ABN 70066902467 / End User ApplicationRecycled Water Standpipe Customers

This application should be completed by customers intending to use recycled water supplied by CWW on the customer’s property/site. Once this form is completed it can be returned via fax for the attention: Recycling and Development on (03) 9313 8799 or mail to Recycling & Development, City West Water Limited, Locked Bag 350, Sunshine, Vic 3020. ** Queries regarding this document – Phone 9313 8267.

Applicant Details
Company/Individual Name:
Owner/CEO Name:
Contact Name:
Office Phone:
Email: / ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Please complete all questions in the following sections:

  1. Site Information □
  2. Recycled Water Use □
  3. Water storage on site □
  4. Preventing run-off to Waterways □
  1. Recycled Water Collection and Transport □
  2. Human Contact □
  3. Recycled Water Quality □
  4. Conditions of Use □

About this Application

The purpose of the End User Application is to help both the End User and City West Water ensure that use of Class A recycled water is safe and sustainable.By completing this Application, the End User will develop a strategyto ensure that the health and environmental risks associated with using recycled water are managed in accordance with EPA Victoria – Guidelines for Environmental Management: Use of Reclaimed Water (Publication 464.2) and Guidelines for Wastewater Irrigation (Publication 168). For complete details of the EPA Guidelines refer to the EPA Victoria website at

By signing the Application you are agreeing to comply with the Conditions of Use and the strategies that you detail in the Application to ensure safe and sustainable use of Class A recycled water at your site(s).

To avoid delays in the approval of your Application, ensure that you complete all sections and supply all the required details. This will reduce the need for City West Water to contact you for further information or clarification.

Ensure you retain a copy of this application form.

  1. Site Information


- All sites where recycled water is used must be declared to City West Water.

- CWW must approve the End Use at all sites prior to recycled water use at the site.

- It is a requirement of the EPA that City West Water maintain a log of all sites where recycled water is used, including volumes. This is reported annually to the EPA.

1.1Name and Address of the Reuse Site/s

  • Please detail all sites
  • Additional sites can be incorporated at a later date; you can arrange for this by contacting City West Water
  • If sites are variable, such as council irrigation of median strips, please state the area or municipality where recycled water will be used
  • Mobile businesses, such as mobile vehicle washers or garden maintenance service providers must keep a log of all sites at which they use recycled water. See Conditions of End Use, Item 5 at the end of this form.

1.2 Please return a map of the site/s with this document. Has a map been included? (please circle or highlight)


1.3 Description of the site. Include for all sites listed in 1.1:

  • Land use at the site
  • Area of site
  • Size of area where you intend to use recycled water

1.4For all sites, describe the land use of sites neighbouring the water use area (eg. residential, agricultural, grazing).

  1. Recycled Water Use

Permitted uses of Class A recycled water including but not limited to: / Uses for which Class A recycled water is not permitted:
  • Irrigation of lawns, trees and garden beds
  • Irrigation of sports grounds and parklands
  • Washing vehicles
  • Dust suppression
  • Livestock drinking water
  • External pressure cleaning
  • Fire fighting
  • Irrigation of food and non-food crops
  • Human consumption
  • Human washing or bathing
  • Any and all uses involving pigs
  • Any and all uses involving milking machinery


Risks to soils and surface waters from salts and nutrientsmust be managed by:

  • NOT watering after heavy rainfall or before expected rain;
  • NOT over-watering area such that ponding occurs;
  • using normal irrigation best practises; that is irrigating at a rate that is balanced against plant needs and evaporation. Sustainable irrigation management is described in EPA publication 168 Guideline for Wastewater Irrigation. Large water users should calculate irrigation ratesusing a formal hydraulic balance and small scale users may schedule irrigation based on observed soil moisture (visual observations of soil or direct measurements).
  • ensuring that salt and nutrient levels in soils do not build up to excessive levels. Large water users should conduct a salt and nutrient balance to determine appropriate loading rates. Small scale users should regularly inspect plants and soils for visual signs of deterioration.
  • ensuring no run-off from sloped land or land with poorly permeable soils through careful irrigation scheduling or collection drains leading to a return sump with a capacity to capture all the runoff from irrigation event. Return sumps should be used for irrigation or returned to the recycled water storage to avoid risks of spills.
  • if stormwater may enter the recycled water storages (eg a dam), maintain a freeboard to ensure that there is not a discharge from the storage due to rainfall.
  • NOT using recycled water on impermeable surfaces unless

-bunding or containment measures are being used to capture runoff and prevent the movement of recycled water to stormwater drains.

-Recycled water is used in a designated washing area with where run-off is collected and sent to the sewer under a Trade Waste license.

