Conus kahiko Kohn, 1980
Picture Link: Paratype AMNH Mike Filmer
Published in: J. Paleont. 54 (3), 534 figs.
Ocean geography: Indo-Pacific
Type Locality: Ulupoa Head, Hawaii
Type Data: Holotype in USNM deposited and catalogued
Type Size: 26.6 x 17.9 mm
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: Synonym of Conus chaldaeus Röding, 1798; Probably a fossil
Current Group Names:-
Not appropriate for the name kahiko
Conus kaiserae Tenorio, Tucker & Chaney, 2012
Picture Link: Holotype in SBMNH Manuel Tenorio
Published in: The Cones of the Eastern Pacific: p. 42, pls. 249 & 302
Ocean geography: Eastern Pacific
Type Locality: off Isla Manuelita, Isla del Coco, Costa Rica (West coast), (gravel & sand bottom 110 mtrs)
Type Data: Holotype in SBMNH deposited and catalogued
Type Size: 21.0 x 9.6 mm
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: A valid species
Current Group Names:-
Genus:-Dauciconus Species:-kaiserae
Synonyms:- There are no junior synonyms
Geographic Range:-Known only from Isla del Coco
Habitat:-Found at depths of 20-100 on sand and gravel
Description:-Source Original description
Only the earliest spire whorls are coronate; the spire whorl tops have two to three spiral cords that may fade in middle spire whorls; the spire profile is concave; The whorl tops are at first flat in cross section but become progressively more concave in middle and outer spire whorls; coloration consists of two orange to yellow-orange bands, with one beginning just anterior to the shoulder angle and ending posterior to midbody; the second begins just anterior to midbody and ends posterior to the anterior end; the two bands are interconnected by regularly spaced longitudinal lines at midbody and at the shoulder angle but not at the anterior end.
The shoulder is angular. The sides are just slightly convex but nearly straight. The general appearance thus becomes one of a small moderately elongated conical shell with a concave spire profile. The coloration on the body whorl consists of two bands that are some shade of light brown, tan, or orange-tan. Interrupted or entire spiral lines are not included in the color pattern. There are regularly spaced brown longitudinal markings inside the white areas just anterior to the shoulder angle and in the midbody white area. The light colored region at the anterior end has a distinct lavender tint in fresh specimens. In fresh specimens, colors are distinctly shaded by lavender, but this coloration may fade after cleaning. The pattern on the spire consists of brown markings leaving patches of white on the whorl tops. Except at the shoulder angle these markings are the same color shade as the color bands located on the body whorl. The interior of the aperture is white to blue-white. The body whorl is smooth and unornamented except for a few sulci on the anterior quarter of the shell.
Conus kalafuti da Motta, 1987
Picture Link: Holotype in MHNG Mike Filmer
Picture Link: Paul Kersten
Published in: Publ. Ocas. Soc. Port. Malac. no. 9, p. 42, f. 1a & b
Ocean geography: West Atlantic and Caribbean
Type Locality: N. W. Roatan Island, Honduras; 35-40 ft on coral rubble
Type Data: Holotype in MHNG deposited and catalogued
Type Size: 15 x 8 mm
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: A valid species
Current Group Names:-
Genus:-Purpuriconus Species:-kalafuti
Synonyms:- There are no junior synonyms
Geographic Range:-Honduras
Habitat:-Found on algae at depths of 10-15 m
Description:-Source Original description
Shell small, up to 15mm, with a spire consisting of 6 whorls; a two whorl white protoconch; whorl tops flat except for last two somewhat concave with a folded edge. Shoulder is angulate and sharply carinate; Body whorl is smooth and glossy; ground colour golden yellow with white middle band interrupted by brown spots. Some specimens plain yellow. The spire is white with brown strands in radial pattern. Occasionally white blotches on main whorl. Aperture widens at anterior and inside is yellowish.
