“The people alone are the absolute owners and uncontrollable movers of such sovereignty as human beings can claim to exercise;subject to the eternal and unchangeable rules of justice, truth, and good Faith.” G. M. Dallas, Vice President of the United States, 1847
We the People of the United States have a God-given, Constitutional right and duty to defend the integrity of our free, self-governing republic against the "principalities and powers of darkness" that rule in "high places." If we continueour failure to do so, the republic is lost to our posterity.

Eric Holder, President Obama's Attorney General, hasdecreed that our Justice Department will be made an example of "inclusion," meaning that sexual deviants are to "come out of the closet" and all department employees must actively speakapprovingly of this lifestyle. Employeesmay be spied upon for complianceand "silence will be recognized as disapproval."Presumably this decree will be extended to all federal agencies under the President, and thereafter to all America. Thiscould become the new "civil rights" obsession under "social and political correctness."

Below is the message this writer will send to all Supreme Court justices andto hisSenators and Representatives in Washington, D.C. If you value the continued existence of America the great,the good, and the free, you are stronglyadvised to do likewise.Feel free to use any material in this website, preferably rewritten in your own words.
Bible believers,you are duty bound to God, to country, and to your posterityto come out of your silent seclusion. You are to cast off the gags and shackles that federal judges and other tyrants have illegally put on you, "put on the whole armor of God" and engage this spiritual warfare according to the Bible:

Ephesians 6:10-20.

Finally, if you have not received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, do so now, then find an Evangelical church for instruction and support. Then, if the Washington crew sinksour Titanic, you will be in the Lifeboat.

Mail to Supreme Court justices like this:

United States Supreme Court.

ATTN: The Honorable (add name -see below),

One First Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20543

Names of Supreme Court Justices, 2014: John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Anthony Kennedy, Antonin Scalia, Stephen Breyer, Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayer, Samuel Alito, Ruth Bader Ginsberg

How to Email your Senators and Representatives in Washington, D.C.

Short of revolution (God forbid) these are the only people who can change the way our federal government works. They are yourvoice in Washington. Feel free to communicate with them authoritatively, yet respectfully. Note: U. S. representatives commonlyclaim that they are responsible only to the constituents in their Congressional districts. Not so!! What they do in Congress affects all of us. Therefore, they should be expected to hear what any of us have to sayon national issues.


1. Copy and print these instructions (you will need them to proceed).
2. Copy the message you will send. (for pasting later). Copy all or part of the message below without photos if you like. Add your name after “Respectfully submitted…”

3. Search “contacting congress” on the Internet.

Then click on: Contacting the Congress: A Citizens Congressional Directory

(Congressional map of the United States will appear, read special instructions.)

4. On the map, click on your state. If you don't know your district's U. S. representative,
enter your zip code in the form supplied and click on Submit it. List will appear. Click onwebsite hyperlink under "Contact Form" foryourfirst U. S. senatorat the top of the list, fill in the form and click on Submit. Go back to list and repeat for your second senator on the list. Then go back to list and repeat for your U. S. Representative.

5. Then in turn, state by state, click oneach and all the other stateson the map for a list of websites for U. S. Senators and Representatives.

6. When each state's list appears, click onwebsite hyperlink under "Contact Form" for thefirst U. S. senatorat the top of the list, fill in the form and click on Submit. Go back to list and repeat for second senator on the list. (Yes, you can email all 100 Senators, and you should. What they do affects all of us). Also note that some representatives may be contacted by Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, etc.

To: The Congress of the United States, Our national Representatives

From: We the People

Cc: The U. S. Supreme Court Justices

A call for a drastic, back-to-the-Constitution change in relationship between the three branches of our federal government:

At this critical time, the very survival of our free, self-governing republic is in your hands, yet
"You seem . . . to consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions; a very dangerous doctrine, indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy."
Thomas Jefferson. “Author of the Declaration of Independence"
Let Congress rise to your Constitutional place as the law-making representatives of the People, the preeminent position among the three branches.Stop kowtowing to Humanist federal judges’ opinions, thus allowing them to rule and ruin the country. This is aserious perversion ofour Constitution.

By all means, lay aside all personal and partisan considerations and do this:

1. Syria

Do not allow the Imperial President (Obama) to militarily strike Syria, killing more civilians and creating more hatred for the U. S. While we Americans grieve for the abused people of the world, the Islamic world is driven by the Koran, their unholy scriptures. They will do what they will. Our military action has not, will not, change this. Get our military out of the Islamic world - onlyexcept as necessaryto protect

our national security and to support Israel against threatened annihilation.

2. The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)

Do not revise or repeal DOMA.

Do not participate in any future court case regarding DOMA or any other Act of Congress. With all due respect for Judges’ opinions, recognize them as only opinions – not law. Then in Congress assembled, make the final decision on the case at hand and declare this Act of Congress “the law of the land.” pursuant to the Constitution, and most wholesome and for the public good.

In contempt of the Peoples’ representatives, in Congress assembled, and presumptuously cheering the edict of the Court, striking down DOMA, to be “the law of the land,” the Imperial Executive has forged ahead to pay marital benefits to same-sex “married” couples. Cut off these funds immediately, and pass a resolution declaring the Court’s majority opinion that struck down paragraph 3 of DOMA, to be null, void, and unenforceable. Initiate impeachment proceedings for the president if he continues to enforce the order of the Court.

3. Affordable Health Care Act

Repeal this healthcare fiasco immediately. AHCA is loaded with medical, social, and economic disaster - an awkward, ill-advised attempt to swallow “the whole elephant in one bite,”to socialize medicine, and to seize more absolute power to the inept federal bull in the china closet. Like the Internal Revenue Code, AHCA needs to be burned. Then with more able planners, start over and devise a healthcare system compatible with our once-free enterprise system, with government mostly as referee - not ruling master.

Respectfully submitted for the People by (your name)

End of message to Congress ______

Go to page “The People v. The Court,” for the reasons for these urgent requests.