  • Recycled water must not enter neighbouring properties and must not runoff to the stormwater system
  • Permanent signage should be installed at the perimeter of the site where recycled water is used with the words “RECYCLED WATER IN USE” or “RECYCLED WATER USED ON THIS PROPERTY”
  • Portable or permanent signage must be displayed at the immediate location of recycled water use with the following words“RECYCLED WATER IN USE”

  • The signs should be set out as per Figure 1:
  • White background
  • Black font
  • Font size minimum 50mm using standard alphabet
  • Optional features:
  • ”Do Not Drink”
  • “WARNING” in the colour Signal Red
  • Prohibition Sign No. 404 should incorporate a red annulus and slash symbol of the colour Signal Red (R13 - PMS 186C, 1795U) as specified in the Australian Standards 2700
Figure 1. Example of Portable Signage

2.1 What are the intended uses for the recycled water?

Please give a detailed answer stating all potential uses of recycled water. Ensure your response provides the following information (if applicable):

  • The purpose for which you require recycled water
  • The method you will use to distribute the water (eg. Irrigation using a handheld hose, washing using a pressurised hose)
  • For a pressure cleaning business, detail your methods for containing runoff.
  • Agricultural
  • If irrigating, what type of crop will be irrigated?
  • Will livestock come into contact with the water, either directly or indirectly through irrigated pastures? How, and what type of Livestock?

3. Water storage on site


On-site storage requirements:

  • All storage sites must be adequately signed (see ‘Signage requirements’ below)
  • Storage tanks or dams should be secure from public access
  • The recycled water storage tank or dam must not be connected either directly or indirectly to the potable water supply system.
  • Where the tank or dam is located near a water way or stormwater drain, measures must be taken to prevent recycled water from entering the waterway or drain in the case of spill, leak or seepage from the tank or dam. Eg. buffering the path of water to drain while recycled water is being stored.

Signage Requirements for Recycled Water Storage Tanks:

  • Signage should be provided on the front of the tank in a readily visible location and should display Prohibition Sign No. 404 accompanied by the text:


  • The signs should be set out as per Figure 2:
  • White background
  • Black border
  • Black font
  • Font size minimum 50mm using standard alphabet
  • Prohibition Sign No. 404 should incorporate a red annulus and slash symbol of the colour Signal Red (R13 - PMS 186C, 1795U) as specified in the Australian Standards 2700
Figure 2. Example only

3.1 Do you intend to store recycled water on site?

YESNO(if NO, proceed to section 4)

3.2 How will the water be stored? Provide the following information:

  • Type of storage (eg. Tank, dam)
  • If the intended storage site is an earthen dam, describe the dam’s lining
  • Describe public access to the storage (eg. Private property, fenced)
  • How long do you expect the water to be stored before use?
  • Will the recycled water be added to non-recycled water already stored?
  • If so, what is the approximate volume of water currently stored?

3.3 Is the recycled water storage directly connected to an irrigation system, pipe network or distributions system?If YES, please describe below

YESNO(If NO, proceed to section 4)

If you answered YES to question 3.3, PLEASE READ:

If a recycled water tank is connected to a sprinkler irrigation system, the irrigation system must be physically disconnected from the drinking water system and a 300mm separation maintained to eliminate the risk of contaminating the water supply.

You will need to provide a Compliance Certificate from a licensed plumber describing the work that has been conducted and ensuring that there are no cross-connections into the potable water system.

3.4 Have you provided a Compliance Certificate from a licensed plumber?

YESNO (If NO, City West Water cannot approve your application)

  1. Preventing run-off to Waterways


While Class A recycled water is treated to a high standard, it contains nutrients and salts that may be harmful to the environment. Excessive quantities of nutrients in waterways can lead to algal blooms and water toxicity. Therefore recycled water runoff must be controlled by application method, or a run-off collection system to prevent recycled water from entering the stormwater drainage system.

4.1 Please describe drainage system at the site and adjacent to the site where recycled water is to be used. Include:

  • Slope of site
  • Distance to stormwater drains near the site
  • Distance to nearest waterway or drain that leads to a waterway

4.2 Describe how you will ensure that recycled water run-off does not occur and precautions that you will taketo prevent run-off leaving the site in the event that it occurs.

  • It may be useful to refer to the information in Section 2.Recycled Water Use, in particular details of application method and containment methods.
  • If you have multiple end uses, ensure that you have run-off prevention measures for each end use.
  • If you have multiple sites, you will need either run-off prevention strategies specific to each site or one strategy that is applicable to all sites.

5. Recycled Water Collection and Transport

5.1 What volume will you require for each collection and how often will this volume be required? (eg. Per week, per month) If it is a seasonal demand please describe.

5.2 Please describe how long you intend to use recycled water. Specify if you plan to use recycled water until water restrictions are over, or if you plan to incorporate recycled water as a permanent part of your business.

5.3Please state the name and Permit Number of the Class A recycled water carter that you intend to use to collect your water.

