Mobile Learning in the Classroom:
An Empirical Assessment of a New Tool for Students and Teachers
Douglas McConatha and Matt Praul
West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Mobile Learning, or M-learning as it is often called, is a relatively new tool in the pedagogical arsenal to assist students and teachers as they navigate the options available in the expanding distance learning world. This article assesses some of the possible methods, challenges and future potential of using this approach in a college classroom and describes an empirical evaluation of the effectiveness of M-learning in a college classroom. One hundred students in an introductory survey course in sociology were given the opportunity to use an M-Learning product developed by HotLava Software for the purpose if assisting them in preparation for two scheduled exams. Both practice and review questions were made available on Smart Phones, Web enabled phones, PDAs and other Internet capable mobile devices the via the Learning Mobile Author. Forty-two of the 110 students in the class chose to access these data via their personal devices and their responses were collected and recorded. The results of their performance, as indicated by a final grade in the course, were compared to the outcomes for those students who chose not to use the M-learning tool. Students using the software demonstrated a higher level of knowledge of the subject matter covered in the course when compared to students choosing not to use the tools (p<.01). Conclusions and a discussion of these outcomes are offered as well as some inferences and speculation regarding the future of M-Learning in the classroom and beyond.
A paper (to be) presented at the Society for Applied Learning Technology’s
Washington Interactive Technologies ConferenceSheraton Crystal City HotelArlington, VirginiaAugust 22-24, 2007
Mobile Learning in the Classroom:
An Empirical Assessment of a New Tool for Students and Teachers
Mobile Learning, or M-learning as it is often called, is a relatively new tool in the pedagogical arsenal to assist students and teachers as they navigate the options available in the expanding world of distance learning. M-Learning is defined as “the delivery of training by means of mobile devicessuch as Mobile Phones, PDAsand digital audio players, as well as digital cameras and voice recorders, pen scanners” and other mobile devices1. M-learners typically view content and/or lessons in small, manageable formats that can be utilized when laptop or fixed station computers are unavailable. It is currently being used in a variety of educational, governmental and industrial settings. This paper assesses some of the possible methods, challenges and future potential of using this approach in a college classroom and provides an empirical evaluation of the effectiveness of this and similar tools.
An Introduction to the possibilities of Mobile Learning
The first published studies focusing on M-Learning began around 2000. In the April 2000 issue of Computers and Education, Sharples (2000 )discussed the potential for new designs in personal mobile technologies that could enhance lifelong learning programs and continuing adult educational opportunities. Many, if not all, of the ideas raised in this early article are still evolving and are of interest to m-learning today.
Donna Abernathy’s article "Get Ready for M-Learning" (2001) provides one of the first looks at the technology and how it could affect future business approaches with regard to learning initiatives. This article may also be counted as an early alert about the potential to this already expanding learning option. She observes that M-Learning options don't necessarily seek to unseat the PC as a be-all tool, but instead notes that it will help supplement corporate learning objectives with on-the-go tools. As she points out, businesses hope this will increase willingness among their employees and customers to interact with other learners and provide rapid feedback for corporate and sales force personnel. At the time the Abernathy article was written however, even though WiFi did technically exist, it was not well developed or nearly as ubiquitous as it is presently, she noted accurately that this could be a major stumbling block for future advances. (Abernathy, 2001)
Between 2002 and 2006 numerous other studies begin to appear that reported similar findings indicating M-Learning technologies were expanding and becoming common place in a variety of learning environments.
Seppala and Alamaki (2003) investigated the training and instruction of Finnish teachers using mobile technology in the classroom. Their experience and concerns with the new technology centered on three factors. Firstly they noted that, given that 98% of Finland’s university students owned cell phones in 2002, instruction via mobile learning opportunities seemed to be an important next step in the digital learning revolution. In their study of the use of SMS text messaging and digital pictures, content material was sent to a centralized memory bank. Each user could “withdraw” this material at any time for review and study. The teachers regarded the ability to take notes at any time and being able to work on materials during their daily travel time as a second advantageous feature. Feedback on educational content was offered almost instantaneously given the characteristics of the devices being used (cell phones, PDAs etc.), and the researchers felt that this third factor this allowed them to be more honest in their responses and opinions about the potential of mobile learning. Seppala and Alamaki concluded by deciding that mobile-learning has a multitude of advantages, and that its technology has a place in the teaching arsenal of the future.
