Contract No. 2550-0/17

Removal and Disposal of Derelict Vessels, Pre-Qualification


The purpose of this contract is to pre-qualify vendors for future removal and disposalof derelict vessels.This pre-qualification contract provides for the submission of documents and forms intended toverify that the vendor meets or exceeds the minimum criteria. All vendors which meet or exceed the criteria established in this contractshall be placed on a pre-qualification list that may be accessed by County Departments inorder to obtain price quotations for the provision of removal and disposal of derelict vessels and associated debris.

A derelict vessel is a vessel that is left, stored or abandoned in a wrecked, junked,inoperative or partially dismantled condition in or upon public waters and has been properlyposted and noticed in accordance with the provisions of Section 705 Florida Statutes and /or which has been authorized by a law enforcement officer to be removed pursuant toSection 823.11 Florida Statutes. Associated debris may consist of any part of a derelictvessel or vessel contents, any item attached or immediately adjacent to a derelict vessel,and any part of a derelict vessel which may have become separated from the vessel prior to or during its removal.

Contract Term: 10/10/2017 TO 10/09/2022
Procurement Contracting Officer: Debra Butler
Phone: (305) 375-5663 Fax: (305) 375-4407


Event No. / Date / Event Log / Agent
4 / 01/24/2018 / Added Vendor: Madson, Inc., FEIN # 592262023 01 / Debra Butler
3 / 10/19/2017 / Updated BPO # ABCW1200484 with additional funds and Roadmap / Paula Wright
2 / 10/03/2017 / 5 Year Extension and Additional Funds of $ 525,000.00 Approved / Debra Butler
1 / 4/10/2012 / Effective Date, BPO / Elian Roman
Vendor Name/FEIN # / Contact Name / Email / Telephone/ Fax
Adventure Environmental, Inc.
FEIN 650768539 01 / Greg Tolpin / / 305-254-8887
Blue Water Marine Svsc Inc
FEIN 650535505-01 / Williams Hicks / / 305-230-0030
Vendor Name/FEIN # / Contact Name / Email / Telephone/ Fax
Dock and Marine Construction Corp
FEIN 611704697-01 / Glen Larson / / 305-751-9911
Kearns Construction Company
FEIN 770615005-01 / John Kearns / / 305-975-8878
Authorized Department(s) / Allocation
Regulatory and Economic Resources Department (RER) / $ 525,000.00

2.6 METHOD OF AWARD DESCRIPTION bidders are eligible to participate in subsequent spot-market quotations as required by the County on an as-needed basis. When such spot market purchases are initiated, the pre-qualified bidders shall be invited to offer a fixed price for a specific individual project. The pre-qualified bidder then offering the lowest fixedpriceunless otherwise specified, shall be awarded for that specific project. The awardto one bidderfor a specific project does not preclude the remaining prequalified vendors fromsubmitting spot market offers for other subsequent project. market pricing procedures will be initiated by the County. In general, written spotmarket quotations will be gathered from all prequalified vendors whenever possible. TheCounty shall apply any applicable measures and preferences in determining award foreach project.


The awarded bidder shall have knowledge of the nature and location of the work and thegeneral and local conditions in Biscayne Bay and other County waters where work is to beperformed, including but not limited to those affecting navigation, transportation and stagingof equipment, and access to vessels and disposal sites. The awarded bidder should haveknowledge concerning vessel(s) to be removed. The vessel location, approximate size,material of construction, and other relevant information will be provided as part of each spotmarket quotation. A photo(s) of each vessel will also be provided when possible. Theawarded bidder is responsible for field verifying all site conditions and vessel characteristics,including vessel dimensions, construction, and contents, prior to quoting.


3.4.1The awarded bidder shall be responsible for making all arrangements for access to thevessel(s) to be removed.

