February 2, 2017
FROM: Senior Team
We have four very busy months ahead!
Please read this letter very carefully for important information!
Thursday, March 16 & Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Sleep-in day for seniors who took the ACT in Junior Year—While the underclassmen are taking the practice ACT and the ACT, you may come in late on Thursday, March 16th and Tuesday, March 21st. Arrival times will be provided later. If you work, mention these dates to your employer. Any senior who did not take the ACT must take it with the juniors. Those students have been identified by Mrs. Logan and will not be able to sleep in late. They must report at regular time.
Saturday, April 1, 2017
Prom at Jerusalem Temple- Prom tickets go on sale March 20th – 24th for $25 for Garnet IDs, $27 for Grey IDs and $30 for Black IDs and March 27th – 31st for $35 EACH. NO ticket will be sold after 2nd lunch on March 31th . When you purchase your ticket, you will receive a keepsake and a numbered ticket. Any ticket lost will result in forfeiture of your money. You may NOT sell/give your ticket to anyone. The number on the ticket must match the number/name on the sheet in the bookstore. Each person, including out of school dates, MUST have a valid ID and your numbered ticket to get in the dance. Dress Code: Girl’s dresses should be tasteful & appropriate. They should not show too much cleavage or midriff or be skin tight. Two piece dresses are okay as long as no more than “1 inch” of stomach or midriff is showing. More than an inch is UNACCEPTABLE. If in doubt, bring a picture of you in your dress to Mrs. Luquet for approval. Please don’t buy a dress that will keep you from going to your prom!
Friday, April 7, 2017
Senior Picnic - This is a regular day of school. You must either attend the picnic or come to school, or you will be marked absent. Meet in the auditorium at regular school time (7:00-7:16). School busses will take us to the West Bank Bridge Park and back to school in time to ride the bus home. All seniors must ride the bus to and from the picnic. Do not bring cars to the park ahead of time. NO students will be allowed to go to the car parking area for any reason when we are at the park. Permission slips must be returned in order for you to go on the picnic. You may bring a small ice chest, no glass containers are allowed. Bring your picnic lunch and you may bring radios, etc. If you plan to barbecue, remember to bring charcoal, lighter fluid, and matches. We suggest you precook and just warm on the grill. Parents may deliver food to you. Please make arrangements to meet them at a designated time. You are expected to follow school dress code when you are on the school campus. However, you may change to modest shorts and shirts before we leave to go to the park. You must follow all school rules at all times during the picnic. SENIORS OF DESTREHAN HIGH SCHOOL ONLY!!! Do not invite friends from DHS or anywhere else. Early release seniors must spend the whole day at the picnic. If you need to leave early, your parent or guardian must come to school first, check you out, and then come to the park to pick you up with a check-out slip from the office. This picnic is treated as a field trip.
Thursday, May 4, 2017 —Awards Night-7:00 p.m. in the DHS auditorium. Senior recipients will receive invitations April 25th. Parents, family, and friends are invited.
Monday & Tuesday, May 8th and 9th -Senior Exams. Make sure that all of your fines and fees have been cleared before you leave on Tuesday. Monday will be a regular schedule with exams during your 3rd and 4th period classes. Tuesday will be a regular schedule with exams during your 1st and 2nd period classes. All seniors are to be dismissed after second period.
Tuesday, May 16th
MANDATORY GRADUATION PRACTICE. Report to the gym at 8:45 a.m. Enter through the Humanities Building Breezeway. (Do NOT be late) School uniform dress code will be enforced. Be sure to wear your ID. Seniors who choose to donate their school uniforms, especially sweatshirts and jackets, can dress down for practice provided clothing meets district guidelines. Practice lasts approximately three hours. You will receive your cap and gown and 9 admit tickets. Why only 9? There are only 3,000 seats in the Pontchartrain Center and we have 320 seniors! Remember, each person who plans to attend graduation must have an admit ticket regardless of age. You must deliver your tickets to your friends and family after practice. You are mailing out graduation announcements, not invitations. If you feel you need more tickets, you may sign the waiting list with Mrs. Hall in the office. Mrs. Hall will begin accepting names on April 3rd. Also, check with your classmates to see if they will be using all of their tickets.
About mandatory practice – We have this practice to insure a smooth, uniform commencement. Seniors must be present at practice to be able to participate in the graduation ceremony. If you have a job, you must miss work. If there is a legitimate reason that you must miss practice, Mr. Weber must be contacted BEFORE practice.
Tuesday, May 16th – BACCALAUREATE. This is an interdenominational religious service, planned and organized by students, that will begin at 7 p.m. in the DHS auditorium. You are encouraged to attend but participation is voluntary. You must wear your cap and gown. Friends and family are invited.
Young ladies wear light or dark colored dress shoes – no bright colors and no flip flops. Skirts or dresses must not hang below the gown, which is about mid-calf length. Large earrings should not be worn. Young men must wear a light colored dress shirt that has a collar and a tie.. Slacks, not jeans, must be worn. Dress shoes and socks are required. The cap should be secured with bobbie pins and worn ON TOP OF THE HEAD WITH THE POINT OF THE CAP ON THE FOREHEAD. No gum chewing, bubble blowing, or messages on graduation caps will be allowed.
Thursday, May 18st
GRADUATION DAY!! Arrive at the Pontchartrain Center by 6:00 p.m. for line-up. Leave home at least one hour early to allow for traffic. Graduation starts promptly at 7:00 p.m. Doors are locked when graduates process into the Pontchartrain Center, so encourage your family to be on time.
Other Info:
Any senior who has received scholarship offers must give the scholarship offer letters to Mrs. Chauvin no later than May 9th so that your scholarship offer can be printed in the program.
You will receive another letter soon detailing the exam schedule and more information about graduation night. Stay tuned. If you have any questions, see Ms. Zeringue, Ms. Guidry, Mrs. Ward, or Mrs. Chauvin,
Grad Pack (cap & gown) is needed to walk in the graduation ceremony. If you have not ordered your cap and gown yet, a late fee will be charged. Add $15.00 beginning March 1st and add $25.00 beginning April 1st. Call Herff Jones at (504) 737-4439 for more details.