Maiden Bradley with Yarnfield Parish Council

9 Beech Grove, Warminster, Wiltshire, BA12 0AB Tel: 01985 213436

Chairman: Councillor Angus Neish Clerk Mrs Sarah Jeffries MILCM

All Parish Council Meetings are open to the Public and Press

Tuesday 11th July 2017

To All Members of Maiden Bradley with Yarnfield Parish Council

Dear Councillor,

You are summoned to a meeting of Maiden Bradley with Yarnfield Parish Council, at Maiden Bradley Village Hall on Tuesday 11th July 2017 at 7.30pm. The meeting will consider the items set out below.

Council are asked to note that in the exercise of their functions they must take note of the following: Equal opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability; Crime and Disorder, Health and Safety and Human Rights).

Before the meeting there will be a public session to enable the people of Maiden Bradley to ask questions of, and make comments, regarding the Parish Council. Questions not answered at this meeting will be answered in writing to the person asking the question, or may appear as an agenda item for the next meeting. Members of the public are asked to restrict their comments, and/or questions to three minutes.

Photographing, recording, broadcasting or transmitting the proceedings of a meeting by any means is permitted. A person may not orally report or comment about a meeting as it takes place if he is present at the meeting of a parish council or its committees but otherwise may:

  • Film, photograph or make an audio recording of a meeting;
  • use any other means for enabling persons not present to see or hear proceedings at a meeting of a parish council as it takes place or later.
  • Report or comment on the proceedings in writing during or after a meeting or orally report or comment after the meeting.

However, anyone wishing to do so must speak to the clerk prior to the meeting as there is policy which must be followed.

Any person who may find difficulty in access to the meeting through disability is asked to advise the Clerk (07540 611906) or 01985 213436 email () at least 24 hours before the meeting so that every effort may be made to provide access.

Sarah Jeffries MILCM

Parish Clerk Wednesday 5th July 2017


7.30pm Public Question Time

This section (at the Chairman’s discretion may last up to 15 minutes) is not part of the formal meeting of the Council and minutes will not be produced. Public Bodies (admissions to meetings) Act 1960 s 1 extended by the LG Act 972 s 100.

Report from Unitary Councillor


1. Acceptance of apologies for absence

Schedule 12 of the Local Government Act 1972 requires a record to be kept of the members present and that this record form part of the minutes of the meeting. Members who cannot attend a meeting should tender apologies to the Parish Clerk as it is usual for the grounds upon which apologies are tendered also to be recorded. Under Section 85(1) of the Local Government Act1972, members present must decide whether the reason(s) for a member's absence are accepted.

2. Dispensations

Council is asked to discuss any written requests for dispensation the Clerk may have received from Councillors.

3. To receive declarations of interests Local Authorities

Declarations of Interest members to declare any interest they may have in agenda items that accord with the requirements of the relevant authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 (SI 2012/1464) (NB this does not preclude any later declarations).

4. Exclusion of the Press and Public Standing Order #1c

The Parish Council may exercise their right to exclude the public and press by resolution from a closed meeting due to the confidential nature to be discussed pursuant to section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.

Council is asked to discuss excluding the Press and public for Item 23 Clerks Appraisal.

5. Chairman’s announcements

6. To receive and sign the minutes of the Full Council meeting held on 13th June 2017 (Previously circulated) LGA 1972 Sch 12 para 41(1)

7. Planning

Council is asked to note that at the time of producing this Agenda the clerk had not received any planning applications for comment.

At the time of producing this Agenda there were no planning applications for Council to comment on.

(Please note: in planning matters the Council acts as the consultee of the Principal Authority. The Principal Authority being the deciding body)

Planning Decisions

To receive planning applications decisions made by Wiltshire Council if required.

At the time of producing this Agenda there were no decisions to report.

Wiltshire Council - Introduction of Electronic Planning Consultations

Council is asked to note the below correspondence the clerk has received from the Planning Department. Council is asked to confirm that Councillors are able to access plans electronically? The clerk would also like to ask Council if it requires the clerk to bring the Projector to meetings to enable Council to view planning applications during discussions or if viewing before the meeting online will be sufficient.

We will in future be sending you a notification electronically, with a link to the website, to enable you to view the documents on the day the application is registered. This will give your councillors longer to comment (likely to be around 28 days rather than the current 21 days). This will also give better access to the plans for your councillors without waiting for circulation of the hard copies. This letter is to inform you that as from Monday 31st July 2017 all applications for consultation will be sent electronically on the day of registration.

8. Parish Steward

Council is also asked to note that the Parish Steward will visit on the 4th September 2017. Work sheets are to be emailed to before this date.

Council is therefore asked to discuss a list for the next Parish Steward visit on the 4th September 2017. Councillors are asked to note that there are no visits during August. The Parish Steward can only complete works listed below:

•Hand clearing and cutting of growth from drainage grips and drain gully covers.

•Hand clearing of blocked drainage gullies, culverts, pipes and pit3

•Clearing storm debris from the roads and footways

•Clearing collision debris, clinical waste etc.