3.4.2All vessels shall be removed in whole condition whenever possible, except as otherwise authorized by the Department of Permitting, Environment and Regulatory Affairs (PERA),using a methodology that will not result in adverse impacts to the environment. In waterdemolition of any floating vessel, or any vessel capable of being floated without substantialrepair, will generally be prohibited. Any in-water demolition of the vessel hull orsuperstructure that results in the release of any solid or liquid waste to the environment isstrictly prohibited. No pollutants, including but not limited to petroleum products, petroleumcontaminated water, liquid and solid chemicals, sewage, and other wastes, may be spilledor otherwise discharged to surface waters, wetlands or upland areas as a result of workactivities.

3.4.3 Removal and disposal of associated pollutants, if any, are the responsibility of the awardedbidder and must be done in accordance with all local, state and federal requirements. Anypollutant found to be contained within a derelict vessel must be removed prior to the vessel’sdemolition and be properly disposed of in accordance with applicable laws by the awardedbidder. During work, the awarded bidder shall have on site all equipment necessary tocontain any accidental discharge of pollutants and shall be responsible for the remediationof any such discharge.

3.4.4 All vessels and debris shall only be disposed of at a landfill, recycling facility or otherdisposal location pre-approved by PERA. All fees associated with the transport and disposalof vessels, debris, and pollutants are the responsibility of the awarded bidder and shall notbe an additional cost to the County. Any pre-disposal preparation of the vessel required bythe disposal facility is the responsibility of the awarded bidder. No equipment, hardware, orother materials may be salvaged from the vessel(s) by the awarded bidder unless explicitlyauthorized in writing by PERA and/or the law enforcement agency authorizing the vessel’sremoval and disposal.

3.4.5A vessel may be disposed of at an artificial reef site if the vessel is determined by PERA tobe suitable for reef deployment and contingent upon compliance with all Federal, State andlocal laws, regulations and requirements. Deployment of a derelict vessel on an artificial reefsite must be approved by, and coordinated with, the PERA, Restoration & EnhancementSection. The awarded bidder shall be responsible for all preparation necessary to make thevessel suitable for artificial reef deployment, for transportation of the vessel to thedesignated artificial reef site, for sinking the vessel at the designated location, and forensuring that the vessel sinks at the designated site as authorized. The awarded biddershall also be responsible for notifying and coordinating with the appropriate agencies (e.g.U.S. Coast Guard) in advance of the deployment in accordance with those agencies’ requirements. If at any time PERA or any other regulatory agency having jurisdiction determines that a vessel is unsuitable for reef deployment, the vendor shall dispose of thevessel at a PERA-approved landfill and/or recycling facility in accordance with the aboveParagraph 3.4.4.

3.4.6 The following must be accomplished prior to the County granting approval for the sinking ofa vessel as an artificial reef.

A. All oil must be removed from tanks, pipes, bilges, etc. to ensure that no pollutantsenter the water (steam cleaning is preferred).

B. All watertight doors/hatches/bottom tank covers, etc. must be removed or welded open.

C. Any items that may float free when the vessel sinks must be removed from thevessel.

D. All deck areas, bilge areas, engine spaces and cargo spaces should be broomswept.

E. Sufficient ballast to maintain location of vessel on ocean bottom must be placed inthe vessel and shall consist of clean concrete.

3.4.7 The U.S. Coast Guard’s inspection of the vessel does not remove liability for oil pollution orfor a violation of the Ocean Dumping Act (Amends the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act, commonly called the "Ocean Dumping Act") which makes it unlawful forany person to dump, or transport for the purpose of dumping, sewage sludge or industrialwaste into ocean waters after December 31, 1991.

3.4.8 The awarded bidder shall adhere to U.S. Coast Guard specifications and all U.S. Fish andWildlife service requirements regarding endangered species, including but not limited to theWest Indian Manatee.


3.5.1The removal and proper disposal of vessels and associated materials must be thoroughlydocumented by the awarded bidder. Original copies of receipts documenting the properdisposal of the vessel(s) and debris at an approved landfill / recycling facility, and for theproper disposal of any separate vessel components (such as engines) and pollutants, if any,must be provided to PERA. Receipts must be easily legible and specifically describe thedisposal location and the quantity of material disposed of, by weight and/or volume. Alldocumentation must be submitted by the awarded bidder to PERA within the time periodrequired for completion of the work. Payment to the awarded bidder may be delayed until allproper documentation is received by PERA.