Attewell (2003) tackled a question many educators and some employers have had about mobile learning, particularly in relation to younger users. Some studies have questioned whether SMS “texting” could actually be harmful to a student’ grammatical development (e.g. vocabulary acquisition and spelling) because text messages tend to be compact, and often times riddled with acronyms or purposely incorrect spelling designed for speed-of-input. Attewell agreed that these issues are valid concerns, and suggests more research into studies on mobile learning. However she also notes how a classroom full of students with mobile devices came together to share content and messages, counteracting the assumption that cell phones have an isolationist effect.
Other fields have begun inquiry into the effectiveness of mobile learning. In 2004 Whitsed reviewed the advent of M-Learning and mobile computing in the field of medicine. The modern classroom environment for today’s medical student is technologically sophisticated. Nevertheless PDA's that can accessa patients charts from anywhere in a hospital provide a welcome alternative to having to log on to a networked terminal or a laptop just to recall patient details. Mobile devices also allow medical interns and residents to take notes and record audio which can be studied and reviewed at a later in date The freedom afforded by being able to access information "anytime, anywhere" becomes a tremendous advantage and convenience when you take into account how many patients must be seen during a typical physician’s rounds. Whitsed states that 28% of US physicians already use mobile computing as part of their daily routine and that as this technology advances this percentage will grow (Whitsed, 2004).
Investigators have also examined how pervasive mobile technology is today and how it is still expanding. According to Wagner and Wilson (2005) cell phones now outnumber land-line phones in America, and other wireless devices are gaining footholds with the help of workplace and community WiFi networks. The authors make an important distinction between M-Learning and E-Learning. They argue that as different devices and new delivery tools provide educators with far more options to reach today’s students, the education community must recognize that the model of “command and control,” associated with the latter is being replaced with a chance to make learning truly collaborative and interactive for students, and professionals.
Rushby (2005) explored M-Learning from a workplace perspective. He has compared the benefits of freedom of location with the traditional E-Learning models many companies have in place. His work suggests that M-Learning is superior to the older format particularly regarding employees’ ability to track and discover new knowledge in whatever setting best benefits their learning style. What has held back this type of educational openness was the limited memory and technology of past wireless devices. Now useful additions to mobile devices, such as GPS and video/audio enhancement make the possibilities of the devices themselves much more robust. Rushby believes that M-Learning is most likely to be adopted first by the business sector and that more research into it will only enhance this opportunity. As other risks and rewards are examined, other organizations like schools should be able to pick up the technology and find an effective pedagogical use for it.
Thornton and Houser (2005) have recently reported on their study of data and opinions regarding M-Learning and its use in a Japanese University. In Japan web enabled mobile phones, PDAs, and other portable media devices are extraordinarily prevalent and the populace is well versed in how to use them. In this study the investigators evaluated outcomes measures for classroom material using mobile phones, both via e-mail and using WAP technology for web enabled phones. It is important to note that in Japan rates for cell phone plans are far less expensive than in the United States, allowing more students to take part in M-Learning study and research.
The results of their experiments were very revealing. The researchers observed improvements in test scores ranging from between 35% and 75%, using pre-post test measures over paper materials alone. The students’reactions to this new learning opportunity were positive, although more so for the PDA trials than for the cell phone. The researcher’snote that since the cell-phone is so well established in Japan,distributingeducational material throughthem is arelatively painless process.They stress that interactivity in content seemed a superior teaching method when compared to using static web pages alone for conveying material. As America catches up in more technologically advanced cell phone usage M-Learning should become even more attractive to businesses and schools wishing to advance their learning environments.
