Great & Little Broughton Parish Council Meeting

Great Broughton Village Hall

Monday 9th January 2017



1.Members Present

Cllr. Mr. M. O’Neill, Cllr. Mrs. A. Raw, Cllr. Mr. D. Ashton, Cllr. Mrs H Eldabe, Cllr G Ablett,

2. Apologies for Absence: Cllr. Mrs S. Wilmot, Cllr Mr G Lamb

3. Guests Present: Rob Leng, Kath Leng, Linda Cousans, Roger Luntz, Janet Luntz, David Goswell, Sally Puttick, NYCC Cllr. Heather Moorhouse, HDC Cllr Steven Dickins

4. Code of Conduct Interest


5. Police Report

No police report received.

6. Public Question Time – It was established that the attending village residents all wished to voice their objections to Outline Planning Application 16/02442/OUT and were seeking the Parish Councils support in objecting to the application. All guests were encouraged to put in personal objections to the council.

Guest objections included but were not limited to: -

·  The village did not have the services or infrastructure to cater for a development of this scale

·  Village school is not big enough to accommodate more houses

·  Disproportionate number of houses for the size of the village, circa 20% increase

·  Disproportionate to the most recent developments in the village – Hallgarth and Cringlemoor Chase

·  Insufficient public transport

Cllr O’Neill stated that Hambleton District Council Planning are currently proposing 3 sites for 9, 10, and 40 houses respectively in the consultation for the Local Development Plan (LDP). The Parish Council and a number of concerned residents have responded to the proposals as part of the consultation process.

The visitors were informed that the site on Back Lane had been assessed by Hambleton District Council (HDC) as part of the LDP and has been deemed unsuitable for housing development under the LDP.

The Parish Council think this is a speculative application and given the above will be rejected by Hambleton District Council. HDC Cllr Dickins confirmed his objection to the proposal and endorsed the Parish Councils views on the speculative aspects of the application.

The visitors were encouraged to input their objections to the HDC Planning web site and to also encourage other residents to do so.

The Parish Council confirmed that they intended to lodge an objection to the planning proposal.

Cllr Ashton said that the Parish Council have submitted a request to HDC to revise the service village designation on the basis that we have insufficient services to justify the designation. Such a change we believe would help mitigate the number of houses required to be built in the village to a more sustainable total.

The residents were thanked for attending and providing their input.

7. To sign as a correct record Minutes of previous meeting.

The minutes from the 14th December Parish Council meeting were signed as true representations by Cllr. M. O’Neill and returned to the Parish Clerk

8. Issues discussed

8.1 HDC Local Plan Consultation:

HDC are consulting on “Settlement Character Assessment” aspects of the LDP. Cllr Ashton explained his thinking on the subject of proposing areas of green space and other sites of special interest within the settlement and its boundaries and agreed to prepare a submission for review and agreement by the Council prior to submission to HDC. Deadline for submissions is end of January.

8.2 2017/2018 Budget

The Parish Clerk has updated the Cash book and produced an Excel spreadsheet version as a first step to developing a budget model. The development of such a model will make the audit path much clearer.

8.3. Agree 2017 Meeting Dates

The dates of next year’s meetings were agreed and have been put on the website and the Village Hall caretaker has been informed of the dates.

8.4 Beck Project Update: Nothing to report. Councillor O’Neill will contact the Tees River Trust for an update. NYCC Councillor Heather Moorhouse requested before and after pictures of the project. It was agreed that these would be made available.

8.5 Trod Traffic Restriction Consultation: An E mail was sent to NYCC supporting this restriction.

8.6 Millennium Wood Update: The paths in the wood have now been cut and this will now allow the Memorial tree planting to begin in the wood.

8.7 Ings Lane Update:

Illegal dumping of bundles of waste material

Both NYCC Cllr. Moorhouse and HDC Cllr Dickins have been involved in trying to have the waste removed. The issue is that the waste has been dumped on private land (one of the Traveller owned plots) and it is proving difficult to get a response from the land owner. In the light of this and because it may link to a number of such incidents elsewhere, the various agencies involved are continuing their efforts to track down the owner and will seek legal guidance.

Cllr Dickins reported that the proposed resolution of the continued illegal domestic occupation of one of the plots will be put to the HDC Cabinet in the near future by the HDC Planning and Enforcement and Legal Department

9. Correspondence

9.1 Parish Precept – Arrangements for the Financial Year 2017/18: The precept submission for 2017/18 has been submitted to HDC.

10. Any other Correspondence since agenda set

11. Planning Applications:

16/02235/FUL - Mr and Mrs Conley – 109 High Street Great Broughton – Approved – Proposed replacement of rear flat roof to form pitched roof.

16/02442OUT – Site Plan UK – OS Field 9348 Back Lane Great Broughton – Outline application with details of access for residential development on land to the East of Back Lane – under review

12. Play Area

12.1 ROSPA Inspection: ROSPA were contacted and asked to provide advice on a suitable all weather surface, they were unable to do so but confirmed that they advised they were happy with the bark surface currently being used.

12.2 Bi Weekly Inspection: There are reports of a broken seat, this needs to be removed/repaired and will be actioned.

13. Finance and External Audit

13.1 The Current account balance is £18,153.65. This is made up of £4,000 award from NYCC towards the Beck project, £11,205.06 Contingency fund, and £2948.59 current account.

14. Any Other Business

The Parish Council would like to offer thanks to Mr Keith Clark for arranging the removal and disposal of the Christmas Tree.

The Parish Council would like to offer thanks to Mr and Mrs Asprey for agreeing to supply the electricity for the Christmas tree lights again this year.