3-Week international Voluntary Service Program
Dates / Orientation / Name / Type of work/Theme / Location/District / Project code / No.10th -31st January 2010 / 9th January 2010 / Kitunduni community / Construction/
Environment / Kathiani district/Eastern Kenya / KVDA/STV/01/A / 30
3rd -24th February 2010 / 2nd February 2010 / Vyopec Kenya / Brickmaking/PeaceBuilding and Conflict Transformation / Kuria East District South West Kenya / KVDA/STV/02/A / 30
4th -25th March 2010 / 3rd March 2010 / Hope Women Group / Construction work, promotion of gender equality & Women empowerment / Kisumu West district / KVDA/STV/03/A / 30
10th -30th April 2010 / 9th April 2010 / Sengeri Women & Youth Cultural Group. / Eco-tourism: Impact on community development initiatives / Taita district in Coast province / KVDA/STV/04/A / 30
4th -25th May 2010 / 3rd May 2010 / Star Rays Education Centre / Construction, teaching, physical education, civic education and advocacy on peace work / Lugari district of Western Kenya / KVDA/STV/05/A / 30
3rd -24th June 2010 / 2nd June 2010 / Muumba & Wuumisyo Self Help Group. / Brick making, HIV/AIDS: Orphans Support. / Mwala district in Eastern Kenya / KVDA/STV/06/A / 30
2-Week International Voluntary Service Program
Dates / Orientation / Name / Type of work/Theme / Location/District / Project code10th -24th January 2010 / 9th January 2010 / BirongoPrimary School / Construction/
Environment and Agriculture / Gucha district in South western Kenya / KVDA/STV/01
3rd -17th February 2010 / 2nd February 2010 / Mowankwe Self Help Group. / Construction, Gender: FGM & Girl Child Education / Kuria West District South West Kenya / KVDA/STV/02
4th -18th March 2010 / 3rd March 2010 / KamagapPrimary School / Education: Focus on the sports prowess of the Nandi community / Nandi South district in Rift Valley / KVDA/STV/03
10th -24th April 2010 / 9th April 2010 / Green Devils Youth Sports Club / Talent: Hidden potentials in sports / Emuhaya district in Western Kenya / KVDA/STV/04
4th -18th May 2010 / 3rd May 2010 / EnemasiPrimary School / Peace building and conflict Transformation / Trans-Mara district in South Western Kenya / KVDA/STV/05
3rd -17th June 2010 / 2nd June 2010 / Zingatia Post Test Club / Behavious change communication and HIV/AIDS awareness and campaign activities / Emuhaya district in Western Kenya / KVDA/STV/06
Should be received at least one month in advance through KVDA partner organizations in respective countries.
Arrival in the Country:
Before the orientation date. Volunteers will be met at the Airport subject to provision of full flight details and guided to suitable accommodation.
Accommodation and meals at the project:
KVDA provides locally available foodstuffs and the volunteers prepare their own meals in turns. However, volunteers are encouraged to showcase their food culture during the culture night for every nationality represented at the project and welcome them to carry exotic foodstuffs for the occasion to enhance cultural diversity.
Volunteers will be accommodated in classrooms or a house provided by the host Community.
Ban on public smoking in Kenya
- It is an offence to smoke in public places in Kenya and it attracts heavy penalties for offenders. If you are a smoker, ask for designated areas where you can smoke while you are in Kenya.
Insurance, health and Visa:
This shall be arranged by the volunteers prior to their travel to Kenya and volunteers should open up on health issues to enable KVDA to effectively serve them.
What to Bring:
Plate, mug, spoon, fork, bedding, mosquito net and repellants and personal effects
Educational Tour for KVDA volunteers:
KVDA organizes special educational tours to destinations of interest at an extra cost of Euros 300 for a three-day package inclusive of meals, accommodation and guide
The Educational tour is optional and motivated to offer a unique opportunity for volunteers, spectacular than what conventional tourism offers.
- Educational tours may be undertaken before and after the project as posted on KVDA website
- 25% of educational tour proceeds are ploughed back to support local communities hosting the volunteers who participated at the tours.
