41 Cross Rd, Waterford, CT06385
Rt. Rev. Edward G. Kakaty
/ March 2-3, 2013
Sunday of The CROSS /3RD Lent
Intentions This Weekend:
Sat 5pm: +Abla Jabbour (1 yr mem) by her family Please Carry Crosses in Processions Today
Sun 10am:+Elias G Hage (11 yrs) by wife Takla
+Fred Kfoury Jr by Sandra Kakaty
Intentions Next Weekend:
Sat 5pm: +Elias Hage (11 yrs) by wife Takla
Sun 10am: +Elias G Hage (11yrs) by wife Takla & Family Take mite boxes home!
Speedy Recovery for Catherine Yost,Abdo Facas,AdalaineNohara,Gloria Massad, Edward Doro, Elias Gharios
This Weekend / Saturday: Joumana Hajj / Sunday: Denise Brooks / Thanks to all who always make up their missed envelope, including fuel and building fundNext Weekend / Saturday:John Jalonski / Sunday: Gerard Massad
Feb 23 / 65 / Gave / 895 / Syria relief: $100
Feb 24 / 23 / Gave / 377
POPE BENEDICT XVI RESIGNED FEB 28. A new pope will be elected by the College of Cardinals soon in Rome.
Condolences to Tony Haddad, whose nephew, +Gregory Ghazal, passed to the Lord Feb 20th in NY Memory Eternal!
Condolences to the family of +Marie Courey, passed to the Lord Jan 29th; She was a cousin to the Massad family.
Condolences to Alia Hage, whose father, +Malek Malek, passed to the Lord Jan 12 in Lebanon. Memory eternal!
Congrats to 200 club: $50 Charlene Facas, 25 Joe Doro, 10each: Louise Massad,Charles Lickwola, Mary Jane Facas.
HOMES will be blessed by Fr Ed. Just call 442-2211 for a time convenient to both. Donation goes to church!.
Youssef Macary Scholarship to Lebanese student going to college: See Fr Ed for application, due by May
ChurchSchool classes are @3:30-4:45pm Sat. Joumana &Sabrina Walker are teachers.Classes: Mar 9 &16.
Fuel Donors :Catherine Yost, Mary Dib, Jerry Villani , Ramzi Awad, Ed Walker, Ed Najim( 100 each) Elias Gharios 300,Georges Haddad 750, Bechara El Khoury 200, Carol Shasha 500, Helen Popa 200, Tanios Karam 150, Jack Hage 200, Gabriel Hajj 200, Frank Kozmon 600, Abdo Facas 500, Lauren Sobanski 150, Barbara Facas 200, Charles Facas 300, Louise Massad 200, Sheila Burke, Marie Antipoff, Patrick Moukawsher, 100 ea.
Great Lent : The minimum is to fast and abstain from meat all Fridays and Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. Lenten Services 5pm on Fridays, followed by potluck and coffee. DO WHAT YOU CAN: The three aspects of Lent are Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving (fill the mite boxes for the poor, hungry, homeless, etc). Read inspirational message from Bishop Nicholas Samra.
Knights of Columbus Annual Raffle: Prizes are from $5000 down. See Ray Sobanski, Fr Ed for chances to win!
LENTEN SERVICES EVERY FRIDAY:5pm Great Compline, followed by Akathist to the Virgin Mary(salutations)
followed by pot luck supper in the meeting room (Vegetarian dishes, coffee and dessert) PRAY WITH US!!
The Sanctuary Lamp is lit in March for the health & well-being of Albert & Jamal Doro and Family.