FLRC Board of TrusteesMinutes

August13th, 2016at 8:30 a.m.

Monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees called to order at 8:30 a.m. by Sally Doherty.

Board Members Present: Sally Doherty, Mark MacDonald, Randy Taylor, Glen Post, Doug Barlow, Vic Dykstra, Dave Stratford, Mark Robben and Sherry Ploor.

Approval ofminutes from the 7/9/16 Regular Board Meeting as distributed.

*Sherry Ploor moved to approve the 7/9/16 Regular Board Meeting minutes as distributed. Vic seconded the motion. Glen Post abstained. Motion passed. *

Additions to the agenda

* None.

Employee Reports – Reports submitted, but not read in their entirety, were accepted and are appended to the minutes

Office Manager – Amanda Graham


Accounts Receivables: $63347.80

Members on Monthly/Quarterly Payment Plants Totaling: $4,109.24

3 Accounts Delinquent 2015-2016 Annual Dues Totaling: $5100.00

9 Chronically Delinquent Accounts Totaling: $54,138.56


2015-2016 Annual Dues: $404,166.68

Prior Years Dues and Fees: $18376.83

Fire Pit Rings and Gravel: $145.00

Service Fee: $769.72

Title Transfer Fee: $25,000.00

Dividends and Other: $5013.20

Accounts Payables:

Expense Year to Date: $287,297.17


Disclosure Statements for Escrow: 5

Email Blasts: 6 Email Blasts sent to 213 email subscribers

Successful deliveries: 209 each

Open Rate: 41.6%-56.5%

Bounced: 4

Legal: Provided information regarding Delinquent accounts as needed.

Architectural Committee: Applications received in the office will be scanned and sent to all Architectural Committee Members via email

Operations – Travis Graham - report submitted appended to the minutes

Board Reports – Reports submitted, but not read in their entirety, were accepted and are appended to the minutes

Vice President & Personnel – Mark MacDonald - report submitted appended to the minutes

Secretary – Glen Post- report submitted appended to the minutes

Treasurer – Randy Taylor - report submitted,appended to the minutes

Director Reports –Reports submitted, but not read in their entirety, were accepted and are appended to the minutes

Buildings & Grounds –Vic Dykstra - report submitted, appended to the minutes

Discussion: Army Corps of Engineers signed off on the Dredge Permit.

Suggested the use of stencils to paint speed limit on Fishhawk Lake maintained roads and follow up with an email blast to membership.

Legal - Mark Robben - report submitted, appended to the minutes

Committee Reports – Reports submitted, but not read in their entirety, were accepted and are appended to the minutes

Architectural – Dave Stratford - report submitted, appended to the minutes

Discussion: The recently constructed Footbridge is on 33’ County right of way.

Budget– Randy Taylor – Information at Annual Membership meeting at 10:00 today

Communications – Sherry Ploor - No report submitted

Firewise – Kathy Cardona - No report submitted

Fishhawk Patrol- Doug Barlow

Discussion: Several noise and dog off leash complaints were reported. One report of vehicles blocking road. Mist Birkenfeld Neighborhood watch is an excellent resource, please check their website…or email

Policies – Glen Post - No report submitted

Project Solutions Team- Vic Dykstra- report submitted, appended to the minutes

Revisions – Dave Stratford- No report submitted

Social –Carolyn Taylor- report submitted, appended to the minutes

Discussion: Welcome Packet documents have been added to the website.

Unfinished Business

- Burn Pile signage – Vic & Glen

Discussion: Signs have been purchased. Signs will be posted and then the information will be written up and postedon website by communications.

- Vernonia Golf course – Randy Taylor

Discussion: A past miscommunication issue resulted in an incurred expense for the golf course. Would like to offer a payment for a portion of the expense to remain on good terms.

*Randy Taylor “I move we re-pay Vernonia Gold Course $200.00 for 2014 Fishhook Tournament balance from the Social Budget.” Glen Post seconded. Motion passed unanimously. *

New Business

- Mist Birkenfeld Fire dept. & Fishhawk Fire station lease – Sally Doherty

Discussion: Prior lease expired in 2013. Poll: Sign lease with Mist Birkenfeld Rural Fire Protection District after clarification from the Fire Chief about maintenance and insurance- unanimous. Sally to inquire about maintenance and insurance and possibly a new lease agreement. Updated information will be emailed to board members.

- Increased signage – Dogs on Leash – Doug Barlow

Discussion: Several complaints have been reported about dogs off leash. Email informational campaign. Issue fines when offenders are identified. Doug Barlow, Vic Dykstra, Travis Graham and Sharon Robinson will walk around to find good signage areas.

- Increase signage – Fishing for FLRC Members & Guests Only – Doug Barlow

Discussion: Doug Barlow and Amanda Graham will print and laminate “Members & Guests Only” signs to be posted under Fishing Regulations.