3.5.2Required documentation must also include photographs of the vessel as it is beingremoved, while it is located on the vendor’s barge or upland staging area, and at its finaldisposal point (e.g. at the landfill/recycling facility or within debris container). All photos areto be labeled with the vessel’s identifying derelict vessel number as assigned by the FloridaFish & Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC), PERA or other agency, if the number isnot visible on the vessel in the photo. This documentation is to be provided to PERA alongwith those required by Paragraph 3.5.1 above.

3.5.3 The awarded bidder shall notify and coordinate all work with the PERA project managerat305-372-6575 or designated employee, and Florida Fish & Wildlife ConservationCommission– (FWC–Officer) at 305-956-2500 or local law enforcement agency havingjurisdiction. Unless otherwise advised in writing by PERA, the awarded bidder shall meeton-site with PERA and law enforcement representatives prior to removing the vessel(s) toverify that the vessel(s) remains eligible for removal and to coordinate the removal activities.No removal work is to be conducted until the awarded bidder has received a written “Noticeto Proceed” from the County.


Property, public or private, if damaged during vessel removal, or removed for convenienceof the work, shall be repaired or replaced at the expense of the vendor in a manneracceptable to the County prior to the final acceptance of the work. Such property includesbut are not limited to: walls, fences, boat ramps (either concrete or asphalt), sod, andwalkways.


The following were applicable to competition conducted under this Invitation to Bid (ITB)solicitation:

Small Business Enterprise (SBE) Bid Preference: Application of the SBE or Micro/SBE preference may applyin accordance with Section 2.2.1 of the County Code covering this program.

Local Certified Service – Disabled Veteran Enterprise (VBE) preference may applyin accordance with Section 2-8.5.1 of the Miami-Dade County Code. A VBE who is also an SBE shall not receive the veteran’s preference and shall be limited to any applicable SBE preferences. Vendor must affirm written compliance with the certification requirements of Section 295.187 of the Florida Status to be submitted with a copy of the actual certification along with the bid or quote during competition.

Cone of Silence, UAP & Inspector General Ordinances: Shall be applicable to each solicitation/quote issued under this contract.

Indemnification and Insurance

The vendor shall furnish to the Vendor Assistance Section, Department of ProcurementManagement, Administration Division, 111 NW 1st Street, Suite 1300, Miami, Florida 33128.Certificate(s) of Insurance which indicate that insurance coverage has been obtained whichmeets the requirements as outlined in the link below.

  • Indemnification and Insurance - refer to section 2.10
  • Note below special insurance requirements or additional/increased coverages:

1. Protection and Indemnity Insurance, including Tower's Liability, in an amountnot less than $1,000,000 combined single limit. Miami-Dade County mustbe shown as an additional insured with respect to this coverage.

2. Commercial General Liability Insurance on a comprehensive basis in anamount not less than $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence forbodily injury and property damage. Miami-Dade County must be shown asan additional insured with respect to this coverage.

3. Automobile Liability Insurance covering all owned, non-owned and hiredvehicles used in connection with the work, in an amount not less than

$500,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury and property


Record Retention: For each purchase order issued under this contract, the user department shall maintain a record of the purchase including: market research performed, all quotes sought, all quotes obtained, required exception forms, and any other documentation supporting each purchase to ensure compliance and to establish the necessary accountability for audit. The record shall be maintained by the user department in a location (either electronic or paper) easily accessible for review or audit in accordance with the County Records Retention regulations.

User Department Responsibility

It is the responsibility of the client Department Director to ensure compliance with the above-mentioned procedures. Purchases made under this contract will be subject to random review or audit by County authorities, including the Procurement Management Services Division, Audit and Management, and the Office of the Inspector General.

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