Carter’s Name / Standpipe Permit Number


  • If your nominated carter is not registered with City West Water, they must contact CWW to arrange a Standpipe Permit before they can begin carting recycled water
  • If you intend to use your own transport vehicles, you must obtain a Standpipe Permit from City West Water

6. Human Contact


Occupational Health and Safety:

  • Always wash hands immediately after being in contact with recycled water. If splashed in the eyes, wash immediately with clean water. Avoid any unnecessary contact with recycled water.
  • Do not consume food or drink while working with recycled water. Wash hands with fresh water before eating or smoking and finishing work.
  • Report any skin rashes, and illness such as fever, nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea to supervisor who will report to OHS professionals;
  • Cover any wounds, after washing with soap and fresh water, with a waterproof dressing to prevent contact with recycled water;
  • If you have dermatitis, chronic illness or are receiving treatment that may suppress your immune system, then you need to obtain medical advice regarding your fitness to work with recycled water.
  • All workers or persons likely to be using recycled water are required to have an induction to explain that recycled water is being used, that recycled water is not to be used for drinking, washing or other similar uses, and that they should wash their hands and face with fresh water before eating or smoking and finishing work

Incident Reporting:

Report any accidental spills of recycled water or personal hygiene issues that have received medical attention to City West Water for action and record keeping. City West Water will initiate normal incident management procedures.

6.1 Will the recycled water have the potential for human contact?

YESNO(if NO, proceed to section 7)

If YES, please detail (eg drinking, washing, spray drift). How will the Occupational and Safety information (above) be communicated to persons who may come into contact with recycled water. Please detail strategies for:

  • Employees
  • General public (if applicable)

7. Recycled Water Quality

Refer to the Class A recycled water quality analysis on the following page.

  1. Have you read the water quality analysis?


  1. Are you satisfied that the quality of the water is suitable for your intended use?(Ensure you consider salinity levels)


Western Treatment Plant Recycled Water quality for October 2006 – Pre disinfection


8. Conditions of Use

Use of Recycled Water

  1. The End User of recycled water:

(a)acknowledges and agrees that the recycled water is only to be used for the approved end use;

(b)without limiting 1:

  1. acknowledges that recycled water must be used in accordance with applicablelegal and regulatory requirements, including Department of Human Services (DHS) requirements and Environment Protection Authority (EPA) requirements set out in Publication 464.2 Guidelines for Use of Reclaimed Water;
  2. must ensure that all sites receiving recycled water are registered with City West Water and have an approved Environment Improvement Plan (EIP) or End Use Protocol which specifies the conditions of recycled water use on that site

(c)acknowledges and agrees that it is responsible for using the recycled water in accordance with the End Use Protocol and these Conditions of Use and will deal with any spillage or discharge of recycled water in accordance with EPA Publication 464.2 Guidelines for Use of Reclaimed Water Guidelines

General Conditions

  1. The End User mustensure that the water carter used to deliver recycled water to the site is a City West Water approved water carter with a valid Permit Number.
  2. The End User must provide City West Water with access to any property or information reasonably required by CWW in order to allow CWW to audit compliance with these Conditions of

Permit, or to perform audits required by the Environment Protection Authority or under applicable laws/regulations.

  1. CWW may suspend the supply of recycled water if the recycled water quality does not meet the Class A requirements.
  2. The End User will not be entitled to any compensation, costs, loss or damages arising from or in any way related to the revocation of an End User Approval or the suspension of supply of recycled water.
  3. The End User agrees to indemnify CWW from and against any claims, costs, loss or damage suffered or incurred by CWW as a direct result of any breach of these Conditions of Use by the End User.

Conditions of End Use

  1. Without limiting the requirements of the End Use Protocol the End User must ensure that:

(a)all onsite storage tanks will under no circumstances be connected to the potable water system

(b)onsite storage tanks intended for or being used for recycled water storage are not connected to an onsite irrigation or distribution system without prior City West Water approval

(c)City West Water is notified if (additional) onsite storages are installed

(d)permanent signage is erected at the perimeter of each site with the words “RECYCLED WATER IN USE” or “RECYCLED WATER USED ON THIS PROPERTY” at all main entrances to the sites

(e)appropriate portable signage is utilised while recycled water is in use in accordance with the End Use Protocol

(f)OH&S best practice requirements must be communicated to all workers

  1. The End User will ensure that recycled water does not runoff to stormwater drains or to neighbouring properties.
  2. It is the responsibility of the End User to ensure that the quality of recycled water is fit for the intended end use.
  3. The End User must inform City West Water of any new site that it plans to supply with recycled water prior to supplying recycled water to that site.
  4. If the End User is a business that supplies multiple sites, the End User must keep a log of all sites supplied with recycled water and submit this log to City West Water on a fortnightly basis. This log should include:

(a)Date of supply

(b)Site address

(c)Volume supplied

(d)End use

(e)Whether or not run-off was contained


As the End User of the recycled water, I understand that I am responsible for appropriate use, transport, storage and distribution of recycled water in accordance with EPA Victoria – Guidelines for Environmental Management: Use of Reclaimed Water (Publication 464.2), Guidelines for Wastewater Irrigation (Publication 168) and Supply of Recliamed Water for Drought Relief (Publication 887.1).