- Logging on Northshore – Dave Stratford

Discussion: Issue will be discussed further at a separate “Fact Finding” membership meeting to be held on August 27th 2016 at 9:30 a.m. at the Community Lodge.

Lake Members Open Forum:

During Open Forum, each member may address the Board for up to three minutes. A Trustee or Employee may briefly respond to statements made or questions posed. Members are encouraged to remember that the FLRC board is comprised of volunteers who should be treated with courtesy. Members are also encouraged to communicate their concerns to the board in advance, so any relevant research necessary to answer questions can be done before the meeting. Please note that no action will be taken on non-emergency issues, but may be addressed at future Board Meetings.

Good of the Order: Dock and Patio crawl tonight!

*Recess: *Randy Taylor moved to recess at 9:27 a.m. Glen Post seconded. *

Adjournment–1:27 p.m. Glen moved, Randy seconded to adjourn the August board of Trustees meeting.

August 13th, 2016 Board Meeting Reports

The submitted reports may not have been read in their entirety, therefore appended to the minutes below

Operations – Travis Graham

The month of July was a busy one, preparing for the Fourth of July weekend. We got the automation back up and running at the water plant. We got two new blowers for the waste plant; we have been waiting on parts to arrive for the installation. They arrived this week and installation will be done next week.

The dredge has been running two shifts most days trying to catch up from last winter’s storms. It has been a bit of a struggle to keep the settling pond level down. But we have managed to keep it working for the most part. A few breakdowns in the system, but nothing major. It has been worthwhile; we have pulled a lot of dirt from the lake already this year.

We have spent some time pressure washing the decks, bridge and play structure on the island. We sealed all the new wood decking with a clear sealant and stained the old wood with a brown stain. The bridge got a fresh coat of paint. Kathy Verdin donated all the paint and stain for this project.

Columbia County was out repairing Fishhawk road on the end where it turns to gravel. They did a fantastic job. They lowered a few culverts and raised the road up about 8 inches. Water should flow down the ditches this winter with ease. This has been a trouble are in the winter for many years. In the process of fixing the road they found one of our lost water service lines with their excavator. It was a scramble to get the right fittings and the water back on. But the end result was a new updated curb stop and a better location for the valve box. We also updated curb stops for Tom Rupers and Buzz. We raised the valves up out of the ground and installed a new valve box so we can fill with dredge spoils around the valves and all over Tom’s property.

The July totals are as follows

Rainfall for July 0.59 inch of rain that is a very low amount of rain for Oregon

Total water made was 1,048,620 gal

As you can see July is typically our busiest month for water usage.

Personnel Committee– Mark MacDonald

Last month, the Personnel Committee met with Travis and then with Kevin for their annual employee evaluations. Past performance was reviewed and measurable goals for the coming year were discussed and agreed to. Very productive meetings!

After this Saturday's annual meeting, personnel work will pick up again, targeting other employee job description development and evaluations and further personnel policy updating, among other things.

Secretary – Glen Post

During the month of July we received two additional “Dogs at Large” (pets not on a leash) complaints. Both complaints involved the same dogs. The complainant provided pictures of two dogs on the island off leash. No one was able to identify either the dogs or the people in the pictures.

The complainant was contacted and told that the board would continue to try to identify the dogs but at this point there was little we could do about the violation, as no one is able to identify the animals or people.

The complaint was assigned a number and logged on the newly created complaint log to allow the lake to retain a record of the complaint.

Treasurer’s Report – Randy Taylor

Our current Operating Balance is $80,946.04

The Reserve Fund Is $645,091.29

This past month we wrote some large checks. We paid for a significant portion of the Stage 1 engineering costs presented by the Solutions Committee. This check was $17,290.00. We also paid for the new blowers for the Waste Plant and this was $7735. This money was returned to Operations from the Reserve Fund since the blowers were a Reserve Fund Item.

I'm attaching our YTD spending vs the Budget for your consideration. Not much has changed since our last meeting. The areas that were over budget are still over budget. A couple of things I wanted to point out about our fuel budget and our employee costs. As of June 15th we began dredging. This added approximately $250 per day in employee costs plus the accompanying taxes etc. Also, the diesel to run the dredge for 10 hours per day, five days each week is also an increased cost. Some of these costs don't show up in the YTD but the fact is they are continuing for the remainder of the fiscal year.

Something else that I thought was worth pointing out is our Reserve spending. We've put $47,800 into our Reserves this year. This is the amount that was dictated by the 2014 Budget. We've spent $41,287.80 out of Reserves. This is significant because it shows a net increase of about $6500 dollars. We should be doing better then this. My opinion.

We're still making headway with our collections. Amanda will be giving a more complete report on our Accounts Receivables.

