April 17, 2006 HHA Board Meeting 6pm.
Board Members present: Russ Lewis, Rick Singerhouse, Dave Drewiske, Jay Kolls, Jim Dardine , Rob Kein, Paula Willi, Sandy Calvert, Jeff Hommes, Angie Bendt, Bob Quade, Dan Takkunen, Tony Howard; Rick Singerhouse, Dan Nelson
Toni Misura the MAHA/WAHA rep attended the meeting from 7pm on.
1. Minutes of the February and March meeting read to the Board.
Motion to approve the February and March Meeting minutes – motion made by Jay Kolls, seconded and approved by the Board.
2. Treasurers Report
Focus on the Receivables and collect on past due debts.
John Boots to get managers names with hours donated within the next couple of weeks
Russ will talk to vendors.
Motion made, seconded and approved by the Board to accept the Treasurers report.
3. Player, Coaching and Development Report – Rick Singerhouse
Two documents were submitted:
Player and Coaching Development Committee
Player and Coaching Development Committee Priorities
Motion made, seconded and approved by the Board to accept the structure of the Committee and Committee Priorities.
4. VP Support Hockey Operations
No written report submitted.
Tryout Committee suggested members
Chuck Lagerstron
Chris Fischer
Karen Drewiske
Suggested outside HHA skilled unpaid evaluators and data operators. More to come later.
Will be going to 32 different organizations in and outside of the state to benchmark best operational practices. Will email suggested report.
Motion made, seconded and approved by the Board to accept the VP of Support Hockey Operations report.
- VP Admin Support
No written report submitted.
Pool Tables are in and ready to go for the fund raiser – last year 25k earned
Pending pro shop not readiness we will have a vending machine dispense hockey equipment such as mouth guards.
Motion made, seconded and approved by the Board to accept the VP of Support Hockey Operations report
- Arena Chair Report
Submitted a Document with Topics
Unauthorized Use of Arena -
HHA reserving of Ice time that isn’t scheduled. Including who holds keys to the facility. Amended to include full gear required and $6 head.
Motion made, seconded and approved by the Board to accept the document as policy as amended.
Proposal to place Learn to Skate Program. – recommended to participate in 8 week program and fund the program. The program needs 50 skaters to break even. Suggested it be named HudsonSkatingSchool. –
Motion madeto accept the proposal for an 8 wk session seconded and approved by the Board. Rob Kein opposed.
- Dave Drewiske – reports that Leinenkuegals have agreed to donate 1 canoe and Scott Nelson has agreed to donate another canoe. Dave’s proposal is that we agree to raffle off the canoe with proceeds going to Phase II.
- Waha/Maha report.
No written report submitted.
Spring Girls Coordinators meeting to be announced.
Ice Time Fees in the metro. Our cost is $5 under RamseyCounty.
Redistricting in the Metro back on the ballot. Highly likely that Dist 8 redistricts in 2007-2008. Should we host a Dist 8 hockey tournament?
- Angie Bendt – Girls Varsity Rep
No written report submitted.
Concern do we need a committee or add a team to accommodate a girl that doesn’t make the varsity team and isn’t U14 eligible. Recommendation is that this goes to a committee for debate and recommendation to the board.
- Total Hockey Contract – Rick Singerhouse. Needs clarification from Dean to understand what players can do on dry land. Eight year lease. $45,000/year after 3 years lease cost goes up by CPI in Metro Area. HHA pays $75 per player non varsity.
Conclusion: No dry land training of any kind in the facility is allowed.
- Next Meeting May 15th. Would like to finalize the budget. Meeting concluded at