Department of Health
Diversity News, produced by the Policy Coordination and Projects Branch in the Department of Health (DH), aims to provide a regular and consolidated summary of diversity-related activity in Victoria, as well as a snapshot of research, resources, professional development opportunities and upcoming events. This bulletin promotes policy, program and service development and delivery that recognises and responds to the diversity of the Victorian population, with a particular focus on gender, culture, ethnicity, refugee and asylum seeker status, language, sexual orientation and gender identity.
If you would like to submit an item, provide feedback, subscribe or unsubscribe, or would like to seek further information about Diversity News including past editions, please visit the Diversity in Health website or email
Information about Ageing and Aged Care and Aboriginal Health can also be accessed through the Diversity in Health website.
The Department of Health is undertaking GLBTI community and health sector consultations
The Victorian Department of Health is currently undertaking targeted consultation with the Victorian GLBTI community and health sector to better understand the health and wellbeing issues experienced by the GLBTI community. This consultation process will inform the development of a health and wellbeing plan for the GLBTI community. There are a number of different forums and meetings that you can attend, including a new forum for Parents and Guardians of children with Intersex Variations to be held on 1 April 2014, 6pm – 8pm. You will also be able to make written submissions. Please visit the consultation website or contact Georgie Foster, Senior Policy Adviser, GLBTI Health on 9096 9023 for further information.
Invitation to Health literacy and information consultation workshop: Tuesday 18 March, 9am – 12pm
The Victorian Department of Health invites representatives of non-government and health specific condition organisations, community and consumer stakeholder organisations, education practitioners and researchers to the Melbourne metropolitan workshop on health literacy and consumer health information at Victoria University City Flinders Campus, Level 12, 300 Flinders St, Melbourne. Feedback will be collated and used to develop a policy statement which will guide future work on health literacy and information for the Department of Health and its funded agencies.For further information including details of other forthcoming workshops please visit the website, here, or contact Lidia Horvat on9096-9008 or via email on .
New Victorian Multicultural Affairs Policy announced
The Victorian Government has launched a new multicultural affairs policy “Victoria’s Advantage – Unity, Diversity, Opportunity. The policy sets out a set of indicators to measure the State’s progress in multicultural affairs. Victoria’s Advantage – Unity, Diversity, Opportunity can be accessed at
Refugee & Immigration Legal Centre (RILC)
Advice for health service providers about Temporary Humanitarian Stay/Concern visas
The Victorian Refugee Health Network has put together some advice for health service providers about the recently re-introduced Temporary Humanitarian Stay/Concern visas. It does not provide any legal advice, rather provides referral pathways for health professionals and some links to factsheets. Click here for further information.
Body image is also a problem for men
There is growing awareness of the problems of ‘bigorexia’ or muscle dysmorphia, in which a person becomes obsessed with ‘bulking up’ in the belief that they are not muscular enough. A recently published study at the University of New South Wales, 'Sudden or Unnatural Deaths Involving Anabolic-androgenic Steroids', examined 24 cases of deaths related to Anabolic-androgenic steroids (AASs) and found that “the typical case was a male polydrug user aged in their thirties, with death due to drug toxicity. Extensive cardiovascular disease was particularly notable.” More information is available on the Andrology Australia website.
Gender and Sexuality
Are you 16 - 24 and identify as LGBTIQ? Headspace would like to hear from you
Headspace is asking about LGBTIQ young people’s experiences using an anonymous survey to improve the way services are provided, and work at reducing barriers for young people who are LGBTIQ accessing them. If you are a young person (16-25), identify as LGBTIQ and want to help change the way services are delivered, have your say and fill out this anonymous online survey.
New research: LGBT young people from refugee and newly arrived backgrounds
Gay and Lesbian Health Victoria has published a new report, Nothing for them - understanding the support needs of LGBT young people from refugee and newly arrived backgrounds that aims to document the support needs of LGBT young people from refugee and newly arrived backgrounds and make recommendations about further activities and projects that could be undertaken to improve the outcomes for these young people.