Discussion:-C. kalafuti is most similar to C. sahlbergi from the Bahamas. It has a low spire with roseate protoconch; its whorl tops are flat except for concave lst two which have arcuate striae; it has many colour forms not just the golden yellow of C. kalafuti and has no markings.
Local juvenile C. daucus are orange or yellow with pink protoconch but tend to have a simple lighter band and somewhat concave spire shape.
Conus kanakinus Richard, 1983
Picture Link: Holotype in MNHN Mike Filmer
Picture Link: Paul Kersten
Published in: J. Malacol. Soc. Aust. 6 (1-2), pp. 53-58
Ocean geography: Indo-Pacific
Type Locality: SW of Ile des Pins, New Caledonia (22deg 49' S 167deg 12' E); Dredged 390-395 m
Type Data: Holotype in MNHN deposited and catalogued
Type Size: 15.2 x 7.5 mm
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: A valid species
Current Group Names:-
Family:-CONIDAE SubFamily:-CONINAE
Genus:-Phasmoconus Species:-kanakinus
Synonyms:- There are no junior synonyms
Geographic Range:-New Caledonia
Habitat:-350-500 m
Description:-Source Living Conidae
Small and light. Last whorl usually conical; outline nearly straight. Shoulder angulate to subangulate, edge prominent. Spire of moderate height; outline sigmoid. Larval shell of about 2 whorls, maximum diameter about 1 mm. First 2-3 postnuclear whorls tuberculate. Teleoconch sutural ramps slightly concave, with 0 increasing to 5-7 fine spiral grooves. Last whorl with several spiral ribs near base and weak spiral striae to shoulder.
Ground colour white. Last whorl with 10-15 irregularly interrupted brown spiral lines. Line at shoulder of more regularly set brown dashes, visible on teleoconch spire whorls. Larval shell white. Postnuclear sutural ramps with pale brown radial blotches. Aperture white.
Shell Morphometry
L 11-21 mm
RW 0.01-0.03 g/mm
RD 0.54-0.62
PMD 0.84-0.90
RSH 0.15-0.23
Conus kantanganus da Motta, 1982
Picture Link: Holotype in MHNG Mike Filmer
Published in: Publ. Ocas. Soc. Port. Malac. no. 1, p. 11, f. 10
Ocean geography: Indo-Pacific
Type Locality: Trawled off Kantang, Southwest Thailand.
Type Data: Holotype in MHNG deposited and catalogued
Type Size: 33 x 10 mm
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: Synonym form of Conus longurionis Kiener, 1845
Current Group Names:-
Genus:-Fusiconus Species:-longurionis kantanganus forma
Synonyms:- There are no junior synonyms
Geographic Range:-Indian Ocean
Habitat:-No Data
Description:-Source Original description
Shell elongately fusiform with 12 spire whorls of which 2 are globulose protoconch; with subsequent 6-7 minutely beaded but becoming progressively obsolete; space between deeply grooves sutures grooved with perpendicular riblets. There is no angulation at shoulder, the flat sides being slightly rounded at its periphery as it tapers down its extended length of the narrow body whorl; the body whorl with over 30 spiral grooves intersected by same riblets as spiral whorls. Ground colour is white with light brown quadrangular blotches .sprinkled across whorl and spire with some concentration forming brown bands at middle and base. Aperture is straight and narrow with white interior; outer lip moderately undulated.
Discussion:-Da Motta compares C. kantanganus with C. aculeiformis which is larger with shorter spire, carinated shoulder; smooth body whorl with shallow spiral incisions.
It should also be comapered to C. longurionis which has stepped spire, obtuse shoulder, rather large spiral grooves and a pointed base which is recurved.
