Instructions for Using the Promethean Board
(Activboar 78” 1PRM-AB78-US)
1. Double click the Activstudio icon on the desk top or find the Activstudio in the start menu.
2. The Dashboard will appear.
Activstudio Dashboard
The New/Open tab on the dashboard will appear as soon as you get Acivstudio pulled up. The New/Open tab on the dashboard allows the user to create new flip charts, create assessments and quizzes to be used with the student response systems, open already created flip charts, access tools and utilities.
To access a flipchart that has already been created go to the location that the flipchart has been saved. Flipcharts can be saved in My Flipcharts. Flipcharts can be saved to the desktop, to the system u-drive, and to jump-drives. If you created the flipchart personally pull it up from the location that you saved it.
To access flipcharts already created and available for use, by Activstudio, double click on Shared Flipcharts. Shared Flipcharts contains many Flipcharts on a variety of topics that can be used by any user. The topics range from elementary level to high school level.
To create a flipchart, double click on flipchart builder. In flipchart builder, you will have access to graphic organizers, tables, graphs, graphics, shared flipcharts, and many other tools that can be used to create your flipchart. For detailed instructions on how to create a flipchart, see the Activstudio Fundamentals manual (available for checkout in the media center).
Once the Flipchart is up on the screen, you can use the mouse of your computer or the pen tool to manipulate the flip chart. The Main Toolbar gives you access to do many different things with your flipchart. You can use the mouse or the pen tool to access the main tool bar. Click on the tool you want to use on the main tool bar to access it. The color palette will get a black outline on the color you choose. The tools you choose will get an orange background once you select the tool.
The Main Tool bar
The main toolbar can be used in conjunction with any flipchart. To hide the main toolbar, click on the up arrow. To display the main toolbar, click on the down arrow. The arrow is located in the top center of the main toolbar. The main menu can also be accessed from the main tool bar. Anything that you want to do with a flipchart can be done through the main toolbar. (To get detailed instructions for all the capabilities of the main tool bar, refer to the Activstudio Fundamentals manual located in the media center).
Main Menu, minimize arrow, maximize arrow
Annotate over desktop
Pen with Slider
Color Palette
Pen tool (Make sure this is highlighted in orange to use the pen tool)
Highlighter and Eraser tool
Text tool and Clear Tool
Forward/Backward tool Activstudio Tools
More tools can be selected and put on the Main toolbar.
Fill tool and Activote
Main menu: Allows you to find flipcharts and open many other options.
Annotate over desktop: Allows you to copy your desktop to write on it and use your desktop as a flipchart.
Pen with Slider: Use this tool to widen the font as you are writing with the pen tool and the highlighter.
Color Palette: Use this to choose the color of your pen or the color of the background of the flipchart.
Pen tool: Use this tool to write on the white board. Use this like a marker on a traditional white board.
Highlighter: Use this tool to highlight.
Eraser: Use this tool to erase things off the whiteboard. Works like just like an eraser.
Text tool: Use this to type on your flip chart
Clear tool: Use this to clear all at once. You can choose what you want to clear with this.
Forward/Backward tool: Use this to remove things in the order that you put them on the board.
Fill tool: Use this to fill in empty spaces that need to have color filled in.
Activote: Use this to activate activates (student response system).
Flipchart Toolstrip:
The Flipchart Toolstrip allows you to navigate through your flip chart. The flipchart toolstrip comes up with any flipchart that you pull up. It is located vertically on the right side of the flipchart.
Next/previous Flipchart page: use this to turn the page of the flipchart.
Page selector: Use this to select a specific page of a flipchart.
Page organizer: Use this to organize your pages in a different order.
Page reset: After you have changed the original page, you can use this tool to change the page back to its original format.
Resource Library: Use this to find resources to pull into your flipchart.
Turning on LCD projector
Use the remote control, stand in front of the LCD projector. Press the on button. If the projector does not come on, press the on button manually. It takes approximately 10 – 15 seconds to come on.
Pen Tool
Use the pen tool to write on the promethean board. Be sure to press down on the board and make contact with the board when using the pen tool. Be sure to choose the pen tool from the main tool bar. The pen tool can also be used like a mouse when interacting with the board. Make sure the pen nib is making contact with the white board. If you want to right click, use the Right click button on the side of the pen tool.
Nib Right Click