New Research: Growing Up Queer: Issues Facing Young Australians Who are Gender Variant and Sexuality Diverse
Young and Well Cooperative Research Centre recently released this research report that surveyed more than 1,000 young LGBTIQ Australians, finding that 16 per cent of young people who identify as LGBTIQ have attempted suicide and 33 per cent have harmed themselves as a result of widespread homophobic and trans phobic harassment and violence in Australian society.
Second Women's Health Week announced
The Jean Hailes Foundation has announced that the second Jean Hailes' Women's Health Week 2014 will take place across the country from the 1st to the 5th of September. Last year, over 6,000 people registered for the event. A report on the first women's health week in 2013 is now available on the Jean Hailes website. To register for 2014, or to become a partner, please see here.
Gender and sexuality
Free legal advice for the LGBTIQ community: Fitzroy Legal Service
The Fitzroy Legal Service has established a free, LGBTIQ Legal Advice Clinic that operates every Thursday evening at its offices (124 Johnston St, Fitzroy). Lawyers can provide advice and referral for most legal matters, with specialist lawyers available to provide assistance in discrimination and family law matters.
New Charter Guide for public sector workers
The Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission has published the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities: A guide for Victorian public sector workers. The guide aims to help people who work in Victorian, local government and state government departments and agencies, to understand the practical impact of the Charter and obligations to take human rights into account in the work they do.
Online resources on climate change and women
Women’s Health Victoria has a new compilation of online resources on climate change and womenin its Clearinghouse collection. This includes an overview, a section on the Victorian and Australian context, the international context, health and related websites.
Gender Indicators
The Australian Bureau of Statistics issued the latest edition of its Gender Indicators in February. This release includes a podcast with Elizabeth Broderick, Sex Discrimination Commissioner from the Australian Human Rights Commission, which outlines some of the main areas of gender differences. The release includes newly available data on cancer death rates, carer's data, experience of violence and stalking, education, and the latest gender composition of federal and state parliamentarians and ministers. Health-related tables have been updated with 2012 data from the ABS Death Registrations collection and the 2012-13 ABS Australian Health Survey, including life expectancy, death rates, and health risk factors in relation to Aboriginal Australians and Torres Strait Islanders.
Fathers, Separation and Co-Parenting
The UK organisation Man Matters recently launched its Policy Briefing Paper titled 'Fathers, Separation and Co-Parenting'. The paper examines key issues relating to fathers who have separated, or are separating, from their children’s mother. It provides a brief overview of what is known about the effects of separation on men, the benefits to children of having actively involved fathers, fathers’ experiences of separation, how they seek support, and how different countries have approached co-parenting. The report can be downloaded from the organisations website.
Cultural & linguistic diversity including refugee health & wellbeing
Coordinated Primary Health Care for Refugees: A Best Practice Framework for Australia
The Australian Primary Health Care Research Institute has released a report which describes a new framework and model for the delivery of primary health care for refugee populations in Australia. Clickhere to access the report.
DIAC Settlement Planning Update: February 2014 edition
The February 2014 ‘Settlement Planning Update’ from the Settlement and Multicultural Affairs Branch of the Department of Immigration and Border Protection(DIBP) is attached. The latest update of the newsletteris provided by DIAC to share information about initiatives, events, launches, opportunities and important dates.
Professional Development
Centre for Culture, Ethnicity & Health – Cultural Responsiveness Workshops throughout 2014
CEH presents monthly professional development workshops for health, government and community sector employees. CEH offers a range of workshops that can enhance cultural competency in workplaces. Click here for further information about workshops scheduled for 2014.
Health literacy in practice: 19 March 2014
The centre for Culture, Ethnicity and Health is running a workshop which provides practitioners with strategies to review practices and systems, and tools to assess client/patient health literacy. Register here.
Applied Gender Analysis: 25 March 2014
Women's Health Victoria is holding a workshop that guides participants on how to perform a gender analysis in practice. It aims to equip professionals with skills in the design, delivery and evaluation of gender sensitive programs and services. It covers key concepts, the social determinants of health a gender analysis framework, data and gender sensitive program planning. Registrations are necessary.
