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Muungano KCSE Post Trial Exam




September 2015

2 ¾ Hours


This paper has two sections: A and B.

Answer All the questions in section A. In section B answer question 6 and any other two questions.

All answers must be written in the answer booklet provided.

This paper consists of 4 printed Pages

Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all the pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing


Answer all questions in this section

1. The diagram below shows underground karst scenery. Use it to answer question (a) and (b)

a) Name the features marked A, B and C. (3mks)

b) Describe how feature marked D is form (2mks)

2. (a) What is the difference between orogeny and orogenesis? (2mks)

(b) Name any three orogenesis known in geological history (3mks)

3 a) Name Three kinds of desert landscapes. (3mks)

b) State two land forms resulting from water action in arid areas or desert. (2mks)

4. a) What is the solar system? (2mks)

b) Use the diagram below to answer the questions that follow.

i) What type of eclipse is represented by the diagram? (1mk)

ii) Name the features marked L and M (2mks)

5 a) Differentiate between a sill and a dyke. (2mks)

b) Name three composite volcanoes in Kenya. (3mks)

Section B

Answer question 6 and any other two questions from this section

6. Study the map of Migwani sheet 151/1 provided and answer the questions that follow

a)  i) Identify the manmade features found at grid square 1/68 (2mks)

ii) What is the latitudinal extent of the area covered by the map (2mks)

iii) Calculate the bearing of the Dam at grid square 9078 from the trigonometric station at grid square 9374 (3mks)

iv) Calculate the area enclosed by the dry weather roads D507 and D509 found at the south Eastern area of Migwani. (3mks)

b)  i) Using vertical scale of 1cm to represent 100m draw a cross-section along line J-K (4mks)

On the cross-section mark and name

(i)  A dry weather road

(ii)  A plain

(iii)  A water pipeline (3mks)

ii) Calculate the gradient of line JK (3mks)

c) Describe the drainage of the area covered by the map (5mks)

7. (a) Describe the following characteristics of minerals

(i) Colour (2mks)

(ii) Cleavage (2mks)

(b) (i) State with examples three classes of mechanically formed sedimentary rocks (6mks)

(ii) Differentiate between regional metamorphism and contact metamorphism (4mks)

(c) State one condition that influences the characteristics of igneous rocks. (1mk)

(d) Use the sketch map of Kenya below to answer the question below:

Name the type of rocks labeled A, B and C (3mks)

(e) Suppose your class was to undertake a field sturdy on the relationship between parent rocks and soil formation around your school.

(i)  State two reasons why you would need a map of the area of your study. (2mks)

(ii) State two activities you would carry during the filed study (2mks)

(f) State three significance of rocks to man (3mks)

8. a) i Give three processes that lead to formation of lakes. (3mks)

(ii) Explain how each of the following have affected lakes in Kenya

(i) Deforestation (2mks)

(ii) Water weeds (2mks)

(b) Explain how Lake Victoria has modified the climate of the surrounding (6mks)

(c) Explain why some lakes in the rift valley have fresh water (6mks)

(d) Explain three economic uses of lakes (6mks)

9. a) List:

(i) Four characteristics of desert soils. (4mks)

(ii) Two factors that contribute to soil leaching. (2mks)

b) Explain how each of the following factors influence the formation of soil

(i) Parent rock (2mks)

(ii) Living organisms (2mks)

(iii) Topography (2mks)

c) Draw a well labelled profile of a mature soil. (5mks)

d) Differentiate between a soil profile and catena. (2mks)

e) Explain three ways in which human activities contribute to soil erosion. (6mks)

10) a) List three factors which contribute to the development if deserts (3mks)

b) Name three processes through which wind erodes a desert landscape (3mks)

c) Explain three ways through which wind transports it load. (6mks)

d) Describe how the following desert features are formed.

i) Yardangs (3mks)

ii) Rock Pedestals (3mks)

iii) Wadis (3mks)

e) State four ways in which desert features are significant to human activities (4mks)

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