•Pedestrian barriers repairs, preparation and painting

•Cleaning, re-installation and straightening of small road signs, street nameplates and bollards;

•Installation of small road signs, verge marker posts and supplied street nameplates

•Removal of limited graffiti from road signs, bollards and street nameplates

•Hand cutting of grass and vegetation in visibility areas

•Hand treatment of weeds in rural areas

•Removal of Ragwort and other noxious weeds

•Clearance of encroaching growth and soils from footways

•Repair of minor surface defects in roads and on footways

Council is asked to note that at the Town and Parish Council evening meetings there was considerable discussion on the scope of the Parish Steward works. Following which there were a number of proposals made by town and parish councils to manage the additional works outside of the Parish Steward Scheme, with no safety and statutory requirements. The ones below were approved by Wiltshire Council. These were:

  • Verge maintenance – grass cutting, flower beds, general areas etc.
  • The Parish Council could consider this being undertaken through a licence with Wiltshire Council
  • General Service improvements – Additional grass cutting, sweeping, litter collection, weed removal, weed control, encroachment of footways etc.
  • The Parish Council could consider this being undertaken through an approved WC contractor (idverde etc.).
  • Maintenance of non-statutory level assets: kerbs, slab, white lining, sign, street name, gulley emptying etc.

The Parish Council could consider funding the above works through Wiltshire Council if it wishes.

Clarification was given on Wiltshire Council Service Levels and an example of options for Town and Parish Councils to ‘Top Up’ Services is attached to this Agenda.

9. Recreational Area

Council is asked to note the monthly Health & Safety checks actioned by Councillor Simon Wager and his report below:

1.The missing bolt in the Mugga frame is still not been replaced.

2.Grass in the play area is very long at present and needs to be cut.

3.The paintwork on the swings frame is very tired and really needs to be repainted.

The clerk has emailed the contractor to ascertain why there is a delay. Council is asked if it wishes to seek quotations for the repainting of the swings.

10. Speed Indicator Devices

Council is asked to note the clerk has requested a final quotation from the preferred company as directed and has actioned a draft grant application for the Wiltshire Council website. The clerk wishes Council to discuss the funding proportions/ match funding so she can complete the application process as no budget was set for this project when the precept was resolved.

11. Village Shop

Council is asked to note the clerk has emailed the consultants and will bring any update to Councils attention when received. Council indicated that the date of the open day was to be discussed at this meeting, the clerk recommends that Council discusses dates at the September meeting when more detail on the consultation will be available.

12. Village Hall

Council is asked to hear a report from Councillor Melvyn Thomas regarding the Youth Consultation, Grant funding and the proposed alterations to the toilets.

13. Action plan

Council is asked to review the outstanding actions on the Action Plan. The clerk recommends that issues are allocated to specific Councillor Working Groups to take forward, and that new targets for the outstanding actions are set. See attached.

14. Advertise for Grant Applications

Council is asked to discuss the clerk’s recommendation that an advert is placed in the Parish News asking for interest in the community from Community Groups in applying for grants from the Parish Council for 2018. This will enable the Grant Budget to be set with an idea of the need required.

15. Councillor Training Session

Council is asked to witness the presentation of the Councillor Training Certificates. The clerk recommends that a photograph is taken of Councillors with their certificates and released to the press, on Facebook and placed in the Parish News.

The invoice for the training session has been received and the shared cost was £137.82

16. Annual News Letter

Council is asked to note the quotations received to date. See attached report. The clerk recommends that delegated powers are given to the Clerk and Chairman to progress the printing ready for September delivery within the parish. Council is asked to confirm that the clerk follows previous years and contacts the Parish News re the distribution of the Annul News Letter.

17. Maiden Bradley with Yarnfield Parish Council Insurance

Council is asked to note the below information received from the Insurance provider. The clerk recommends that a project to photograph each of the assets with a map actioned logging the assets position as part of the Councils documentation, is discussed.

Effective Dates: 1st June 2017 for 12 months

The Council's schedule of insurance and Employers’ Liability Certificate from Hiscox, should be displayed at all of your premises to comply with the relevant legislation:

•As a paper copy, e.g. copy pinned to a notice board

•Electronically, e.g. as a page on your intranet or as a document in a shared folder on the Council network (NB: employees should be able to access this easily)

The legislation changed as from 1st October 2008 and there is no longer a legal requirement to keep copies of out-of-date certificates. It is recommended, however, that you keep a complete record of your employers’ liability insurance as some diseases can appear decades after exposure to their cause and former or current employees may decide to make a claim against their employer for the period they were exposed to the cause of their illness.

I also have pleasure in attaching the Hiscox Policy Wording and To Whom it May Concern letter for your records and would recommend that the Council check the details carefully to ensure that they meet with the Council's requirements. In the event the Council require the policy to be amended, I would be grateful if you could advise us as soon as possible so that Hiscox can be instructed accordingly. See attached.