Refugee Sexual and Reproductive Health for Nurses: 27 March
This session is suitable for nurses’ working with refugee backgrounds. It covers culturally appropriate assessment and management approaches which may be sensitive to refugee and asylum seekers. Click here for more information.
The refugee and Asylum Seeker Experience: An introduction to working with refugees and asylum seekers – 24 April 2014
This workshop will develop ways of working and establishing positive working relationships and maintaining worker resilience in highly challenging policy environment. Click here for more details.
An introduction to Cultural Responsiveness Mental Health Services: 28 May
This workshop will introduce mental health professionals, working in both clinical and community managed mental health services, to cultural responsiveness. Click here for more details.
Conferences 2014
The Cultural Diversity in Ageing 2014 Conference – Shaping Inclusive Services: 12-13 June 2014
The Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing will host its biennial Conference on 12-13 June this year at the Melbourne Convention Centre. The Cultural Diversity in Ageing 2014 Conference: Shaping Inclusive Services will feature arange of keynote, workshop and poster presentations and will provide a forum for service providers to gain insight and inspiration in their pursuit of excellence in meeting the needs of a culturally diverse society.
AIDS 2014 – the International AIDS conference – 20-25 July 2014
The International AIDS Conference is specific to those working in the field of HIV, as well as policy makers, persons living with HIV and other individuals committed to ending the pandemic. Theprogramme will present new scientific knowledgeand offer many opportunities for structured dialogue on the major issues facing the global response to HIV. It will include a variety of session types – from abstract-driven presentations to symposia, bridging and plenary sessions and other related activities, including the Global Village, satellite meetings, exhibitions and affiliated independent events. Click here for more information.
2014 International Indigenous Health Conference: 15-17 December 2014, Cairns
This conferenceis designed to bring together both government and non-government agencies who are working in the field of Indigenous health with the belief that working together can close the gap between the state of Indigenous Health as compared to the health of mainstream society. The conference will include specific streams relating to indigenous Men’s health and indigenous Women’s health.
Events and other interesting things
Cultural Diversity Week: 15-23 March
The Victorian Multicultural Commission who host a variety of events along with hundreds of other organisations and community groups. The Viva Victoria Festival is happening at Federation Square on Sunday 23 March. This free festival will have four stages of music and dance, cultural workshops, food, a high quality art and craft market, roving performers and free kids activities and face painting. Visit the Cultural Diversity Week website for the full calendar of events and all the details.
SheppARTon Festival : 1-31 March
The 2014 Festival theme, ‘Dream Voices’, encompasses the idea that communities can prosper if they can realise a culturally cohesive dream for a sustainable future. For more visit website.
Transgender & Gender Diverse Anxiety Support Group – Carlton location
The Anxiety Recovery Centre Victoria (ARC Vic), in collaboration with Transgender Victoria, are convening monthly support groups to provide support, information and self-help for transgender and gender diverse people experiencing anxiety. The groups meet 2nd Wednesday @ 7pm – 8.30pm and 4th Saturday @ 11am – 12.30pm of each month. Please email or call ARC Vic on 1300 269 438 for further information.
Social enterprise and catering for events
Social enterprises which support the health and wellbeing of Victorian communities catering for functions include:
- Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC) Catering.
- The SorghumSisters.
- BlackOlive,CharcoalLane,PrahranMission,The Last Cuppa,and Lentil asAnything.
Women in Work Child Care
Women in Work Child Care enterprise provideson-site mobile childcare for community groups andorganisations who wish to invite parents with children to events and programs.For information please email.
Key diversity dates for 2014
Events for 2014 / DatesCultural Diversity Week / March 15-23
National Reconciliation Week / May 27–June 3
Men’s Health Week / June 9-15
Refugee Week (including World Refuge Day on 20 June) / June 15-21
NAIDOC Week / July 6-13
Women’s Health Week / September 1-5
Celebrate Bisexuality Day / September 23
Intersex Day of Remembrance / November 8
International Transgender Day of Remembrance / November 20
16 Days of Activism to Stop Gender Violence / November 25- December 10
White Ribbon Day / November 25
World Aids Day / December 1
International Day for People with Disability / December 3
International Human Rights Day / December 10