Wagner (2005) has also reviewed the current state of mobile technology in America. She cites examples in which mobile computing has made real differences in peoples lives, such as helping to find survivors after the 2004 Indian ocean tsunami. She notes that while mobile devices are yet to be the most prevalent tool available to many office workers and students, this landscape is changing and is becoming ever more friendly to M-Learning through the expansion of wireless networks and falling hardware and access prices. Lessons are to be learned from the implementation of E-Learning in the school environment as well, particularly with regard to the importance of varying content and interactivity. Wagner stresses that while M-Learning devices can be tremendously helpful, the information itself should be the focus of most of an educator’s attention, and that improving the content is the best approach to making sure M-Learning is effective for all parties. In approaching the obstacles facing quality mobile learning experiences, Wagner concedes that ownership of the required hardware is the most important roadblock still standing in the way of widespread use. She goes on to note however that many universities are taking steps to correct this shortcoming by making the devices more available. By producing more quality content, regardless of the number of current users, students will be drawn to the flexibility and access of having a mobile device that can assist in their learning process.
Corlett et al. (2005) report on a small class of students at the University of Birmingham who were given wireless PDA's for a semester to enable them to take part in an experiment on the possibilities and limitations of M-Learning in a college atmosphere. Students were familiarized with the capabilities and limitations of the hardware and then proceeded to use them for class work. The problems students reported to researchers were mostly technical in nature, for example having problems with limited memory of the handheld device or the battery life being too short. There were also some issues with the software used for the trial. At the end of the school year, discussion panels were held and a series of questionnaires were administered. The students’ experiences were mixed. The PDA had a good deal of promise in their opinion, but they felt these devices did not live up to expectations. The hardware limitations of the devices used and software issues were enough for the students to offer somewhat lower ratings to M-Learning approaches than in some other studies. Nevertheless the authors see these data as supporting information that can help improve upon the hardware and technology as these devices become more ubiquitous in educational settings.
M-Learning has shown increasing penetration at the professional level as well. As revealed by Pulchino (2006) in research published for the E-Learning Guild, collaboration of several different business organizations is underway. Pulchino sent questionnaires to a group of companies now using mobile computing to educate their workforce and to companies which were considering the option to upgrade from traditional computer assisted practices to mobile learning. He found that mobile devices were being used primarily for audio and text content and that wireless laptops were still the device of choice. However the iPod and cell phone were also popular as well.
Articles evaluating mobile learning technologies are increasing. Gomez (2007) has discussed how lessons and lectures delivered to students via mobile devices are evolving. He examined podcasts, audio and video files and how they can be easily incorporated into courses. In general the outcomes were rated very highly. After an initial period of training and acclimation comments on how staff and students experience these opportunities were measured. His students report that they enjoyed the ability to pause and segment lectures and to listen to them on their own time. An additional feature that was rated as highly valued centered on the fact that much of this information was readily available when students were away from their desktops. He also reports that roadblocks do still exist however. Echoing Wagner (2005) he says that foremost among these issues is the fact that all students do not necessarily have access to the required hardware (Gomez, 2007).
An Empirical Evaluation
It is important that empirical evaluations of these new mobile learning technologies and pedagogical approaches be expanded. This study attempts to evaluate the effectiveness of using a mobile learning tool to improve student performance. It is hypothesized that employing mobile learning can impact performance (as measured by test scores) among college students. In this study performance is measured by grade outcomes. Using WAP software called Learning Mobile Author (LMA) this study investigates the effects of access to review and study material made available on mobile devices, primarily web enable cell phones.
Learning Mobile Author
“Learning Mobile Author” is a mobile learning software program designed by Hot Lava Software Inc. It guides the user through developing and then publishing mobile device ready web content. The LMA software can be installed and run from most desktop machines with an internet connection, and Hot Lava provide hosting services upon request. LMA also allows for the collection of details regarding individual user session activity and other connection information, effectively tracking time of use, session data and any score or test information. The interface is simple and mostly intuitive and allows for easy access to functions for revising and editing published web pages. LMA constructs pre-formatted XML code, and the content can be distributed in multiple file formats.
The subjects for this experiment were students in a large Introduction to Sociology course at a midsized state university in the Northeast. The course was made up of primarily freshmen students taking the course to fulfill a general education requirement. The study was conducted over the course of the spring semester of 2006. There were a total of 112 students enrolled in the course, however for the purpose of the investigation three students were excluded from the evaluation because they did not take both exams prior to completing the course.
Two mid semester tests were given during the term at approximately the end of the first third and the end of the second third of the course. The average score for each student on these first two tests was used as the dependent variable to assess the effect of the independent variable: access to practice exam questions and vocabulary words via cell phone. These materials were also part of the weekly lectures and class reading assignments.