Two Voices Poem- THE BIG PICTURE Names, hr. ______
Directions: Using your partner notes, thoughts, and your novel, develop a poem that represents each side’s view of the events that take place in chapters 15, 17, 18, or 19. Poems should capture how each character feels about what he or she wants as well as his or her overall “voice” and personality through word choice.
Each side should have a minimum of 8 lines, with the last line being shared by both characters. To present, each person chooses a character to read, and reads back and forth, taking turns, until the last line which should be read together.
LIST: This poem is from chapter 15; I will model with a student and then you’ll create a Two Voices poem from chapters 15, 16, 17, 18, or 19. Character choices: Ch. 15-Atticus and the “mob” at his house, Jem and the “mob” at the house; Ch. 15 (jail) Atticus and Jem, Scout and the mob, Jem and the mob; Choices for Ch. 17- Atticus and Heck Tate, Atticus and Bob Ewell, Atticus and Jem; Choices for Ch. 18: Atticus and Mayella, Atticus and Mr. Gilmer; Choices for Ch. 19-Atticus and Tom Robinson, Tom Robinson and Mayella. Make a T-chart on the back for your two characters. Fill in ideas on each person’s perspective. Consider how you chose info. for the prior inference assignment. SAMPLE:
Atticus The Mob
Let the courts decide the verdict Our job is to protect our Southern women
You know what the truth is Our reputation is at stake
Think your way of life is righteous? A Negro man accused of rape IS guilty!
“Do you really think so?” Hand him over or ya’ll be sorry
All men deserve a fair trial Lynch ‘em! He’s not a man!
You are not the law Our law IS Southern law!
Let’s use our reason, gentlemen Git out the way, Atticus!
I stand for what’s right We stand for what’s “white”!
All people deserve No black man deserves
Equal Rights!
Two Person Poem Presentation – 15 points summative
_____ Creativity (2)
_____ Content – Essence of characters’ personality (5)
_____ Eye contact (2)
_____ Projection/ Emotion (3)
_____ Graphic Organizer (3) Total=______
- Partners will be assigned “two voices” from the LIST on the front page.
- BRAINSTORM: Fill out a T-chart on loose leaf by skimming the chapter for words, actions, thought, and traits for each of your two sides.
- CREATE an interesting and compelling two person poem using the format in the example poems. Remember, EIGHT LINES for each side (can be more if needed) and the LAST LINE IS SHARED BY BOTH CHARACTERS. Practice before presenting.
Two voices poem:
Directions: Using your group members’ charts, develop a poem that represents each side’s view of the events. Capture how each side feels about what they want as well as their overall voice and personality through your word choice. The poem should have a minimum of 8 lines, with the last line being shared by both characters. To present, choose two people to read and read back and forth, taking turns, until the last line which should be read together.
Two Voices Poem
Bob Ewell Mayella Ewell
I ain’t toleraten lies I grow my flowers in this filth
Got my pride My Beautiful Red Geraniums
It’s all I got One day I will leave this place
My pride is gonna get you This place that controls me
My pride is bitter hate But today I control something
Hate against Tom Robinson I control Tom Robinson
My scapegoat Daddy gets drunk and beats me
What happens in this house stays in these walls He abuses me
Tom did it I can blame Tom
He’s black
T-Chart for Two Person Poem
Directions: First, brainstorm specific character traits for each of your characters. Second, find specific quotations from your chapter which support each side’s perspective. This will give you ideas as to how your characters feel and their personality. Third, brainstorm and write your poem on the back of this sheet. The quotes are NOT lines in the poem; they are a springboard for ideas. Look at the example on the front board.
Character Name, chp.: Character Name, chp.:
- List as many traits as you can. 1. List as many traits as you can.
- Quote: 2. Quote:
- Quote: 3. Quote:
- Quote: 4. Quote:
Write your poem. Eight lines per side with a ninth line that is shared
- 1.
- 2.
- 3.
- 4.
- 5.
- 6.
- 7.
- 8.