Final Examinations
December 15 (F) Fall semester ends

Math 2130 / Tentative Class Schedule
Week / Contents / Suggested Homework problems / IMPORTANT DAYS!!
8/21-8/25 / 12.1
12.2 / 12.1: 11,15.17,21,25,31,35.39.41,47,51,55,59,63.67
12.2:11-19(odd);21-29(odd); 31,33,35
8/28-9/1 / 12.3
12.4 / 12.3:13,15,19,27,33,37,41-51(odd);53,55
9/4-9/8 / 12.5 / 12.5:7-15(odd);17,19,21,27,29,31,33,35 / 9/4 Labor Day
Campus Closed
9/11-9/15 / Catch-up
Test 1
9/18-9/22 / 12.6
12.8 / 12.6:7,11,15,19,21,27,31,35,47
12.8:9-17(odd), 19-31(odd);39,43,51,53,55,57
9/25-9/29 / 12.9
13.1 / 12.9:5-13(odd);15-23(odd);29,31.33
13.1:5-13(odd);17-25(odd); 27,31,33,35
10/2-10/6 / 13.2
Catch-up / 13.2:7,9,11,13,17-25(odd),27,29,31,33,37,39,41,43,47,49,53,57,63,65
10/9-10/13 / Test 2
13.3 /
10/16-10/20 / 13.4
13.5 / 13.4:7,9,11,13,15,21,25,31,35,39,45
10/23-10/27 / Catch-up
Test 3
10/30 - 11/3 / 13.6
13.7 / 13.6:7,11,13,15,21,25,27,31,33,37
11/6-11/10 / 14.1
14.2 / 14.1:9,11,17,19,21,25,27,29,31,37,39
14.2:11,13,15,19,21,25,29,31,33,39,43 / 11/10
Veterans Day; University closed
11/13-11/17 / 14.3 / 14.3:9,11,13,15,21,27,33
11/20-11/24 / 14.4
Catch-up / 14.4: 11,13,17,19,23,27 / 11/22 No class Meeting
Thanksgiving Holiday Closed
11/27-12/5 / Test 4
12/4-12/8 / Final Exam