Kiswahili Training Program (KTP) for volunteers
- The 10-day residential Kiswahili Training Program is tailor-made to suit volunteers’ preferences and open to individuals keen to have basic knowledge in Kiswahili that is widely spoken in Kenya.
- 10-day program is organized in a serene atmosphere mostly along the coast of Kenya where the Kiswahili language was nurtured through historical processes and has firm foothold.
- An additional fee of Euro 200= is charged for the Swahili program that could be undertaken either before or after the project.
A Large proportion of present day education is still completely detached from the problems of the modern world. Experience so far gained, teaches us that a person with a good education may be an excellent University Lecturer, doctor, businessman, mother or father and at the same time be a bad citizen, unable to form a sound judgment on public affairs.
Present education ignores a person’s great function in life, one’s duty as a member of the community neither knowing nor caring about the lives of fellow citizens.
One’s education should make one feel at home with the community, sharing in its tradition, its present actions and its aspirations and responsibility for the future.
One’s daily work will acquire a new significance once one becomes aware that it may be done for the service of one’s nation and through the nation, for humanity at large.
Voluntary Organizations exist in many countries, helping towards the development of various aspects of Community life. Our voluntary Work Projects mean a great deal more than just a group of people building or repairing something. They provide an opportunity for volunteers to give something other than money or skilled service. They provide a means by which people can express a concern for others in a very tangible way through their investment of time and physical energy. They enable you to live in a community which needs you and your help, to learn and understand their life and aspirations of one another, to become aware of human needs and of the necessity for working together in search of practical solutions to the country’s educational, social and cultural problems. You only appreciate and respect one another’s different cultural background once you have understood why others behave and live as they do.
This Voluntary Service gives you the opportunity to work to attain local and world peace in a very personal way, by demonstrating a commitment to the society of humankind.
It is the bridge of human trust and understanding. The denominator of international concern.
Take time off from work stress and refresh your self by offering useful service to a deserving human cause.
Take time off from the domination of technological culture, now dehumanizing the human race it should serve and recharge your human values anew.
Join KVDA to offer service to the community before delivering profits to the needy individuals in the country
Join KVDA for self-fulfillment through service since service to the noble human cause is service to God.
Help find new ways to transmit technological process from the master to servant.
- There is a hierarchy of human needs that are satisfied only when lower needs have been satisfied. Just like when one gets thirsty one does not seek food.
ACTIVITY / DURATION / DATES / DETAILS / COSTSAirport Transfer / On Arrival and departure / Depends on volunteer’s travel schedule / Two-way transfer on entry to Kenya and exit after the project and KVDA will guide volunteers to suitable hostel / Euro 30
Participation fees / 3-weeks project / As indicated on the schedule / Caters for project exploration, Government clearance, meals, accommodation and administration / Euro 200
Orientation / One day / As indicated on the schedule / -Info pack about Kenya and projects
-Volunteers’ expectations
-Team building, cooperation, confidence games & problem solving games.
-Visits to the Slums in Nairobi / Euro 30
Transport / Depending on project locality / Return journey as indicated on the schedule / Transport to and from project regardless of destination / Euro 40
ACTIVITY / DURATION / DATES / DETAILS / COSTSAirport Transfer / On Arrival and departure / Depends on volunteer’s travel schedule / Two-way transfer on entry to Kenya and exit after the project and KVDA will guide volunteers to suitable hostel / Euro 30.00
Participation fees / 2-weeks project / As indicated on the schedule / Caters for project exploration, Government clearance, meals, accommodation and administration / Euro 150.00
Orientation / One day / As indicate on the schedule / -Info pack about Kenya and projects
-Volunteers’ expectations
-Team building, cooperation, confidence games & problem solving games.
-Visits to the Slums in Nairobi / Euro 30.00
Transport / Depending on project locality / Return journey as indicated on the schedule / Transport to and from project regardless of destination / Euro 40.00
Confirmations must be done a month before the project commences and applications MUST be done through KVDA partner organizations in respective countries as the best practice within the CCIVS network sets out.
We request for the full names, copy of passport/identity card, 2-passport sized photos with your application and Volunteer Application form (VEF)
Detailed info sheets for the Projects indicated above will be sent by KVDA to partner organization for onward transmission to respective volunteers applying for specific projects at least one month in advance.