Conus kashiwajimensis Shikama, 1971
Picture Link: Figure Original Description
Published in: Sci. Rep. Yokohama Nat'l. Univ. sect. II, no. 18, p. 32, pl. 3, f. 23. & 24
Ocean geography: Indo-Pacific
Type Locality: Kashiwajima Is., Southwest Kochi Pref., Japan
Type Data: Holotype in KPMY deposited and catalogued
Type Size: 33.3 x 16.7 mm
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: Synonym form of Conus suturatus Reeve, 1844
Current Group Names:-
Genus:-Lithoconus Species:-suturatus kashiwajimensis forma
Synonyms:- There are no junior synonyms
Geographic Range:-S Japan - Taiwan; Sri Lanka
Habitat:-Deep water
Description:-Source Original description
Shell medium sized, thick and elongate conical with both sides almost straight. Spire low with slightly concave outline. Protoconch pinkish. Teleoconch of 8 whorls. Shoulder angulate with weak tubercles. Surface of last whorl pure white with two wide bands of orangish colour. Weak spiral striations more obvious near base. Aperture white.
Discussion:-This form differs from typical form is more slender shape and lacking violet colour to basal area.
Conus kawamurai Habe, 1962
Picture Link: Holotype in NSMT Mike Filmer
Picture Link: Paul Kersten
Published in: Colored Illus. Shells of Japan III, App, p. 45, pl. 37, f. 15
Ocean geography: Indo-Pacific
Type Locality: Amami Islands, Japan
Type Data: Holotype in NSMT deposited and catalogued
Type Size: 80.5 x 33.4 mm
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: According to Filmer a synonym form of Conus milneedwardsi Jousseaume, 1894; we could deal with a valid species in my opinion (PK)
Current Group Names:-
Family:-CONIDAE SubFamily:-CONINAE
Genus:-Leptoconus Species:-milneedwardsi kawamurai forma
Synonyms:- aratispira Pilsbry, 1905
Geographic Range:-Ryukyu Islands
Habitat:-C. m. kawamurai known from rocky substrate in about 50 m
Description:-Note:There is much debate whether this is a valid species or a geographic form of C. milneedwardsi.
Discussion:-C. m. kawamurai is the smallest form (L 60-81 mm) intergrading with C. m. milneedwardsi and C. m. clytospira in shell shape and sculpture except for the broader last whorl. Its last whorl pattern varies from densely to widely meshed and includes sparse brown spots to prominent axially fused spiral colour bands. Pattern varieties of C. m. milneedwardsi, C. m. clytospira fall within the range of variation observed in C. m. kawamurai.
Conus keatiformis Shikama & Oishi, 1977
Picture Link: Holotype in KPMY Mike Filmer
Published in: Sci. Rep. Yokohama Nat'l. Univ. sect. II. 24, p. 19, pl. 4, f. 1 a & b, pl. 5, f. 7
Ocean geography: Indo-Pacific
Type Locality: East China Sea (dubious)
Type Data: Holotype in KPMY deposited and catalogued
Type Size: 62.6 x 31 mm
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: Synonym of Conus inscriptus Reeve, 1843
Current Group Names:-
Not appropriate for the name keatiformis
Conus keatii Sowerby ii, 1858
Picture Link: Syntype in NHMUK Mike Filmer
Published in: Thes. Conch. iii, p. 34, pl. 20 (206), f. 479
Ocean geography: Indo-Pacific
Type Locality: Seychelles
Type Data: Syntype in NHMUK deposited and catalogued
Type Size: 46.2 x 21.2 mm
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: Synonym of Conus inscriptus Reeve, 1843
Current Group Names:-
Not appropriate for the name keatii
Conus kellyae Petuch, Berschauer & Poremski, 2017
Picture Link: Lectotype in LACM
Published in: Festivus Vol. 49, Issue 3, p. 242 – 243, Fig. 2, A
Ocean geography: West Atlantic and Caribbean
Type Locality: Dredged from 40 m depth off the Farallones Islands, Portobello, Panama
Type Data: Lectotype in LACM deposited and catalogued
Type Size: 20.8 x 9.7 mm
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: A valid species
Current Group Names:-
Genus:-Jaspidiconus Species:-kellyae
Geographic Range:- At present, known only from the deeper offshore areas of northern Panama, in the vicinity of Portobello
Habitat:- On fine silty sand sea floors, in depths of 40-50 m
Shell of average size for genus, elongated and fusiform, with high protracted and scalariform spire; shoulder sharply-angled, bordered with small, well-defined carina; body whorl smooth and polished, sculpted with 12-16 thin, deeply-incised spiral sulci around anterior two-thirds of shell; shell base color bright salmon-pink or salmon-orange; body whorl with wide band of paler salmon-pink or pinkish- white around mid-body, bordered anteriorly and posteriorly by 2 wide bands of dark reddish- brown amorphous flammules; mid-body band characteristically devoid of any brown markings; spire whorls heavily marked with large, evenly- spaced amorphous reddish-brown flammules; aperture wide, colored deep salmon-pink within interior; protoconch proportionally large, bulbous and mamillate, composed of 2 whorls, pale salmon-pink in color.
