Fact Sheet
Anchor Organization: Oakland Chamber of Commerce
Hub Three-Year Goals:
- To strategically develop and implement the East Bay Linked Learning Hub of Excellence, designed to support and scale regional education adoption of the Linked Learning approach and enable greater industry involvement.
- To strengthen and expand political and public will for the Linked Learning approach and cultivate champions to advance regional Linked Learning policy, programs and systems change.
- To institutionalize partnerships between education and industry that are dedicated to preparing students with the skills and knowledge necessary to pursue a viable career in the region.
Annual Measurable Objectives:
Measurable Objective / Year One / Year Two / Year ThreeHub Governance Partnership holds semi-annual meeting to actively engage industry and education leaders in institutionalizing Linked Learning pathways. / 2 meetings / 2 meetings / 2 meetings
Three sub-regional Nodes establish coordinated systems to engage industry and promote best practices / Hub & sub-regions align industry engagement practices; establish baseline for WBL activities / 30 % increase in WBL activities / 50 % increase in WBL activities
Primary Partners strengthen LL pathways in their District / Establish baseline for K-14 LL pathways / 10 % increase in LL Certified or otherwise validated pathways / 10 % increase in LL Certified or otherwise validated
Affiliate Partners advance LL in their district with support from Primary Partner Mentor and professional development / District has solid “baseline” pathway programs or in planning stages / 10 % increase in baseline and continual progress towards strengthening career pathways / 10 % increase in baseline and continual progress towards strengthening career pathways
Increase in employers partnering in Linked Learning pathways / Establish baseline / Increase by 20% / Increase by 20%
Public presentations and other strategic communication activities / EBCP website launched; e-newsletter / Meetings before elected bodies / Meetings before elected bodies
State and regional advocacy for LL Pathways / Inform pathway development with state agencies, legislature, local government / Inform pathway development with state agencies, legislature, local government / Inform pathway development with state agencies, legislature, local government
Obstacles to Scaling Linked Learning
- Central anchor organization
- Structure to support industry engagement and work-based learning
- Sustainability of career pathway development infrastructure beyond CCPT grant term
Anticipated Challenges to Hub Implementation
- Limited time and capacity of faculty & administrators
- Limited experience of industry partnering with education (small/mid sized businesses)
- Alignment of multiple regional initiatives
Key Learning and Professional Development Needs:
- Community of practice for principals and district administrators on implementation of site-level and system-wide Linked Learning pathways.
- Peer learning and Community of Practice activities, including forums for collaboration, sharing of best practices, and broadening the community to include newer districts and regions.
- Local, sub-regional and regional training and technical assistance to build and strengthen Linked Learning pathways.
- Training and support for career pathways teams on use of data to improve pathway quality and fidelity.
- A web-based resource for use by students, counselors, faculty and parents to explore career options and career pathways specific to the EBCP region.
Last Revised: 8.14.2015Pg.