Recovery Star Awards

Introduction & Guidance

The DA Recovery Star awards are an opportunity to celebrate and acknowledge personal achievements and steps towards recovery. The event will take place between 12 and 3pm on Friday 28 November at the Citadel, Castlegate, Aberdeen. Lunch will be provided and awards presented to successful nominees among an audience of friends and supporters of those in recovery. There are 12 categories of award and people can be nominated for more than one category. Nominees should be informed that they have been nominated and asked if they would like to attend the event. Winners of awards will be contacted through the person nominating them. All nominations must be received by 5pm on Friday 21 November. A Nomination form is provided overleaf.


1.Contribution to music; For those who have used music to support recovery

2.Contribution to the environment; For those involved in beach clearing, recycling etc

3.Personal fitness awards; runners, cyclists, walkers, gymnasts, footballers…….

4.supporting others awards; peer supporters, naloxone trainers, SMART folk..

5.Fundraising awards; sponsored folk,

6.Training and education awards; all achievements at all levels!

7.Great parents awards; for those parents in recovery

8.Arts and Crafts awards; for crafty arty folk

9.Literature award; short story writers, book club criticsetc

10.Milestones awards for personal achievement; to recognise people who have moved through stages of recovery

11.Homemaker award; previously homeless, moved to new house? etc.

12.Supportive family member or friend; for all those who have supported and helped those in recovery

All nominations should be emailed to Jodie, our assistant to the stars, at this address; by 5pm on Friday 21 November.


Nomination form

Inominatefor a RecoveryStar awardfor thefollowingcategories:



3.Personal fitnessawards


5.Fundraising awards

6.Training andeducationawards

7.Great parentsawards

8.Artsand Crafts awards


10.Milestones awards forpersonalachievement


12.Supportivefamilymember orfriend



Contact Telephone Number or email address:

All nominations should be emailed to Jodie, our assistant to the stars, at this address; by 5pm on Friday 21 November.