Conus kermadecensis Iredale, 1913
Picture Link: Lectotype in CMNZ Mike Filmer
Published in: Proc. Mal. Soc. Lond. 10, p. 227, pl. 9, f. 15
Ocean geography: Indo-Pacific
Type Locality: Sunday Is., Kermadec Is.
Type Data: Lectotype in CMNZ deposited and catalogued
Type Size: 47.2 x 21.4 mm
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: Subspecies of Conus lischkeanus Weinkauff, 1875
Current Group Names:-
Genus:-Calamiconus Species:-lischkeanus kermadecensis subsp.
Synonyms:- There are no junior synonyms
Geographic Range:-Kermadecs, New Zealand, E. Australia, Papua New Guinea
Habitat:-Intertidal to about 200 m; reported from bare limestone pavement or sand, sometimes among weed or coral rubble.
Discussion:-Coomans and Filmer (1985) recognized 3 geographic subspecies of C. lischkeanus, from the Kermadec Is., W. Australia, and the W. Indian Ocean. However, within these regions, rather straight-sided and usually multicoloured shells with comparatively higher spires occur sympatrically with heavier, low-spired, rather convex-sided and often uniformly coloured shells as well as intermediate specimens. The morphological differences indicated by Coomans and Filmer ( 1985) are now known to be either slight or not consistently associated with geographic distribution. RKK thus abandon separation of this species into geographic subspecies.
Conus kersteni Tenorio, Afonso, Rolán, 2008
Picture Link: Holotype in MNCM Manuel Tenorio
Picture Link: Paratype Paul Kersten
Picture Link: Paul Kersten
Radula Picture: Manuel Tenorio & Emilio Rolán
Published in: Vita Malacologica 6, 2-5
Ocean geography: East Atlantic and West Africa
Type Locality: Tarrafal, Sao Nicolau, CV Islands
Type Data: Holotype in MNCM deposited and catalogued
Type Size: 20.8 x 12.1 mm
Nomenclature: An available name
Taxonomy: A valid species
Current Group Names:-
Genus:-Africonus Species:-kersteni
Synonyms:- There are no junior synonyms
Geographic Range:-Sao Nicolau, Cape Verde Islands
Habitat:-Found in rock crevices at 1-3 m
Description:-Original description
Broadly conical shell. Straight or slightly convex sides, angulated shoulder; chestnut brown with small white blotches at the spire; sutural ramps of the spire with 3-4 fine spiral striae; last whorl smooth, except for 5-6 variably spaced spiral ribs in the basal portion and around the columella region; color of the last whorl is light to dark chestnut brown; on this background chestnut brown and white interrupted spiral lines, alternating with white dots or small bars are often present; variability comes from the number and distribution ot the interrupted spiral lines; these spiral lines are sometimes absent; and then the last whorl appears to be uniformly dark chestnut brown; aperture is white, with a violaceus shade in the upper part; inner lip is dark; colemella is white with a violet shade in some specimens
Discussion:-No Data