Duty of Fair Presentation

Under the Insurance Act 2015, you now have a new duty to provide a ‘fair presentation’ of the risk to insurers, which replaces the previous duty to disclose all material facts. This means that the Council must now clearly disclose every material circumstance which you, your Councillors or persons responsible for arranging your insurance, know or ought to know following a reasonable search. A material circumstance is one that may influence an insurer’s judgement over whether to take the risk and, if so, on what terms. If you are in any doubt as to whether a circumstance is material the Council are advised to disclose it.

Please note that failure to disclose a material circumstance may entitle the insurer(s) to impose different terms on your cover or reduce the amount of a claim payable. In some cases the Council’s cover could be invalidated, which would mean that a claim would not be paid.

18. Review closedown of the year-end

Council is asked to note that the clerk is still expecting the report from the External Auditor to complete the Audit process by the 17th July, if agreed, the clerk will update Council by email when it is received as there is no meeting during the month of August and add the item to the next Agenda, to be approved at the September meeting.

19. Provision of Internal Audit Services for 2017/2018.

Council is asked to note the clerk has requested quotations for the Internal Audit for 2017/2018. One quotation had been received to date at the time of producing the Agenda. See attached report. If agreed, the clerk will update Council by email when it is received as there is no meeting during the month of August and add the item to the next Agenda, to be approved at the September meeting.

20. Budget Report

Council is asked to note the report from Councillor Patrick Nixon following his review and Audit of the accounts.

21. Approval and signing of Parish Accounts for the month of June 2017 Internal Audit Accounts & Audit Regulations 2003 reg 2

Council asked to approve the accounts for June 2017. The Unity Trust Bank balance as of the 30th June 2017 is £7459.39.

22. Payments LGA 1972 s150 (5)

To review and approve the items of expenditure listed below:


Wages July LGA 1972 s111 £383.57

Wages August LGA 1972 s111 £371.97

Travelling Clerk LGA 1972 s111 £ 15.48

Heat Light etc. LGA 1972 s111 £ 10.66

Postage Reimbursement LGA 1972 s111 £ 0.00

K. M. Dike Nurseries July Open Spaces Act 1906 ss 9 and 10 £276.17

1 & 1 Website 01.07.17-01.08.17 LGA 1972 s111 £ 2.39

WALC Councillor Training Session LGA 1972 s111 £ 330.78

(An invoice has been actioned to Horningsham Parish Councils share of the cost for

£137.82, VAT of £55.13 can be reclaimed. Total Cost to Council £137.82)

Unity Trust Bank Service Charge LGA 1972 s111 £ 18.00

Outdoor Play Southwest LGA 1972 Sch 14 Public Health Acts 1875 s164 £ TBC

Receipts: To note receipt of income

Horningsham Parish Council IT Usage Contribution. £ 8.00

Horningsham Parish Council Councillor Training Contribution £137.82

23. Clerk’s Report

Unity Trust Bank

Council is asked to note that the clerk has received confirmation that Councillor Melvyn Thomas and Councillor Simon Wager now have access to the Bank Account, they both have access to view and authorise payments.


Council is asked to note that the clerk has received another letter giving another tax code change. This has been actioned.

Clerk’s Appraisal

Council is asked to hear the report from the Staffing Committee.

24. Meetings for Councillors to consider attending

Councillors are asked if they could inform the Clerk, should they wish to attend or if they wish the Clerk to attend on their behalf, any meetings listed below:

Wiltshire VCSE Forum

The Wiltshire VCSE Forum is being held on the 8th September from 9.30am to 2.00pm including a light lunch at the Corn Exchange in Devizes.

CPRE Fund Raising Event

We are pleased to announce that we have finalised the details of the Malmesbury Abbey Gardens fundraising event which was mentioned in the latest Voice Newsletter. The event, a private tour and talk by the owner Barbara Pollard, will be held at Abbey House Gardens, Malmesbury Wednesday 6th September 2017 meet at 5:00PM. We hope you can join us for what should be a lovely evening to raise funds for CPRE Wiltshire. The cost will be £10 per head and will include tea and cake.

25. Correspondence received

Parishioners Correspondence

Council is asked to note that the clerk was approached by a parishioner regarding planning information on restrictions in the conservation area. The clerk has directed them to the Wiltshire Council and the use of the Pre application system.

Booklets, Brochures and Emails on the below list were received.

Clerks & Councils Direct

The Clerk Magazine

Local Government Review Magazine

Emails on the below list were received and sent to Councillors.

LAG Forum Agenda June 2017


News roundup from Cranborne Chase AONB (June 2017)

Spotlight on Rural Health 22.06.17

Notification of the next meeting of Frome Town Council 5 July 2017

Rural Vulnerability Service - Rural Transport - June 2017

Rural Service Network Weekly Email News Digest - Monday, 26 June, 2017

Rural Service Network Weekly Email News Digest - Monday, 26 June, 2017

Minutes NTG meeting 13th June

Cllr Wayman's July Newsletter

Creative Writing Workshop - Saturday 1st July at Wiltshire & Swindon History Centre

Hinterland - Rural intelligence from behind the headlines - Friday, 30 June, 2017

Latest News, jobs and information from Wessex Community Action 29/06/2017

Rural Service Network Weekly Email News Digest - Monday, 3 July, 2017