Buildings and Grounds – Vic Dykstra

  • July was a busy productive month
  • The County road project involved our employees more than expected. Two water lines were dug up. The water line breaks kept Kevin out until 9:30 one night
  • August is not usually a big month for water leaks. Two other water line breaks brings the early month total to 4
  • A good reminder to members to Turn OFF water when leaving for any length of time. If one of these breaks had occurred inside a home the damage could be significant. It is very hard for the employees to locate the source of water loss/leaks
  • The new PLC for plant automation has had a few issues.Minor adjustments to sensor switches have kept Kevin in tinkering mode. Just having automation again is great
  • Dredging: Monitoring distribution system pump, lines, sprinklers and ponds is ongoing. Just the usual process for dredging season
  • The dredge has been busy. Bob and Bill have teamed up to keep spoils removal at a very nice pace
  • Grass keeps growing. The guys keep cutting
  • Lake weeds have been sprayed twice
  • Enjoy the Lake and the Annual meeting

Legal Report– Mark Robben

Legal has been quiet. No letters or issues. Two follow-up items:

  1. Water Certificate Update: Stutzner has been buried by a flurry of letters from the Oregon Water Board to many of their other clients with deadlines ahead of us. They expect to get to ours the first week in September (deadline October 1st)
  2. Collections: Columbia Collectors, Inc. determined they would go after the accounts we sent in. We have finalized two more accounts to be turned over to them.

Architectural – Dave Stratford

  • A footbridge request from the Ecological committee for the Lakeview Drive trailhead was approved.
  • A request for commercial logging of a members lot was discussed. This request was asked to be tied to other projects at the lake where possible dangerous trees could be taken down for commercial purposes. The member would use logging trucks, a dozer skidder and other logging equipment on Northshore drive.
  • Sally Doherty attended the meeting representing the BOT and urged careful consideration that this request does not meet the guidelines, CC&R 8.8 – no visible commercial activity is permitted on the property, or in the spirit of the intent for tree removal. The request for commercial logging has been historically denied in past requests for this member. Concern by the BOT for large equipment on Northshore Drive and Boxler Creek Bridge should require a survey to determine if the roadbed and bridge which are aging structures can handle up to the 65,000lb. loads the trucks are capable of carrying. Also of concern is the noise generated by the operation, which is estimated to take up to a year.
  • The Architectural committee voted to postpone the question of removing trees on members property, giving the BOT time to address the roadway, bridge and noise issues. These issues are not within the guidelines of AC indicating approval will need to be garnered for issues of safety, infrastructure and noise by the BOT.
  • Request by a member(s) for paint colors were approved.
  • Request by a member for a porch was approved.
  • A long running issue of an unapproved structure was inspected and a certified letter will be sent for clarification.
  • Better record keeping was discussed and an AC member volunteered to manage record keeping and continuity.

Fishhawk Patrol – Doug Barlow

Incidents reported to or by the Patrol:

1)160716-01 - Loud and rowdy neighbors–neighbor reported by the following:

a)On the night of 7/15/16 a house on Fieldcrest Drivehad a loud party attended by several non-lake residents. Neighbor tried to talk with the neighbors but was not successful in getting them to quiet down.

b)This was a recurring situation and that it had been happening for a long time.

c)Spoke with the neighbors onFieldcrest and they said that, in their opinion they had been respectful and accommodating and that the neighbor was being unreasonable. They stated that they were moving in 2 weeks and there should be no further conflict.

d)As of Patrol on Saturday August 6 there had been no further reports or complaints. The neighbors had not been seen since 7/16/16

e)Status - This issue is now closed

2)160717-01 – Vehicle blocking roadway - Vic Dykstra reported by the following:

a)Location –at the top of Northshore Drive

b)Unable to get past the red Ford Ranger pickup to go to the water tower.Picture was taken and you can see truck is parked in the road. Knocked on the door. A number of dogs barking but no answer. Not a good site. Machete, knives and sword laying in walkway. Also a busted TV lying on the steps.
Will send the picture and wish to file a complaint. B&G needs access to water tower and security needs to pass to make rounds.
Also went back by the burn pile and a slightly better attempt to clean up have been made. Perhaps they took my discussion more serious after contemplation


3)06/07/19-01 – Dogs Off Leash – Member reported through the Office the following:

a)Two dogs have been loose at the beach area of the island on multiple occasions. Two women accompany the dogs. – Photos of the dogs were included

i)No one was able to identify the dogs in the photos

b)These accompanying pictures are pertaining to the loose dog email I sent on 7/31/2016. The loose brindle dog with red collar. The following picture is of a man that was accompanying the two women with the loose dog in question. Perhaps this picture will help you identify the dog owners. There is also a picture of their vehicle that may help with identification

i)No one was able to identify the dogs in the photos

c)I spoke with Member regarding these incidents

i)She told me that she had met one of the dog owners and had talked to them about the leash policy. The dog owners were visitors who claimed that they did not see the signs. They were understanding and respectful and toldthe memberthat they would comply in the future.