Teacher: Mr. Jeremy HumphreyRoom # M201School Phone – (276) 642 – 5300

E-mail address – anning Period 5th

Tutoring -

Quia site –

Materials Needed

Pencils, paper, 3 ring binder with at least 1 divider, composition notebook, whiteboard marker (not required)

Classroom Expectations

1. Be on time

2. Be prepared

3. Be respectfulQR code – link to Quia page

Specific Objectives

1st Benchmark – Points, Lines, Planes, Distance, Midpoint, Inductive/Deductive Reasoning, Proofs, Parallel Lines and Transversals, Angles, Perpendicular/Parallel

2nd Benchmark – Triangles, Congruent Triangles (Proofs), Medians, Altitudes, Polygons, Quadrilaterals, Similar Polygons/Triangles (Proofs), Ratios/Proportions

3rd Benchmark –Pythagorean Theorem, Right Triangles, Trigonometry, Transformations, Circles

Before SOL – 3-dimensional shapes, Surface Area and Volume of Pyramids, Cones, Spheres, Cylinders, Prisms, Ratios of Similar Figures

Grade System

Assignments will be graded on the points system. Each assignment has a point value and the grade will be determined by the work on the assignment. For example, a quiz is 10 points, test 30 points, homework 5 points, etc. If a student gets 9 answers correct on a 10 question quiz, then he/she receives a 9/10 grade for the quiz (note: 9/10 equals 90% which is a B). The school system has a grading system that follows:

A - 100 – 93, B - 92 – 85, C - 84 – 77, D - 76 – 70, F - Below 70

Overall Average – 40 % - 1st 9 weeks, 40% - 2nd 9 weeks, 20% - Final Exam

Schoology/Online Assignments

There will be assignments that will be completed online during class or at home. These assignments will be discussions and group projects that will be graded through the use of a rubric. The application that will be used is called “Schoology” and it is a free app available on any smartphone or tablet. Parents and students are expected to either download the app or follow the updates given on the URL from my quia page. It will give updates on daily class assignments and the notes that accompany each assignment. To sign up, please follow the QR code to download the app, then enter the code to sign-up for the particular class.

QR code – Schoology app

If you are on a desktop, go to and click on “signup” on the top right corner and enter code.

If you are a smartphone or tablet, download the app and enter the code to register for the class.

Here is the code to register for 3B Geometry: KSBNX-55BMP

Remind 101

Parents and students are expected to register (free) for a reminder system that will be implemented for this course. It is a great way for parents and students to have up to date reminders of what is upcoming in class. For example, if the class is having a test or quiz the next day, I can send out a text saying “Quiz on the Pythagorean Theorem tomorrow.” It is 100% safe. I will never see the students or parents cell phone number and the students or parents will never see my cell phone number.

To register, please text: @73c4

To the number: (276) 285 - 5239

Missing Assignments

The Math Department at JSB has issued a new missing assignment policy. This policy states that if a student has more than 3 missing assignments in a 9 week grading period, every missing assignment after the 3rdresults in after school detention. Once the 9 week grading period is over, the policy resets. Also, it is the teacher’s responsibility to contact the parent/guardian after 2 missing assignments.

Make Up Policy (follows School Board Policy in the John S. Battle handbook)

Homework - Any assignment that is given must be turned in within the end of the week. If the assignment is not turned in by that time, there will be a late penalty (deduction of points). However, credit (not 100%) will be given to assignments turned before the grading period ends.

Quizzes and Tests – Quizzes are given during class time. If a student misses a quiz, he/she must make it up outside of class time (before/after school, study hall, etc.).

Tests – If a student makes a D or an F (76 or below) on a test, then he/she can retake the test (different test) within a week outside of class. The highest score from either test will be taken as the test grade.

Dear Parents,

Greetings! My name is Jeremy Humphrey and I am your son/daughter’s Geometry teacher. I am thrilled to have your child in class. The upcoming semester will bring a lot of fun and hard work, but I believe that we will have a great time together in class.

To tell a little about myself, I was born and raised in Bristol, VA where I attended John S. Battle High School (it’s nice to be back home). I then went on to King College and played baseball. I received my Bachelor’s and Master’s degree from King. This is my 3rd year here at John S. Battle where I coach basketball and softball.

Once again, I cannot tell you how excited I am to have your child in class this semester/year. As an Geometry class, we will discover Geometry as it pertains to the real world today. We will do a lot of critical thinking exercises to help enhance everyone’s ability to think outside the box. Our class will do small group activities (online and in class), pair activities (online and in class) and individual activities so that all students will have the opportunity to learn in various environments. It will be a fast-paced and difficult road ahead to learn everything that we need in order to pass the SOL test in December/May.

It is very important for teachers to have expectations for all of the students. For my classroom, I have three basic expectations that your child needs to be able to meet every day in class. These are to BE on time, BE prepared, and BE respectful. These are simple yet demanding but I think that it is a great idea for the parents to be aware of what is expected in the classroom.

Parental involvement is a key component to your child’s success. I strongly urge you to participate and encourage your child as the semester progresses. There are plenty of opportunities to be involved in as mentioned in the syllabus. One, is the Schoology app that can be accessed on your smartphone or your desktop. You will receive daily updates and notes on what is going on in class. Two, Remind 101 is another great tool to keep up to date on your child’s assignments throughout the grading period. I will also be contacting parents as necessary to ensure all students are on the right track towards excelling in Geometry.

Each grading period (9 weeks), your child will receive a progress report (4 ½ weeks), and a report card. In addition, I will be sending bi-weekly updates on your child’s grades.

I look forward to working with you and your child in class and I appreciate your support, in advance. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call or email me at any time. We’re going to have a great year!


Jeremy Humphrey

Math Teacher

Tear here and return to Mr. Humphrey

We acknowledge that we have read the syllabus and parent letter.

Student SignatureDate

Parent SignatureDate